You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

And don't you go thinking this was a waste of time,

Kristen and Erica followed me back to Jeremy’s last night. We switched up the sleeping arrangements when we got there; Erica took Kevin’s room due to the larger bed for her and Katie. I gave up Jeremy’s bed to Kristen; it was the most comfortable and she was anything but right now. She is two weeks away from her actual due date and she looks completely miserable. I took Neil’s single bed and ended up going to bed late that night. I woke up early this morning to a sickening pain in my stomach. I ended up with my head in the toilet, throwing up what dinner we had last night.

“Aunt Marwee…” A little voice filled the bathroom. “Are you otay?”

I wiped at my mouth, moving to get up, “Yeah, baby, I’m fine.”

“Otay…” She yawned, leaning against the door frame.

I rinsed my mouth out and checked the clock, 6:08 am. I smiled and picked her up, setting her on my hip, “Why are you even up?”

“I miss daddy,”

“Did you tell mommy?” I sighed, putting her in my bed and covering her up to her chest. She curled against my pillow as I moved around the room, grabbing a hair tie and putting my hair up.

“Yeah…” She mumbled, “She told me to sleep.”

She yawned again and I smiled, “How about I call him? You can talk to him for a few minutes.”

Her eyes lit up and she grinned wide. I crawled into bed next to her and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. She curled into my side as I found Alex’s number in my phone. It rang for a few minutes before a hazy voice came over the line. “Marlee?”

“Hey Alex,” I smiled, “I have a little girl here that really wants to talk to you.”

He laughed, “Put her on.”

I handed her phone and she squealed, “Daddy!”

You could hear his voice break through the phone, “Baby girl!”

Her eyes were starting to droop and the phone was sliding out of her hands. She let me have it and I put it on speaker, so she wouldn’t have to hold it. “Hey Alex, you’re on speaker.”

“Alright,” He laughed, “What did you need baby girl?”

“Missed you…” She mumbled, trying to keep her eyes open.

“Aw, baby, I miss you too. Are you being good for Aunt Marlee, Kristen and mommy?”

“Mhm… The bestest.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” He laughed.

“Daddy?” She mumbled, huddling closer to the phone. “Yes, baby?”

“I love you…” She mumbled against the phone before her eyes finally dropped shut.

“I love you too, baby girl,” He whispered. “Is she asleep?”

“Yeah,” I smiled, running a hand through her dark curls.

“I guess… I’ll try to talk to her sometime,” He sighed, “thanks for calling, Marls… It means a lot.”

“No problem.” I furrowed my brows, “Bye Alex.”


I sat my phone on the counter and tucked Katie in, pressing a kiss to her forehead. I slipped out of the room and noticed that Jeremy’s door was open, Kristen must be up. I walked down the steps and I found her lying in the floor, watching Boy Meets World. I sat beside her and started laughing, “The fuck are you doing, beached whale?”

She grinned, “Watching TV; I couldn’t get comfortable on the couch.”

I nodded and watched a little bit of TV before I heard people come down my steps. Erica was still half asleep with an overly tired Katie resting on her hip. She let Katie down and she sat next to me, curling into my side.

“You have coffee right?” Erica mumbled, stumbling toward the kitchen.

I nodded and Katie shuffled closer. Kristen looked our direction and smiled, “She likes you. That doesn’t happen a lot with Katie.”

I shrugged and got up, pulling her toward the couch. She laid out, not even taking up half the couch, and rested her head in my lap. I took the blanket off the back of the couch and covered her up. Erica came back a few minutes later with a cup of coffee, looking a little more awake. She sat on the love seat opposite of Katie and I.

“I think Katie was having dreams about Alex again.” She said, looking at me and then to Kristen, “She said she talked to him.”

“She did,” I smiled, running a hand through her curls, “We called Alex this morning. She said she missed him.”

Erica’s brows furrowed together, “Listen, Marls, there are reasons I don’t let Katie talk to Alex, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t do that again.”

“What reasons?” I asked, making a face at her, “Because when she asks me to call her daddy, because her mother wouldn’t, then I’m going to call him.”

Her face pinched up, “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

“Of course you don’t, but I’m not going to stop Alex from talking to his daughter.”

She sat her coffee down and walked over, picking Katie up. The blanket fell from her and she took her upstairs, coming down a few minutes later. She had changed and so had Katie. She took her coat from the rack, slipping it on Katie’s shoulders, “We’re going to Neils’ mothers…”

“Erica,” Kristen started.

“We’ll be home later this evening.”

Kristen sighed and struggled to where she was sitting up. I moved off the couch, helping her the rest of the way up and over to the couch. She patted the spot next to her and I took it.

“You’ve know Alex for awhile, right?”

“Yeah,” I smiled, “We grew up together; Him, Josh, Neil, Jeremy and I.”

She smiled back, “Well I’ve known Erica for awhile and I know she’s upset right now. She doesn’t like Katie talking to Alex.”


“I have no idea,” She whispered, placing her hands on her stomach, “I just know that she never lets Katie talk to him or see him. It’s been that way since she left. Though I think Alex is the best dad he can be… He sends her child support every month, buys her what she needs when Erica can’t, sends things for her birthday and Christmas.”

