You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

I leave no time to myself, the only way I can fight it.

I felt the bed move so I opened my eyes to see what was going on. Marlee had her back facing toward me, letting her legs dangle off the bed. There was a sniffing noise and then she got up, rubbing her eyes. She’s crying. Shit. I sat up and she walked into the bathroom, carefully shutting the door behind her. I put my palms to my eyes, trying to wake up. The shower kicked on and I moved off the bed, over to the bathroom door. I slipped in. She had the curtains closed, so I moved the left side a little and slipped in behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.

“Goodmorning…” I whispered against her skin, “Is everything okay?”

“Uhm, yeah…” She sighed, laying her arms over top mine, “I’m fine.”

“I’ve known you too long to believe that…”

“I’m fine, Jerry Berry…” She sighed, rubbing my arm.

“You don’t act fine.”

I turned her around, resting my hands on her lower back and my forehead against hers. She smiled before her eyes welled up with tears. It broke my heart. Even when we were little her tears always tugged at my heart. I pulled her closer and she buried her face into my neck, letting out soft cries.

“Marlee…” I sighed, rubbing her back, “Talk to me…”

She pressed herself against to me, molding into my body. I turned off the shower and pulled the curtain back, moving her out of the shower. I grabbed two towels from the rack, handing her one and wrapping the other around my waist. She walked ahead of me and back into the bedroom, gathering her off the floor.

“Hey, stop.” I grabbed her wrist, “Tell me what’s wrong.”

She laid her head on my chest, “I just… I don’t… What are we doing, Jeremy?”

“I don’t know… What are we doing?” I whispered, laying my head on top of hers.

“I don’t know…” She sighed, “But it’s making me upset… I don’t want our friendship to suffer because of this. I mean what we did last night was amazing, but if we’re gonna hurt each other then I don’t want it…”

“I would never, ever hurt you…” I kissed the top of her head, “But are we doing a relationship or should we just do what we did last night?”

“Like friends with benefits?” She giggled.

“Mhm.” I laughed, “Sex all the time.”

She giggled and undid the towel from my waist, hands resting on my ass, “I love that idea.”

“I thought you would,” I smirked, pulling her towel off. She looked up and I pressed my lips to hers. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her to the bed, laying her down. I crawled on top of her and started making the already dark marks, darker, on her body.

You make it so hard for me to close my eyes. Don’t worry babe, this will be alright in the end.

I pulled away from her and smirked. I was her , nice. She sat up a little and grabbed for her phone on the nightstand. She put the phone to her ear and laid back down, so I picked up where I left off. I took the pleasure in leaving not only love marks, but bite marks.

“Mmm…” She half-moaned and answered the person she was talking too, “I’ll be there in twenty, okay?”

She hung up after that and dropped her phone, pulling me to her lips. I tugged on her bottom lip, gaining entrance. She didn’t fight this time, letting me have my way and I’m not complaining. She pulled away, pouting.

“What’s wrong, Marls?”

“I have to go to work…” She sighed, “So I need you to get off of me.”

I chuckled and moved off her. She got up, grabbing her bag off the floor and walking into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I watched her change and throw her hair up into a messy bun. She was wearing a pink tank top, jeans and flip flops. You could see her hickys, marks and scratches.

“Are you wearing a jacket?” I asked, getting up and slipping some shorts on.

“No, it’s hot outside.” She laughed, spraying something.

“Your marks are kind of exposed.” I laughed, walking behind her and poking her hickys, “The bite mark on your chest looks awful.”

My teeth left a dark impression on her chest. She rubbed her hand over it and looked over herself in the mirror. Her body was one big love mark. People would either think someone beat the shit out of her or she’s got a lover and I’m not sure if she wants people to know about our deal.

“Shit,” She mumbled, “What am I going to do?”

“Wear my jacket.” I smiled, walking to the closet to get it. They just sent it to me, so it wouldn’t have my smell. I brought it to her and she slipped it on, zipping it up.

She frowned, “It doesn’t smell like you.”

“Do you want it too?” I laughed, “Because I have others or I can spray it.”

“Spray it for me.” She smiled, handing me the jacket.

