Status: Comments help, but i update as much as possible :)

Carry Us Away

I'll be your legal apostle


Mondays’ can be so unbearable. I thought back to something my best guy friend from high school used to say to me on particular egregious Monday mornings when I would act like a complete bitch. It always made me laugh when he would stare down at me with his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips and faking concern he would say, “Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays.” Always in a high pitched voice.

But today, I don’t think even he would have be able to lighten my mood.

I was in such a bad mood that I couldn’t even enjoy one of my favorite classes, because I was so drained—emotionally and physically. Usually, after a particularly painful break-up I would find some guy to rebound on until I was in a better disposition, a quick fix, but I didn’t even have time to go out, let alone think with all the shit I was dealing with. Freshmen year of college wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Don’t get me wrong, it had its perks, but on days like these I couldn’t even begin to tell you what those perks were.

I squinted at my Social Psychology professor and then opened my eyes wide hoping this constant movement would wake me up. I struggled to hear his words.

“I want you all to know that I am an apostle…” His voice rang out in throughout the classroom and I shook my head confused as hell. He looked around at us seriously and in his old creaky voice, that held nothing but wisdom and frailty all in one, said, “And each and every one of you is as well.”

I looked around and was relieved to see that I wasn’t the only one confused. Mr. Clemens noticed as well. “Who can tell me what an apostle is?” He asked.

“Someone sent on a mission, out to serve some purpose or a cause.” Someone in the front answered.

“Yes, yes, very good. Now, it is my belief that every single person, thing, even speck, is put on this earth to fulfill a mission. Every individual is here for a purpose. What might that purpose be, you may ask? Well, it can be many things. Perhaps you are here to teach or inspire.” He said in reference to himself.

“Or perhaps you are going to make a difference.” He looked around the classroom as we stared at him blankly.

“No, takers? Hm, well then maybe you are here to take up space.” The class erupted into small bits of laughter.

And little more seriously, Mr. Clemens said, “Possibly you are here to love whoever is around to be loved…”

He eyed us carefully, “But whatever purpose you may serve, be the best damn apostle possible.”

I was so engrossed in what he was saying which explains why I jumped about a mile in my seat when my phone rang. I quickly pulled it out of my bag accidently hitting answer. I muffled voice came out, but I quickly pressed end and stuffed it into the pocket of my jacket. My cheeks were flushed as I looked back up at Mr. Clemens, but he had already continued talking.

As soon as class was over I scrambled out. I didn’t want to give Mr. Clemens a chance to hold me back after class. I hurried out off classroom bumping into someone. He grabbed my arm and my hand wrapped around his tan bicep to steady ourselves.

There was a twinkle in his eye light gray eyes. “You’re the girl whose phone went off in Clemens right?”

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before looking up at him through my eyelashes. “Uh, yeah, but it wasn’t my fault. I’ve just had a crazy weekend. I’m kinda out of it.”

He let out a deep laugh. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not judging. That bad huh?”

I couldn’t offer anything but a small nod.

Our eyes connected again and he leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I can make your Monday a lot better.”

“Is that so?” I gave a coy smile. There was nothing going on between us except for pure lust and fun. I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed the attention. It gave me a rush of confidence.

“Come to our frat party tonight. ZBZ. It should be a lot of fun, especially if you come.” He licked his lips.

I traced a finger down his arm and back up again until goose bumps started to form from my touch. “That’s the red brick house on cherry street right?”

He nodded breathlessly.

“Maybe I’ll stop by.” I said softly. I then shoved him away lightly and began to walk away. I left him standing there looking dumbfounded.

Rule number three when dealing with douche bag guys: Never let him have the upper hand.

A guy may think he has control over you and sometimes it’s okay to let him believe that, but never, and I repeat NEVER let him turn you into his subservient. If he thinks you are lesser than him, then that gives him all the power.

I made my way back to the house I was renting with two other girls. I desperately needed sleep. Dealing with d-bags tired me out.



I stared at my phone in frustration. It had been over half-an-hour hour since I had tried to call Gabrielle. I couldn’t deny that it was pissing me off that she still hadn’t called me back. He had heard the phone answer, but she had hung up quickly. What was with that? Still she could have called back.

A sigh escaped my lips as I lay back in my bed, the thoughts running through my head were so jumbled. I tried to push the itching thoughts to the back of my mind, but I knew what really bugged me the most was the fact that I was letting it bug me.

As much I didn’t want to do this, my body wasn’t listening to my head. Very slowly, I pressed send once more. The phone rang once, then twice. I told myself that if she didn’t ring after the third ring I would hang up and give up for good. It would be her fault if she never got them back.

“Hello?” A groggy voice crackled through the phone into my ear.

I sat up and instantly felt bad, “I’m sorry. I woke you up didn’t I?”

There was a long pause. Once she came back her voice came out steady and awake, “Who’s this?”

“It’s um, Gare, uh, Garret?” It came out in a question as if to ask if she remembered me. I looked at myself in the mirror from where I was sitting in my bed and made a face to myself. I always made weird faces for no apparent reason.

“Oh, yes Garret, the guy who not only played peeping tom through my car window, but also gave me a lesson on how much of a bitch I am. How could I forget?” She asked sweetly. Her voice perked up and I could already imagine her please smirk.

I grimaced in frustration at my reflection in the mirror. “Hey, I already told you that I didn’t—”

“Save it.” She said harshly. “So why is the all high an’ mighty Garrett calling little ol’ me?” She asked playfully.

I was only talking to her on the phone, but it was still frustrating as fuck. I let out an aggravated sigh, “Will you cut the crap? I just called to tell you that you left your shoes in my car the other night. You have no idea how much shit I got from the other guys, because of it. Anyways, I figured you’d want them back so…”

“Oh,” was all that came back to me.

Was it possible that she was disappointed?

“So, do you want me to like drop them off?” I asked. “Except I won’t be able to do it tonight, because I have a gig tonight so…” I let my words fade. I obviously didn’t think this through.

“A gig?” She asked with curiosity.

I smiled. I couldn’t help it. I love talking about my band. I just had so much pride in what we did. “Yeah, the band I’m in, The Maine, we have a hometown show tonight.”

“Do you know what an apostle is?” I expected her to say something back about the band, possibly excitedly, something flattering maybe, but instead she decided to completely change the subject.

My eyebrows scrunched together, “Like Jesus’ twelve apostles?”

“Yeah!” She sounded surprised. “But in a more general sense.”

I had no idea where she was getting at. “Uh… so I guess like someone who tries to persuade others to some idea like Jesus’ apostles did?”

“Exactly.” She paused and let her voice come out with so much assurance that it freaked me out a bit. “Garrett, what if I told you that I was an apostle? And that as an apostle my mission involved you somehow?”

Now, I was making another face in the mirror. It was one of complete bewilderment. “What the hell are you--”

She cut me off. “I’ll see you tonight, Garrett. Oh, and bring my heels.” She demanded.

Without a goodbye she hung up leaving me feeling so confused at the conversation we just had.

What was with this chick?
♠ ♠ ♠
*Hmm... what do you think this mission is? I would love some comments or feedback! Or even a hello :)

*Thank you punkgurl56 and With_Vengeance for commenting!