Status: A lot written, a lot more to write.

The Red Ones Make You Fly, The Blue Ones Help You Fall.


~Frank’s POV~

I didn’t really think they would take the news that badly. I mean really is it that hard to accept the fact that your son is gay? Okay, I wouldn’t find it hard to accept, but then again I’m a gay man myself. So here is where I found myself sitting on the curb of the road with only a few of my worldly possessions and my bike. My bike had cost me a whole summer of work and a whole lot of money, but it was so worth it.

I took a look through my bag to see what things I had with me. I had about four change of clothes and a couple of CDs just in case I did find a place to stay that had a stereo. I let out a slight groan of frustration. Why did I tell them? What in my sane right mine possessed me into telling my parents, my Catholic parents, that I was gay? I sighed; I knew full well why I told them. I was angry. I was furious at the fact that I couldn’t love who I wanted. I mean you really couldn’t call it love. It was just some stupid little crush I had on one of my teachers. He’s 21 and it would be totally legal in Michigan.

How was I going to make it through the year? I had no fucking clue, no fucking home, and no fucking way of surviving more than a couple days, maybe a week at most. Speaking of fucking ways… I wonder what Mikey would be up to. I grabbed my bag from its spot next to me and checked for my cell phone. Fear washed over me as I realized that I had left it charging under my pillow up in my room at my house. I had forgotten to grab it in my fit of rage. I couldn’t live without my phone. It was my only connection to Mikey when we weren’t at school.

I knew what I had to do. I grabbed my bag, my helmet, and my keys. I put my helmet on over my head making sure it was fastened safely. I double checked my backpack to make sure that it was closed and that none of its contents were going to be spilled out during my ride. Sticking my keys into the ignition my bike roared to life and before I knew it, I was racing off to break into my house.
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