You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

When I'm alone it's like I'm staring into a mirror.

Three weeks in now, almost a month since we’ve been doing this, but I hate to break it to him. There will be no sex this week. He’ll have to keep it in his pants or find someone else to stick it in. I don’t do sex around this time and I know he’ll be a horny bastard when he comes over later. I sighed and threw the covers over my head. I don’t even want to deal him right now, but he insisted on coming over. There was a knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in…” I sighed, sitting up.

Jeremy came in with a large purple box with glitter all over it. Tied to the handle of this box was two balloons, one said Get Well Soon in bright pink and purple, the other was a plain purple balloon. I giggled and he smiled, setting the box on the end of the bed.

“Hey…” He whispered.

“Hi…” I whispered back, crawling over to the box and sitting in front of it. He rolled his eyes and opened the lid. Inside was a shit load of stuff. He pulled the first thing out. It was a bag of Hershey Kisses with caramel on the inside.

“Your favorites, right?” He smiled. I shook my head and he dragged out the next thing. It was the Pirates of the Caribbean box set. I smirked.

“You love these movies, right?” He bit his lip and I nodded, waiting for the next thing. He pulled out a large bottle of bubble bath, Apple scented. Apple was my favorite. I grinned and he pulled out a shoe box from TOM’s. My eyes widened and I grabbed the box, pulling out the custom made bright purple TOM’s.

“Jeremy!” I yelled, wrapping my arms around his neck, “These are amazing.”

He laughed, “I knew you’d like them.”

“I love them.” I smiled, letting go of him and putting them back in the shoe box. He pulled out the last thing and it was a little index card that was purple. He handed it to me and written on one side said, I love you in the friends with benefits kind of way… (:

“I love you too… In the friend with benefits kind of way.” I smiled, wrapping him in a hug. He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead, “But you didn’t have to do all of this.”

“I know, but you sounded miserable on the phone.” He scrunched up his face, “I had to make you feel better.”

“You’re too sweet.” I laughed, “I think I wanna use my bubble bath first.”

“Mkay.” He smiled, letting me go, “I’ll be here when you get out.”

“No…” I pouted, “I want you to give me a massage… Please.”

“Fine,” I smiled and held out my arms.

He smirked and picked me up bridal style, carrying me to the bathroom. He sat me down on the sink and started the water, pouring the bubble bath in. I watched as he left the room and came back with three apple scented candles and a lighter. He sat two on the corners, lighting them and the other on the sink. The tub filled up quick and he left so I could change. I stripped down and climbed into the warm water, tying my hair back so it wouldn’t get wet. He came in a few minutes later with his pant legs rolled up. He sat on the back of the tub, feet dangling in the water. I settled my body in between his legs and he moved his hands up and down my back.

“Jeremy, can I ask you something?”


“Do you actually like me… Like more than a fuck buddy?” I bit my lip. His hands stopped moving for a second, but then picked back up. His lips graced my ear.

“Of course, I do…”

“Like do you know what I mean?” I sighed. I don’t think he does.

“Like a girlfriend?”

“Y-yeah…” I mumbled.

“I thought you said you’d never fall for me… or that’s what you told Pete.” He laughed.

“I can’t help it…” I mumbled, resting my head against his knee, “I like you.”

“But…” He smiled, “I like you too…”

“So are we doing this for real now? Like dates and shit?”

“If that’s what you want.” He rubbed my shoulders.

“Is that what you want?” I whispered.


“Then let’s do it.” I smiled, “Remind me to call Pete later… He’ll be expecting a wedding soon.”

“He’ll probably get one.” He whispered, “But I think we should wait awhile on the baby.”

“You’d marry me?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” He smiled, kissing my cheek and climbing out of the tub, “But you’ll get a real marriage proposal later on.”