I rolled my eyes and went to my dresser, grabbing my spray off the top. I sprayed it down and laid it on the bed, so it wouldn’t choke her. She was putting on lip gloss and I attacked her neck, sucking and biting on the old places.

“Jeremy, stop.” She giggled, “I’m trying to hurry.”

“But I don’t want you to leave…” I whined, kissing on her shoulder.

“Jeremy, I’ll come back after work, okay?”

“Fine…” I sighed, following her back into the bedroom. She picked up the jacket and zipped it up, putting the hood up. It hid everything but the front part of her neck, which was marked up pretty good.

“Bye, Jeremy.” She kissed my cheek.


She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. I on the other hand needed a shower and something to do until she gets back.

Marlee’s Pov.

I walked out the front door and out to my car, pulling the hood off. I don’t think I can wear this thing all day, it’s too damn hot. I pulled out of his driveway and cranked the air up, trying to cool myself off. I pulled into Victory Records and parked in my space. I pulled the hood over my head and walked into the building, back to the main office. Frank was sitting at the reception desk, sneezing and coughing.

“Alright, you,” I smiled, helping him out of his chair, “go home and get better.”

“Thanks, Marls.” He smiled, grabbing his stuff and walking out the door.

I settled in and tried not to focus on how hot it was getting in here. Some lady came in and gave me a bunch of papers to sort and get to Tony. I got started only to be interrupted by Pete Wentz and Haley Victor.

“Why in the fuck are you wearing a jacket?” Pete laughed, trying to take my hood off.

“Stop, Pete.” I moved away from him, trying to stack papers.

“Take that jacket off and I will.”

I sighed and pulled off the hood, “Better?”

He nodded, moving behind the desk, “Except what are all these marks on you?”

“Nothing…” I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks.

“Those are love marks.” Pete giggled, “Who from?’

“Yeah,” Haley asked, “I mean you didn’t have those yesterday and you’ve only been with… You didn’t!”

“I did…”

“Did what?!” Pete yelled.

“She slept with fuckin’ Jeremy McKinnon.” Haley hissed, palming her face.

“Holy shit,” Pete smiled, “Let me see the rest of these.”

I rolled my eyes and unzipped the jacket, shrugging it off my shoulders. Pete’s eyes widened and Haley stared in shock. They were all over my arms, chest, neck and back. He smirked.

“I love the one on your chest.” He laughed, “That’s the best one.”

“Mhm. That was the best one to get.” I laughed with him and Haley rolled her eyes, obviously disapproving.

“Are you two, like together now?” Pete asked, setting his ass on my desk.

“No, we decided to go with the friends with benefits option.” I laughed, “I get him anytime I want.”

“Nice.” He laughed, “But you know those never work out. One of you will end up falling for the other.”

“Nah, Jeremy and I have been best friends forever.” I smiled, “If it hasn’t happened yet, then it won’t happen.”

“But you’ve never had sex with him, right?” I nodded. “It’s different then. Sex gives you a connection, emotionally and physically. You’ll see. I bet you’ll fall first.”

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever, Pete.”

“It’ll happen and when it does, I better get a call telling me when the wedding is and when you’ll be popping out little McKinnon’s.”

“Don’t say shit like that, Peter!” Haley yelled.

He rolled his eyes and got off the desk following Haley back to Tony’s office. After that work flew by. Tony ended up sending everyone home early because him and Pete were going out. I didn’t mind, that means I get my treat a little early tonight. I looked at clock and decided I’d go get us something to eat. I pulled into a Taco Bell and order the Taco Party thing. I’d only eat like two, but Jeremy eats like a cow. I paid and drove to his house, parking in the driveway. The house was dark, but I pulled out the spare key and walked in. He was laying on the couch watching The Dark Knight.

“J, I have food.” I smiled, flipping the kitchen light on.

I heard footsteps run into the kitchen and arms wrap around my waist, “Oh my word, you’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had.”

I rolled my eyes and grabbed two for myself, before he attacked the whole box. The tv was turned up loud and you could hear the dramatic music rising. His eyes widened.

“We have to watch this, c’mon!” He yelled, grabbing the box and running into the living room.

