Status: 30 Day Letter Challenge

Dear You, Sincerely Me

Day Six. A Stranger.

Dear Stranger,

Do you want to be the one person who will listen to everything I have to say. No, you probably don't. Noboddy ever does, not that it really bothers me. But you and I, we could be friends. I know right now I come off as a depressed person but I'm actually an unusually happy person. Actually, I switch back and forth. That's my problem right now. For awhile now really. I think I may be bi-polar. There's many things that can bring it on. I'm pretty sure I've went through some tragic shit. In fact, after everything happened with my "father" these topsy turvy emotions started. Enough about me, what about you? Are you someone struggling just as much as I? Maybe even more. I'm more than willing to listen. I know what it's like to feel lost and feel so completely misunderstood. In fact, it's pretty usual for me. The best part about it is, my friends can't see through my facade. Katie might be able to if we could see each other person. She was the one person who always seemed to be able to understand so completely, yet she had to move. Like the world was against me and could only let me be happy for so long. Now that I mostly talk to her over the internet I can monitor what I type. Make sure not a hint of my depression comes through. When we're on the phone I try to keep all of it out of my voice. She somehow catches little hints of it, but I always deny it and say everything is just fine. Wow. Apparently I have much more to say to a stranger than anyone else. Or maybe it's because since I have no idea of who I'm talking to, or who will read this for that matter, I can just say whatever is on my mind. It's a nice feeling. I guess this is why girls tend to have diaries. Don't know how to close this.
