You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

I couldn't forget you if I tried.

After I told Kevin about the twins the doctor came in. He was tall and tan, a smile gracing his face and he went to work as soon as he seen the pain she was in. They set her up and he checked her dilation and she was only halfway there, but it wouldn’t be much longer; Kevin still has some time. I sat with her for awhile longer and the nurses made me leave, saying that Kristen had time to rest before going through this. I took a seat in the lounge and my phone blared out a Drake ringtone.

“Hello,” I questioned. The number wasn’t familiar.

“Mrs. Kingston?”

“Yes,” I sighed, watching the front door for the boys. “We’re just calling to remind you of your appointment. It’s at 2:30 this evening.”

I opened my mouth to tell her to cancel, but Kevin rushed in and he spotted me instantly. I thanked her and hung up. I grabbed him by the wrist and drug him to room 203. He smiled and gave me a tight hug. “Thanks Marls…”

“You’re welcome,” I hugged back. “Go in there, she needs you.”

He nodded and pushed through the door. A set of arms wrapped around my waist and lips we’re teasing their way up my neck, nibbling behind my ear. I giggled and covered my arms over his, leaning back against his chest.

“Babe, I’ve missed you so much…” He whispered, moving his hands around to where they fit perfectly across my bump.

“Mmm… missed you too,”

He licked under my ear and his teeth scraped my skin, “We don’t have to be here you know… We could go home… Just for a little while.”

I giggled. Turning and kissing the side of his mouth, “As much as I would love too, we have an appointment today. Then we have to come back… I have to see the baby Skaff’s.”

He groaned, “But we could go home and be alone…”

“When are you going back?”

“Tomorrow morning, around ten,” He sighed, resting his forehead against mine.

“Then we have all night to do whatever you want, I promise.” I smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. “But we need to leave… Our appointment starts in an hour and I’m starving.”

He rolled his eyes and kissed me quick before I was attacked by Neil. He pulled me away from Jeremy attacking me with a massive hug. “Where are Erica and Katie?”

“With your mother,” I sighed. “She hates me right about now.”


“Just some fuss about Alex, nothing too big. She’ll get over it, I guess.”

He nodded. I pulled away from him, looking for Jeremy who was talking with Josh and Alex. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his back, sighing contently. I’ve missed Jeremy. I moved to his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

“Josh and Alex are coming with us.” He smiled. “Neil wants to wait around for Erica and Katie.”

I nodded and followed them out the door. We piled in my car and Jeremy drove toward the nearest Wendy’s. Josh kept sneaking his hand toward my stomach during the ride to the doctor. He legit needs a woman to impregnate and bug the shit out of her. Alex kept him busy while we were waiting though, thank God. Jeremy laid his head on my shoulder, taking my hand in his. “I’m nervous.”

“Why?” I grinned, laying my head on top of his.

“I’m not sure…” He sighed, pressing his face into my neck. He placed soft kisses against my skin and a nurse called out my name. We stood up, all of us filing in to the back room. Jeremy helped me into the chair as we waited for the nurse to come in.

“I’m so excited,” Josh giggled, pushing Jeremy out of the way and sitting next to me.

“Josh, stop being an ass and let Jeremy sit with Marlee.” Alex hissed, grabbing Josh by his shirt collar.

Jeremy quickly took his spot and a nurse came in. She had short blond hair and bright pink scrubs on. Her smile took up her whole face and her eyes kept leaning toward Josh. She smiled brightly and brought out a machine, pulling it to my side. I felt Jeremy slip his fingers into mine and he let out a deep breath.

“We’ll just see if everything is progressing,” She smiled reassuringly.

I nodded and his grip on my hand tightened. I pushed my shirt up above my belly and she placed the cold gel on, rubbing the wand through it. Two beats started to fill the room. I smiled and looked over at Jeremy. His look was one of shocked and scared, but it was possibly the most adorable thing when I seen a tear roll down his cheek.

“They sound good,” The nurse smiled, pushing a few buttons on the machine. “Let’s take a look at them.”

I gripped his hand and looked over the screen. There were two little bean shaped things on the screen, moving closer to each other. I smiled and felt lips press against the back of my hand. I looked back at him and it’s possibly the happiest I’ve seen him in awhile. I grinned and the nurse cleared her throat.

“Everything looks good; we’ll need to see you in a couple of weeks though. Twins are little tricky and we’ll just make sure everything is going good.”

I nodded and she handed me a towel. I rubbed the gel off of my stomach and Jeremy helped me out of the seat. He took my hand, lacing our fingers as we made our way back to the front. A nurse stopped us before we went out the door, slipping an envelope in my hand. “You almost forgot these.”

“Oh, thanks.” I smiled.

He pulled me out of the building and wrapped his arm around my waist, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I giggled and wrapped both of my arms around his waist. Josh made an ‘aw’ noise and Alex a gagging one as we made our way to the car. We piled in, but we turned the other way, going toward home instead of the hospital.

“No, wrong way,” I sighed, hitting his arm and pointing the other direction.

“I want to go home for a little while. It takes a long time to have a baby and she has two in there, so you know she hasn’t had them yet.” He smiled, pulling up to the house.

Sighing, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Kevin’s number. He picked up on the second ring. “Marls!”

“Hey Kev,” I laughed as Jeremy came around to open my door. “How is she doing?”

“She’s doing fine.” You could practically hear the excitement in his voice. “They’re letting her take a nap and I’m trying to find something to eat.”

“Nice, keep us updated. Jeremy forced me to come home.”

“I’m sure,” He laughed.

“He did!” I yelled as he pulled the phone away from me. “She has to go. Bye.”

