
Chapter 1

My breath blew out in a cloud in the cold air. My panting was the only sound besides the creak of branches and the thud of my heart. I knew they were behind me. I must not stop. I can't. I will surely be killed. I see the castle ahead and pick up my pace. This is my chance! I can finally escape them! I couldn't hear them but I know I can't trust my hearing when it comes to them. They can move like shadows when they choose to. The castle got closer and my hope grew. Finally, I reached the doors. The guards there raised their weapons when I came into sight. "who goes there?" one of the guards demanded. I stumbled forward. "" I said before I dropped to my knees gasping in pain. "miss?" the other guard asked, "are you alright?" he asked as he took a step forward. My vision was growing dimer by the second. The door behind the guards opened, "what seems to be the problem gentlemen?" a musical voice asked. Electric blues eyes shadowed by midnight black hair was the last thing I saw before I fell forward onto the snow.
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Hi guys!!! I'm working on a new story. It's short. Sorry 'bout that but please read it and tell me what you think. Ideas for the story are very welcome.