He wiped his legs off and left the room, leaving me with the thought of marriage. I smiled and laid my head back, grabbing my phone off the side of the tub. I brought up Pete’s number, sending him the ‘we’re dating text.’ He’d probably be excited because he was right, but I just can’t help it. I really like Jeremy. I grabbed the towel off the rack and wrapped around me. I changed into my LA Dodgers sweats and shirt, slipping on my glasses and socks next.

“Jeremy,” I sighed, coming out of the bathroom and crawling into my bed, “Can you get me some ice cream?”

He stuck his head through the door, “What kind?”

“Brownie batter from Ben and Jerry’s,”

He nodded and shut the door. I moved around and pulled the box into my lap. I took out the Pirates of the Caribbean box set, taking out the first movie. I got up and put it in, letting the commercials play through so he wouldn’t miss much. I wish he’d hurry though; I need someone to cuddle with.

“I’m back.” He yelled, coming through the door. I smiled and he handed me the ice cream with a bright purple spoon, “What are we doing now?”

“Pirates of the Caribbean,” I giggled. He climbed in next to me and I laid up against him. His arms snaked around my waist, rubbing small circles on my side. I took the top off the ice cream and dug my spoon in. I took a bite and then got another scoop, “You want some?”

He nodded and I shoved it in his mouth, “Thanks.”

“Welcome.” I giggled.

He took the tub from me and sat it on the side table, wrapping me tighter in his arms. He snuggled his head into my neck and left a light kiss. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“J, why are you being so snuggly?”

“Because…” He sighed, snuggling closer. If that was even possible, “I’ve missed you.”

“But I’ve not been anywhere.” I giggled, running my fingers through his hair.

“I didn’t get to see you at all this weekend…”

“Mhm…” I sighed, looking over at my tub of ice cream. I want it back so bad. He nuzzled my neck and I reached over to grab my ice cream. I successfully got it without him noticing and popped the lid off, getting a scoopful.

“Are you eating ice cream?” He asked, moving to look behind him.



“I love ice cream.” I smiled, moving out of his grip and getting another spoonful.

“But I’m more important, right? You love me more than ice cream?”

“Right now, it’s kind of a tossup. This ice cream is really good.”

“You love that ice cream more than you love me?” He pouted, “But I-“

“Bitch, I just want to eat my ice cream!” I yelled, sitting up and folding my legs Indian style, cradling the ice cream in my lap.

“Ma-“ He started but the tears welled up in my eyes. I didn’t want my ice cream anymore. I sat it on the side table and laid back, throwing the covers over my head.

“I-I’m s-sorry…” I mumbled, “I-I didn’t m-mean it…”

His arms wrapped around my waist and I curled into him, crying into his chest. He rubbed my back, “Marlee, you’re fine.”

“No… I s-shouldn’t have y-yelled…”

“I shouldn’t have taken your ice cream away.” He smiled, “I’m sorry.”

“I feel like a bitch, now…” I sighed.

“Don’t, baby…” He mumbled against my ear.

I yawned, “But I do…”

“You’re not a bitch.” He laughed, “But you are tired, go to sleep?”

“Will you sleep with me?”

“Yeah,” He smiled.

We’ve never just slept together before, unless you count after sex, but I don’t think you should. So this is like our first couple moment. His grip on me tightened and he pressed a kiss to my temple, “Goodnight, Marlee…”


Later that day.

I yawned and sat up, stretching my upper body. He wasn’t here, but I could smell something amazing coming from downstairs. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and walked down stairs. My living room had been cleaned and so had my kitchen. Jeremy was standing at the stove, stirring what smelled like spaghetti.

“Jeremy, did you clean for me?” I smiled, pulling myself up on the counter.

“I did.” He laughed, turning off the stove and walking over to me. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck.

“Thank you,” I brought my lips to his for a light peck.

“Welcome.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and attached our lips again, still short and sweet, “I also made you dinner.”

“Then you get another thank you.” I smiled, giving him another light kiss.

“And you get another welcome.” He smirked, bringing me back in for another.

“IT’S TRUE!!” Someone yelled from the kitchen doorway. It sounded a lot like Pete.