I followed him and sat next to him on the couch. He devoured his tacos in minutes while intensely watching the television. I ate one of mine and gave him the other one.

“This will make eleven… Should I eat it?” He laughed, looking at it.

“Do it.”

“But what if I get sick?” He whined, unwrapping it.

“Then I’ll take care of you.” I laughed.

He nodded and started eating on the taco. I laid against him, nuzzling my face into his shoulder. One of his arms snaked around my waist and laid his head on top of mine.

“I think taco eleven was a bad idea…” He whined.

I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him, getting up. I flipped on all the lights and looked him over. He was rubbing his stomach, making weird noises.

“C’mon, let’s get you to bed.” I smirked, helping him off the couch. I followed him up the stairs and into his room. He stood there as I took off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers and helped him into bed. I covered him up and went to his bathroom, getting some stomach medicine out of his cabinet. I poured some into the little cup and took it out to him.

He smelled it and pushed it away, “I’m not taking that.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not. I’ll just suffer.”

“Jeremy McKinnon, you will drink this right now.” I said, pushing it toward him.

He tightened is lips into a straight line and shook his head, no. I sighed and straddled his waist, setting the medicine on the side table. I pressed a kiss to his lips and deepened it, drawing it out. I pulled away and he had his mouth open, trying to get air. I smirked and grabbed the cup, pouring it in his mouth. He scrunched up his face and swallowed it down.

“Now, that wasn’t bad.” I smiled.

“You weren’t drinking it.” He huffed, laying back and looking away from me.

“Now, Jerry Berry, it’ll make you feel better and besides you got a kiss out of it.”

“Can I have another?” He smiled, looking up at me.

“Is that all you want?”

“For right now,” He smirked, sitting up and giving me a light peck on the lips, “I want more later.”

“I can do that.” I giggled and pushed him down, connecting our lips. He wrapped his arms around my thighs and rubbed small circles on the inside. I smirked, pulling away.

“So I don’t want to get too excited right now.” He sighed. I got off of him and laid next to him, snuggling against him. He wrapped an arm around my waist, bringing me in closer. “How’d work go?”

“Good. Pete stopped by.”

“What’d he want?”

“Nothing really,” I laughed, “but he discovered your love marks. He says the one on my chest is the best.”

He laughed, “I have a hard time believe that’s all he said.”

“Well he also said this wouldn’t work, that we’d end up falling for each other and get married, popping out little McKinnons.”

He stayed quiet for a minute and then let out a little chuckle, “That’s not going to happen.”

“I know.” I smiled, “That’s what I told him, but he kept saying it. “

“Pete doesn’t know us…” Jeremy sighed.

I nodded and snuggled up to him. He was really warm and I was suddenly really tired. I yawned and pulled away, slowly getting out of his bed. I felt his hand on my back, grabbing my shirt.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m tired and I’m not up for it tonight.” I yawned again, “I’m gonna go home.”

“No, don’t leave…” He whined, pulling me back, “Stay with me tonight, you can go home tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

“Mhm, come lay with me.” He patted the spot next to him. I rolled my eyes and rejoined him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I yawned and he kissed my forehead.

“Can you sing for me, Jerry Berry?” I snuggled closer.


“When 3’s a crowd,”

“I went to sleep thinking about you and I woke up just the same. You made it so hard for me to close my eyes. Don’t worry babe, this will be alright in the end and I’ll be your everything…” He sang, stopping for a breath, “So we’ll tell ourselves that this is for the best, but I’m depending on you to lead me through.”

I stopped him and pressed a kiss to his lips, “I love the way you sing…”

“Thanks.” He smirked, yawning.

“Goodnight, Jerry Berry.” I yawned.

“Goodnight, Marlee baby.” He laughed, wrapping me tightly. Pete might be right. This feeling that I’m feeling right now, should not be happening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Friends with benefits!!! Who wouldn't want that with Jeremy? Bahaha.
Anyway, I hope you love it.
Comment and tell me what you think about this whole friends with benefits deal.

Marlee's Outfit.

Pages on Word: 11.
Number of Words on Word: 2,508