Status: 30 Day Letter Challenge

Dear You, Sincerely Me

Day Nine. Someone You Wish You Could Meet.

Dear Alexander William Gaskerth,

I want to thank you for writing your amazing music. You have helped me through bad times and have just been there for the good ones. I have worshiped your music for several years now. If I could meet you in person that would be so absolutely amazing. You innspire me to write some of the lyrics and poems I have written. You'd think since you are my idol I'd have so much more to say to you. That's just the thing, I don't know what to say to you. I'd like to be a loved musician like you one day, that's for sure. You may not be seriously mainstream but that makes you all the better. You may not be as known as Paramore but you have more devoted fans, I'm sure. I will accept anything you do. Except if you decide to leave the band. I'd still listen to you but I'd be forever mad at you.

P.S. I'm listenning to Daydream Away right now! x]


Dear Christofer Drew Ingle,

You are one of my newer idols. You sing some of the cutest and beautiful sonngs I have ever heard. I just love the song I Love You 5. Once I learn how to play gutair I'd love to sing that song to my boyfriend. It'd be pretty sweet to meet you in person. You're definitly not really known and I have no idea why. You should be just as known as All Time Low. I've told as many people about Never Shout Never as I could. You NEED more listeners. Heck maybe if people read these, they'll start listening to both bands. That'd be seriously great. But anyways, just keep writing beautiful music and I shall keep listening.
