You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

I miss our family and I miss all our friends.

I let out a heavy sigh, looking back at the clock, 11:45 a.m., and then down to my phone. His flight would be landing soon and he promised to text me. Jeremy had to leave for a week, which really turned into two, because they decided to try and find a new label; fucking ridiculous, if you ask me. He’d known about if for a couple of weeks but decided it was best not to tell me. I was pissed, but I still miss him. He called a lot while he was away, but he’s not here. Okay… Thinking about all of this is depressing. I sighed and looked around, no one’s fucking here and I’m taking lunch early. Not that I’m eating or anything, but still. I slipped my headphones on and laid my head on the desk. I hit shuffle and what plays, You had me at Hello by A Day to Remember. Fuck my life. I leave it on, of course, but hearing his voice makes my heart hurt. I literally miss him too much.

“Marlee,” Fuck my life. Go away.

“What?” I whined, sitting up and pulling my head phones off.

It was Haley, “Miss him?”

“More than you could imagine.” I sighed, “Is it that noticeable?”

She shook her head, laughing a little, “Yeah. I mean you’re listening to his music, you’re wearing Vans – his favorites-, and you’re wearing his ‘I’m sorry for not telling you earlier’ necklace and earrings. It’s pretty damn noticeable.”

I sighed again. Thinking about him makes my heart ache and stomach knot up, “Can we change the subject, please?”

“Yeah… Sorry.” She shrugged, “How about we go out for lunch?”

I really don’t want to go anywhere, besides home. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”

I shrugged, grabbing my bag and phone, following her out the doors. We walked down the street to a little restaurant, Harry’s Seafood Bar and Grille, easily getting a seat. I thought this might be kind of a good idea, getting out of the office and such, but I just want to go back. Everything here makes me want to die.

“Marls, cheer up. He’s coming home today, isn’t he?” She half-smiled.

“He’s supposed to, but he said that last week…”

“I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”

I know she’s trying to be helpful or some shit, but it’s really quite aggravating. Everything is and I just want Jeremy. Damn everyone and everything. I give out a loud huff and fold myself up into the booth we’re in. I’m probably being the biggest bitch right now.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled, feeling tears push against my eyes, “I don’t mean to be like this…”

“Marls, your fine,” She smiled, “I do the same when Gerard leaves.”

I nodded and turned away from her too look out the window. I hear the waiter come by, but I ignore him and mess around with the napkin to my left.

“I ordered for you.” Haley said, breaking the silence.

“I’m not hungry…” I laid my head against the table, now picking at the ends of my shirt.

I’m holding on to a fairytale, we’re moving forward but we’re not there yet.

I jumped a little at the sound of my phone telling me I have a new voicemail. I moved around until I found my bag, pulling my phone out and pressing it to my ear.

Hey darling, just letting you know that our flight will be landing soon. I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much… Neil, shut the fuck up. Anyway, babe, I have to go… See you soon.

The message made the knot in my stomach twist tighter and the tears fall from my eyes to the phone that was now in front of me. I’m glad he’ll be here soon… I can’t take much more. I felt a hand press to my shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” Shit, I forgot Haley was here.

I sat up, wiping my eyes, “Nothing… Jeremy left a voicemail telling me he’d be home soon…”

She nodded, she understands. Gerard is away on tour right now, so she’s probably dying; I would be. I don’t want to even want to think about Jeremy leaving for tour. I just don’t. I hate to say it, but I’m glad the band is taking a break. The waiter came back, setting two plates on the table. She ordered the Cajun shrimp for me; my favorite.

“Thanks, Haley.” I smiled, taking a bite.

“No problem. You need to eat.” She sighed, “You’ve not been eating since he left.”

I nodded, because it was true. It’s not that I wasn’t hungry, because I was, it just hurt to eat. That stupid knot in my stomach would hurt worse as I ate something, so I just stopped all together. Probably not the best idea, but would you eat if your stomach hurt? No.

“Stop picking and eat.” She smacked my hand.

I tried eating again, but everything was leaving a foul taste in my mouth. I must be getting sick or something or it might just be that Jeremy’s been gone for so long. I’m not enjoying either. I started to pick again and she slapped again, knocking the fork out of my hand.

“If you don’t want to eat, just say so, but don’t act like you’re going to if you’re not.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Sorry…” I sighed, setting the fork on the plate and leaning back into the booth. I think I’m ready to go home… I wonder if Tony will let me take the day off… Probably not.

“Ready to go?” Haley asked, putting money in the little cash book thing.

