You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

Don't know the person inside and that's never been clearer.

I can’t believe we’re doing this. I want to, but I’m just not sure how it’s going to go. I’m awful at dates. I get too nervous and right now I’m shaking. She makes me even more nervous, there’s something about her that just gets to me. I walked up her front steps, ringing the doorbell and waiting on her to answer. My shakes were getting worse as she took longer to answer the door. She opened the door a few minutes later and looked absolutely amazing.

“Hi…” She whispered, a smile growing on her lips.

“Hey…” I smiled, holding out my hand for her to take. My nerves settled a little when she laced our fingers together and moved close to me as we walked to the theater. I felt fifteen again.

“You’re being quite…” She mumbled, unlacing our fingers and wrapping her arms around mine.

“Sorry.” I laughed, “Just nervous.”

“Don’t be.”

We walked up the steps to the theater and I paid for the tickets while she went to get popcorn. Everything was going pretty good as far as dates go, except that I was being kind of quite.



“If us dating means you’re not going to talk to me, then I don’t want to date.” She sighed, handing me the popcorn.

“No, I want to date. I’m just… Dates make me really nervous and you make me nervous… It’ll get better I promise.”

She nodded and followed me into the theater. We’re watching Just Go with It. We sat in the back and we’re practically the only ones in the theater, not that I minded. It made me less nervous. She seemed really pissed off about something, probably me. I was gonna have to make my move. I moved the arm rest in between us and snaked an arm around her waist. She smiled a little and leaned into me, setting the popcorn in the floor.

“Jeremy,” Her voice tickled on my neck.


“Did you see what Pete left on my doorstep for us?” She laughed, showing me the picture on her phone. It was a box from Victoria’s Secret titled, Seductive Treats. I wiggled my eyebrows and she giggled, making the couple in front of us give evil glares.

“We could leave now.” I smiled, pulling her closer. She was practically in my lap now.

“No… You have to wait.” She giggled, giving me a light peck on the lips.

I sighed and ignored her for a minute to see if she’d beg for attention, which she did. Her head rested on my shoulder and her lips moved down my neck, nibbling at certain places. I bit my lip, still trying to ignore her as her hand slipped up my shirt and her nibbles became love marks.

“Can we please go home?” I sighed, feeling myself grow hard.

“No…” She whispered in my ear, wrapping her arms around my waist and snuggling into me.

After she quit teasing me it was easier to focus on the date and not what I get after. She snuggled into my neck, yawning.

“You can’t be tired.” I sighed. This was not happening.

“I am, Jerry Berry…” She yawned again, hugging me tighter.

“Then let’s leave… I can make you un-tired.”

She giggled, removing herself from my lap and taking my hand. We took our time getting home, even though I wanted to get there as fast as possible. She was forcing me to walk slow, tightening her grip on my hand any time we gained speed.

“Let’s get ice cream.” She stopped me. We were in front of an old ice cream parlor, Yesterday’s.


“J, let’s get ice cream… I mean you’ve got me all night and the next night and so on.”

I nodded in agreement and followed her into the store. I ordered chocolate for the both of us and we agreed to walk and eat. She wrapped her arm with mine and leaned her head on my shoulder.


“Yeah,” I stopped, pulling her over to a bench. She leaned up against the handle of the bench and put her feet in my lap.

“Are you really into this date? You just don’t seem like it to me.”

“That’s not it all.” I sighed; I knew I’d fuck this up, “I’m awful at dates. Ask anyone… I just get nervous and I don’t know what to do, because I don’t know what you want…”

She tossed her ice cream in the trash can next to us and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, “J, I just want to be with you… You don’t have to be anything but you. Besides your cute when you’re nervous.”

I chuckled, leaning my head against hers, “I’m sorry… I promise I’ll make it up on our second date, if you still want to.”

“I still want to…” She whispered, pressing her lips to my temple.

I could feel the blush rise to my cheek and I felt her hand move to my chin, pulling it toward her. She pressed her lips lightly to mine and quickly pulled away with a giggle.

“What are you giggling at?” I laughed, pressing our foreheads together.

“Nothing…” She smiled, giving me another kiss, “Let’s go home…”

“Awwww!” Someone yelled.

I turned around to see Pete coming around the corner. I took in a deep breath and looked at Marlee, “I don’t want to talk to him…”

“Well then let’s go.” She giggled, moving her legs off my lap and taking my hand. We ran down the block and up her front steps, looking back to see if Pete was following. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was.

“He’s not.” I smiled, trying to catch my breath. She giggled and picked up the box he’d left. There was a note on the top stating that this was for Marlee’s eyes only. She stuck it under her arm and opened the door, heading for the stairs. I followed her but she turned around, putting a hand to my chest.

“Not until I say you can come upstairs, okay?”

I nodded and watched her disappear behind her bedroom door. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge. I pulled myself up on the counter and waited for ten minutes.

“Jeremy…” She yelled, “I need your help.”

I smiled and slid off the counter, walking up the steps. I walked in her room to see three bottles of things from Victoria’s Secret but no Marlee.

“Where are you?”

“Bathroom…” She sighed, “Can you grab that purple and white bottle and come here?”