“Well I’m not denying Alex the right to talk to his daughter.” I sighed.

“I don’t blame you… Just be careful, okay?” She whispered.


“I don’t want Katie, Erica or Alex hurt.”

I nodded and she moved around on the couch, trying to get comfortable. She ended up lying on her back, watching the TV from a weird angle. The phone rang and I grabbed it off the end table. “Hello?”

“Baby,” He sang. You could hear the smile in his voice, “Having my baby, what a lovely way of saying how you love me,”

“Oh my God, stop.” I laughed, but he continued and someone was singing along. “Having my baby, what a lovely way of saying what you’re thinking of me.”

“Jeremy McKinnon,” I laughed, “stop singing that right now.”

“Why?” He laughed, “I love that song and I love you.”

“Because it’s possibly the cutest thing ever…”

He laughed a little louder, “Then I’m going to finish singing it; Neil, Kevin, help me out here.”

I smiled, putting it on speaker so Kristen could hear. “I can see it, your face is glowing. I can see in your eyes and I’m happy you know it. That you’re having my baby; You’re the women I love and I love what it’s doing to you. Having my baby… The need inside you, I see it showing. Whoa the seed inside you, baby, do you feel it growing? Are you happy you know it? That you’re having my baby.”

I busted into a fit of giggles with Kristen as they finished up the song. I took him off speaker and pressed the phone to my ear, “That was kind of amazing, Jeremy McKinnon.”

“Yeah, well, that’s me… I’m amazing.”

I rolled my eyes, watching as Kristen put on a movie, “Skyping the appointment, right?”

“Yes, I’m so excited.” He whispered. There was a rustling sound and then a small scream in the background. Josh’s voice came over the line, “Marlee!”

“Joshua!” I giggled. “I get to see baby today, right?”

“Mhm,” I smiled, “but didn’t Jeremy tell you that we might have double McKinnon trouble?”

“Twins! Are you kidding me?!” He yelled, “Jeremy you ass.”

You could hear his laugh in the background and then Kristen grabbed my hand, the other on her stomach. I looked down at her; she was in pain. I dropped the phone in the process of helping her sit up.

“Tell Kevin… She’s coming…” She hissed, rubbing her belly.

I picked the phone back up and Josh was repeatedly saying my name into the phone. “Josh, shut up. Put Kevin on right now.”

There was a rustling noise and then, “Hello?”

“Kevin, get your ass here right now. Baby is on the way.” I smiled, helping her stand.

Nothing was said, but you could hear him yelling in the background. I sat the phone down and went upstairs to get her bag. I grabbed it and my phone started going off in my pocket. I pulled it up to my ear and went back down the steps, helping Kristen out to the car.

“Kev, calm down, okay?”

He huffed, “Okay… Is she okay?”

“Well if labor means okay, then yes.” I laughed, shutting her door and going around to the driver’s side.

“Not funny.” He hissed. “Can I talk to her?”

I looked over at Kristen. She was gripping the door with one hand and the seat with the other. “Well I’ll put you on speaker; her hands are kind of busy.”

I clicked it over to speaker, “There ya go, Kev.”

“Kevin…” Kristen whined, shutting her eyes and gripping the seat tighter.

“Babe, I’m on my way,” He sighed. “We’re maybe an hour or two away.”

She let out a low whine. “Kev, you have to hurry… She’s coming, now.”

“I’m trying.”

He sounded like he was about to cry and he probably was. Kristen loosened her grip on the seat and grabbed the phone, turning the speaker off. She talked quietly to him as I made our way to the hospital. I hung up on Kevin once we got there and helped her into the hospital. A young male nurse met us at the door and called for a wheelchair. He helped her in and I went to fill out the papers, calling Kevin to help me out with that.

“Is she okay? Are you with her?” He asked after I turned the papers in.

“I’m going that way now,” I sighed. “I’m sure she’s fine, Kev.”

“Well I need to know, okay?” He hissed. “I just wish I was there.”

“You’re doing the best you can. Don’t worry. I’ll help until you get here. How much longer do you think?”

“Well we stopped off to get a rental car; the bus was going too damn slow. We might be another thirty minutes…”

I nodded and walked through her room doors. She was lying on the bed with a smile, but tears were falling fast down her cheeks. I walked further into the room and then a nurse rushed past me with a sonogram machine. I sat next to her, Kevin still on the phone.

“Marls, what’s going on?” He whispered.


There was a rustling sound on the other end and I watched them press the little wand against her stomach. On the screen you could see the baby move around, but that’s when I spotted an extra head.

“Kris, why does your baby have two heads?” I whispered, low enough Kevin couldn’t hear.

“I don’t know!” She shrilled, grabbing onto the bed handles.

“Twin delivery…” The nurse mumbled, looking over at Kristen. “The babies look about ready to go… We’ll get Dr. Saporta in here to check your dilation.”

He left and tears fell faster down her cheeks, “Tell him… Twins.”

I nodded, “Hey Kev, we have a little surprise for you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update guys! I hope this makes up for it.
I've finally got this story all planned out with a little help from Kris.Leanne. Maybe even a sequel.
So keep the comments coming and subscribe if you'd like.

Marlee. :)