He shoved my phone in his back pocket and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the house. Josh and Alex had each taken a couch for themselves as an old rerun of Friends played in the background. I smiled their direction before I was being led up the steps and pulled into our bed room. He shut the door behind us and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing a slow, long kiss to my lips. “I’ve missed you…”

“I’ve missed you too.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck before placing a quick kiss to his lips.

He slipped his hands over my baby belly, a huge smile taking over his face. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you two… I’ve missed you too.”

I smiled, tilting his chin upward, “Sometimes, Jeremy McKinnon, you are too cute for words.”

He rolled his eyes, his smile getting a tad bit bigger as he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into his chest, my bump pressing into his stomach. He moved me back toward the bed, pressing easy kisses across my neck. I crawled into bed and he ended up beside me, head resting against my chest and his fingers tracing random patterns across my stomach.

“I like the name Jacelyn…” He mumbled as I trailed a hand through his hair.

“I thought you wanted a boy,”

“Nah, I’ve always wanted a girl,” He smiled, pressing a kiss above my chest.

“I like Jacelyn too…” I smiled, playing more with his hair and watching as he wrote out the name across my stomach. I pressed a kiss to the back of his head as he hummed a soft song under his breath.

My only wish is I die real ‘cause that truth hurts and those lies heal and you can’t sleep thinking he lies still..

I reached into Jeremy’s back pocket, pulling my phone out and answered. “Kev?”

“Baby number one is here!” He squealed and then hung up. I giggled, pushing Jeremy away and rolling off the bed. He followed me as I walked down the steps, seeing Josh and Alex asleep.

“Guys, the babies are here.” Jeremy smiled, poking both of their sides.

They shifted and mumbled incoherent words. I sighed and pulled Jeremy away from them, going out the door. “We can’t wait on them. I have to go see the babies!”

He chuckled and ducked into the car, putting the keys in the ignition. I buckled in and he pulled out, heading toward the hospital. He took my hand at the first red light and kissed across every knuckle, humming along with the radio under his breath. He pulled in, parking up on the second floor of the parking garage. He laced our fingers on the way to their room and we seen Neil, Erica and Katie coming out. She glared at me as they passed, heading to Neil’s, I hope. I can’t deal with her shit since Alex is staying with us. I rolled my eyes and Jeremy elbowed my side gently. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you later…” I sighed, pushing the door open. I sanitized my hands and moved to where Kevin was sitting on the end of the bed. Kristen was sitting up, but her eyes we’re shut and dried tears lines we’re on her cheeks. Kevin looked the same, except he was holding a bundle of pink blankets and making shushing noises. The baby in his arms slowly closed her eyes and curled against his chest.

“Hey Kev,” Jeremy whispered, looking over the baby in his arms. “Can I see here?”

He nodded and Jeremy sat in the chair across from the bed, holding his arms out for her. Kevin placed her gently in his grip and she stirred, but Jeremy hummed her back to sleep. Kevin sat back on the, pulling Kristen’s hand in his and lacing their fingers. Something was wrong, I could tell by the way Kevin was looking at me and the lack of another baby in the room. Jeremy is completely clueless, all distracted by a beautiful baby girl in his arms.

“They said she’d be fine…” Kevin whispered, messing with Kristen’s fingers. “We’ll be able to take them home soon…”

“What are their names?” I smiled, sitting next to Jeremy.

“That one is Emilie,” He smiled. “Ella will be in the infirmary for a little while… they’re might be something wrong with her heart.”

I pulled my hand away from Emilie and looked up at Kevin. “Did they say what might be wrong?”

“A hole in her heart… They said not to worry, that she looked okay, but that they still need to look after her.” He whispered, kissing along Kristen’s knuckles. “Jeremy…”

“Yeah?” He smiled, looking down at Emilie, who had woken back up.

“I’m not going back…” He sighed. “I can’t leave Ella here like this. I need to know that she’ll be okay.”

He looked up, “Kev..”

“I can’t and I won’t. If quitting is what it means then I’ll do it, but I’m going until I know everything is okay.”

He sighed, “I’ll work something out with Sal, okay?”

He nodded and Kristen moved behind him. She situated herself and made grabby hands for Emilie. Jeremy pouted, but handed her over and returning back to the seat next to me. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, lips ghosting over my ear, “I want ours now.”

I giggled. “You can’t have them now… They need to bake a little while longer.”

He rolled his eyes and Kevin was up, walking toward the door. “You guys wanna see Ella before you leave?”

“Yes!” Jeremy whisper yelled, jumping up and grabbing my hand. He followed Kevin and pulled me along to the infirmary. Kevin walked down to the last window and there was a little bundle of pink laying in a crib with the name Ella Skaff pinned to it. Kevin smiled, “That’s her… My little fighter.”

Jeremy smiled, “They’re adorable, Kev.”

“I know…” He laughed. “We do a pretty good job.”

I giggled and wrapped my arms around Jeremy’s waist, snuggling into his back. Kevin smiled at us and looked back down at Ella. “I think we need to talk later… The whole band, okay?”

“Alright,” Jeremy smiled, turning around to where I could snuggle into his chest. “Whenever you can come home for a little while, call us and we’ll talk.”

He nodded and we walked with him back to Kristen’s room, but parted ways as we headed for the parking garage. He wrapped me tight against him as it was getting a little cold with the night fall. He sighed and I could feel the uneasiness leak from his pores. “What’s wrong, Jer?”

“I don’t like this…” He whispered. “We might have to end this.”

“End what?”

“The band.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my lort! The Skaff children are here, the McKinnon children are coming along fine, trouble in Alex/Erica/Katie world and to top it all off the band might be ending. They are hot messes. I still love this story with everything in me though and I hope you still love.

Comment and subscribe my loves.

Emilie and Ella Skaff

Love, Marls. (;