I grabbed the bottle and walked into the bathroom. She had on black see-through lingerie and it was a total turn on. I smiled and sat the bottle on the counter, wrapping my arms around her from behind and kissing on the back of her neck.

“You look…” I sighed, leaving a dark mark on her neck, “Amazing…”

“Mmm…” She moaned wrapping her arms around my neck, running her fingers through my hair, “Grab that bottle.”

I pulled away, grabbing the bottle off the counter. “I figured I’d give you the pleasure of rubbing me down.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, popping the top off. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and I squirted some in my hand, starting with her upper back. She leaned into my touch so I pressed harder as I moved down her back. Her lower back was really sensitive, so I took advantage of it. I didn’t press as hard, but left scratch marks that made throaty moans escape her lips.

“Just your back?” I whispered against her ear.

She grinned and took my hand, “Bring the bottle.”

I grabbed it and she pulled me into the bedroom, lying down on the bed. “My legs,”

I nodded and crawled in between her legs, putting some on my hands. I started with her left thigh, moving slowly and watching her bit on her bottom lip. She’s driving me crazy. I pressed small kisses around her waist line to distract myself, but her moaning made it hard.

“You…” I pressed some on her stomach, “Are… Beautiful…”

She smiled and pulled on my shirt, bringing me to her lips. I straddled her hips and tried to keep the kiss light, but she insisted on force. She ended up on top of me, tugging my shirt over my head and tossing it to the floor, kissing on every inch of my torso. My hands traveled down her sides and grabbed her hips, forcing her back under me.

“Fondue or Whip cream?” She smiled, sitting up and catching my lips for a quick kiss.


“Fondue…” She held up a can of body edible fondue, “or Whip cream…”

“Both…” I smiled, grabbing the fondue first. It had a little brush to draw things with and I still wanted to keep this sweet and romantic. I opened the lid and dipped the brush in, then taking it to her skin. I drew hearts on her chest and stomach, then writing the word love down both her thighs. She giggled every time I touched her and I just couldn’t keep focused.

“Your smile is distracting…” I laughed, putting the can on the side table and putting my lips to hers.

“Sorry…” She whispered against my lips, “Will you get rid of this heart for me?”

She pointed at the one on her chest. I nodded and started to suck the chocolate heart off her chest. She let out a loud moan which only pushed me over the edge.

“No whipped cream.” I whispered, pulling off my shorts and my boxers, throwing them to the floor. She nodded and pulled me in for a kiss, tugging on my bottom lip. I broke the kiss and dug through the side table drawer, no condom. I grunted and she moved under me, going through the drawer, bringing out the empty bottle of lube.

“Shit…” I mumbled, but then her lips brushed against mine. “Don’t worry about it.”

I nodded and positioned over her, “You’re sure?”

“Mhm…” She smiled, sitting up and giving me a light kiss.

I pushed in slowly and winced at the horrible sound that escaped her mouth. I wanted to stop right then and there, this wasn’t worth it.

“Babe, we don’t have to.” I slipped out and kissed along her jaw line, “I can’t stand those sounds your making.”

“But…” She whined, obviously wanting it.

“No… We can wait.” I pressed a light kiss to her lips, “Let’s just go to sleep.”

“I can’t sleep, are you kidding me?” She laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck, “Kiss me.”

I rolled my eyes and pressed another kiss to her lips. “Another.”

I laughed and started kissing on her neck, then down the rest of her body, getting the rest of the chocolate off. I ended back up on her lips, giving small kisses and not deep ones.

“Can I have one deep kiss before I fall asleep?” She yawned, running fingers through my hair.

“I don’t know…”

“Please?” She pouted. Her full bottom lip jutted out and I just couldn’t resist. I bit on it before pressing our lips together, drawing it out, just like she wanted.

“Will that do you?”

“Maybe…” She yawned, “Maybe not.”

“Well I need to know.” I laughed, pressing against her sides and making her laugh.

“One more?”

I nodded and pressed our lips together, running my hands over her sides. She broke the kiss off and smiled, taking my face in her hands.

“You know the way you touch me like that…” She whispered, “Just makes me fall in love with you even more…”

I could feel the blush hit my cheeks, “You’re in love with me?”

“I think so…” She whispered.

My stomach flipped and my heart sped up a little bit. I could feel the smile come across my face, “Well I think I’m in love with you too…”

She grinned and brought my lips to hers, deepening it and then pulled away fast, “Are we moving too fast?”

“Do you think we are?” I asked, pushing some hair out of her face.

“Maybe… I love you is kind of serious for a first date…”

“Well technically we’ve been together for a month and a half…” I whispered, “But it’s still a little soon.”

“Well…” She sighed, “How about… I like you a lot.”

I grinned and moved besides her, pressing my lips to the back of her neck, “I like you a lot too.”

She giggled and I wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling the covers over us. She turned and snuggled into my chest, intertwining our legs. I pressed my lips to her forehead, “Goodnight babe.”

“Goodnight sweetie…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Their first date!!!! Ahhh, way too cute. I made Jeremy nervous and shit, because that's always a fun time. Wooo, although they didn't get to fuck. Ehhh. We'll save it for later.

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