“Holy shit!” I yelled, “How’d you get in my house?!”

“That’s not important.” He smirked, “But this is! You guys are so cute!”

Jeremy rested his head against my chest, “Pete, get the fuck out.”

“No…” He whined, “I came all the way here to see this and I want to watch you all being cute.”

“That’s really creepy.”

“I don’t care.” He laughed, “I’ll be in the living room, so you all continue whatever in the hell you were doing.”

Pete walked out of the room and Jeremy looked up at me, “Get him out, please.”


“I don’t know…” He sighed.

“What do I get out of it if I make him leave?” I smirked, running my fingers through his hair.

“Whatever you want,” He smiled.

He moved out of my way and I slipped off the counter. Pete was laying across my couch, watching something on tv. I smiled and sat on his stomach, making him groan.

“Peter,” I smiled, “Get the fuck out of my house.”


“Get. The fuck. Out of my house.” I hissed.

“Fine…” He sighed, pushing me off him, “Bye Marlee.”

“Bye.” I smiled, walking into the kitchen. Jeremy smirked as he set the table. “He’s gone?”

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his waist, cuddling into his chest. He kissed the top of my head, “What do you want as your prize?”

“Paint my toenails later,” I smiled.

“Ugh, you’re kidding me.” He whined, “I can’t paint nails.”

“Please, Jeremy…”

“I will, but I’m not promising that they’ll look the best.”

“I don’t care.” I laughed.

He shook his head and let go of me, moving to set the food on the table. I took a seat at one end and he sat next to me, fixing a plate. He put like a ton of spaghetti on it and pushed it in front of me.

“I can’t eat all of this.” I laughed, eating a bite, “I’ll die.”

“Nah,” He laughed, “You’ll be fine.”

I ended up picking at the food. What I ate was really good, but I couldn’t eat all of it. Jeremy on the other hand ate all of his and half of mine. He cleared the table and I got up going into the bathroom, looking for my nail stuff. I found it. It was a large shoe box full of nail polish, remover, and other shit.

“Marlee?” He yelled, walking by the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and found him in my room sitting on the bed. He smirked and I handed him the box, “Here ya go.”

He sighed and opened the box, looking over it all, “What color?”

“I don’t care, just do what you want.”

He smiled and picked out five different colors: teal, orange, purple, dark blue, and pink. I crawled in next to him and set my feet in his lap. A new Pirates movie was playing, so I decided to watch it and not watch him ruin my toenails.

“I’m done!” He yelled, a huge grin on his face.

I looked down at my toes. They actually looked really good. He ended up mixing the colors and they were like tye dye. I have no idea how he done it, but I love it. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

“I thought you said you didn’t know how.”

“I lied.” He laughed, “I’ve painted my little sister’s toenails before.”

I punched his shoulder. “Ouch!”

“That didn’t hurt.”

“Yes it did…” He rubbed his arm, “Make it better.”

I rolled my eyes and kissed his shoulder, making him smile. He pulled me on top of him and pressed his lips lightly to mine. I took one of his hands and laced our fingers, resting my head against his chest after the kiss.

“I’m tired…” He yawned, making me rise on his stomach.

“Then let’s sleep.”
I moved off of him and crawled to the top of the bed, crawling under the covers. He joined me after shedding his shorts and shirt. We ended up on separate sides of the bed.


“Yeah, babe?”

“Why are you way over there?” I sighed, turning around to see his back facing me.

“I don’t know.” He laughed, turning to face me, “Why are you way over there?”

“I always sleep on this side…” I pouted, “Come over here, please…”

He smiled and moved across the bed, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nuzzled into his neck and left a light kiss on the base of his neck.

“Goodnight, Jeremy.”

“Goodnight, baby.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I simply love this chapter. Hah, their relationship is growing!! Can you believe it? I can.
I'm super pumped about all of this and I hope you all are too.
Comment and spread the word; I just love this so much.

Marlee's Outfit.

Pages on Word: 12.
Words: 2,395.