Status: 30 Day Letter Challenge

Dear You, Sincerely Me

Day Eleven. Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To.

Dear Aunt B,

Evertone tells me that when I was little I worshiped you. Apparently I was heartbroken when you died, yet I was to young to understand. But I don't remember you. Everyone says you called me your little fancy pants because I walked like I was all that. Aunt Maye said the day after your death I went into yoour room calling for you, and that I looked everywhere for you and cried when I didn't find you. She said this happened everyday for the longest time. Maybe your memory hurt me so much that I repressed it, and that's why I can't remember you. All I know is, if we were really close as everyone says we were there's a lot of stuff I'd like to tell you. Maybe one day I'll see you in the afterlife. I don't believe in God or Heavan but if there is one I'm sure you're there watching over me. I love you.
