Status: 30 Day Letter Challenge

Dear You, Sincerely Me

Day Ten. Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To.

Dear Malachai,

You'd think since we're cousins we'd talk a whole bunches, but that's nnot true. We talk very little. And that kind of depresses me. We hardly ever get to see each other. That's why I'm hoping this Saturday that you'll be at the "family reunion". If you're not I'm going to be seriously depressed. You're like the only person on my mom's side of the family who really gets me. Everyone else thinks I'm wierd with my odd clothes. Though, I do think Samantha is coming around to accept that just because I dress differently doesn't mean I'm not just like her. Honestly though, I'd LOVE to talk to you more than we do. It's just so hard since you're more fun to talk to in person. No offense but you're kind of boring when you text. I love you.