I nodded and followed her out, back down the street to work. We’d just made it before lunch ended and Haley parted from me, going back to the accounting part of the company. I sat back at the front desk, turning to the computer. I might as well work a little today, even though the knot is swelling tighter. I log in and start typing times and dates in, might not be so bad. I felt the knot squeeze tight and what food I had in my stomach, lurch up. My hand flew to my mouth and I ran down the hall to the bathroom, retching up what I had and stomach acid; not fun. I stand, going to the sink and rinsing my mouth out. I’m calling Frank in and going home, I feel like shit. Stepping out of the bathroom, I run into Tony.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, looking me over, “Why are you crying?”

I didn’t even know I was; shit. I wiped my eyes, “I’m just not feeling well.”

“Well call Frank and go home.” He smiled, pulling me into a hug, “Get better.”

I hugged him back, sometimes he can be the nicest boss ever. He let go and I walked back to the front desk, finding Franks number. When I found it and started dialing the door clanked, someone was here. I didn’t look up, praying that Frank would pick up soon and he did.


“Hey Frank, its Marlee… I was wondering if you come in for the rest of the day.” I sighed, leaning back in my chair.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” He mumbled before I heard a rustling sound.

“I’m not sure; I just don’t feel good at all…”

He mumbled something and then told me he’d be here in five minutes. I hung up and looked up to see if whoever came was still here. There were two people sitting in the corner, they looked familiar. Kind of like… “Kevin! Neil!” I yelled, trying to smile.

They started laughing and making their way over to the desk. I smiled, but then I felt the knot in my stomach tighten and then acid shot up my throat. I swallowed it back down, that didn’t help things at all.

“Are you okay?” Kevin asked, eyebrows knitting together.

“Yeah, you kind of look like shit.” Neil added, trying to feel of my forehead.

I moved away from him, sliding my chair a little, “Thanks for making me feel better guys…”

“Sorry.” Neil mumbled, “Are you sure you’re okay though?”

“Not really.” I sighed, “I’m just waiting for Frank to get here so I can leave.”

They nodded and it just occurred to me that Jeremy wasn’t with them, “Guys, where’s Jeremy?”

“He’ll be here in a few. Something about picking something up before he came here.” Kevin shrugged, “He’s missed you an awful lot.”

“I know the feeling.”

The door clanked and Frank stepped through. He walked past Kevin and Neil, helping me get things together. Once he got settled, I moved from behind the desk to sit with the boys until Jeremy got here. I hope soon, I just want to go home now.

“Marlee…” I heard some say. I looked up and Jeremy was standing in the door way. I smiled and he ran over to me, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed my lips to his, my stomach lurching when our lips connected. I pulled away, scrunching my face as I swallowed the acid. Tears stung my eyes and Jeremy’s face scrunched up.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

“I don’t feel good…” I sounded whiny, but I don’t. He gave me a light peck on the lips and sat me down, wrapping me in a hug. God, I’ve missed him. I feel the tears I’ve held in, push out and onto his shirt. He hugged tighter and I laid my head in the crook of his neck, wrapping tightly around his waist. I must have been crying really hard because Neil and Kevin were whispering about taking me to the hospital. Jeremy nodded and then I was being lifted, my face still hid by his neck.

“Shh…” He cooed, rubbing my back. I moved a little too where I could see around me. We were in his car, but Neil was driving and Kevin was in the back. His lips moved across my forehead, leaving a small kiss, “Feeling better?”

My stomach had settled a little, but it was still knotting, “Not really…”

His hand slipped under my shirt, rubbing over my stomach. “I’m sorry…”

I snuggled back into his neck and he continued to rub my stomach, the knots slowly settling. The car slowed down to a stop and I was being lifted again. Kevin was in front of us, opening the door and Jeremy carried me to the waiting room. A nurse stopped in front of me. It was a man, he had light brown hair and ice blue eyes. He smiled and Jeremy’s grip tightened.

“What’s the problem here?” The nurse asked Jeremy.

“Severe stomach pains…” I groaned into Jeremy’s neck.

“If you’ll follow me, we’ll try to figure out what’s wrong.” The nurse spoke soft, reaching out a hand for me to take. Jeremy semi-growled and stood up, me still in his arms.

We walked back to a room on the first floor, there was a doctor already waiting. He was tall, maybe just a little bit taller than Jeremy, and he had light brown hair and ice blue eyes, kind of like the nurse. Jeremy sat me down on the table, moving to sit in the chair beside it. I sat up and pulled my knees up under my chin, watching the doctor.

“Mrs. Kingston, right?” He spoke soft.

I nodded and he looked things over in the file. Jeremy took my hand in his, lacing our fingers. I sighed and the doctor rolled his chair next to the table, “I’m Dr. Smith, and by reading what you told Dallon, I think we should have you take a pregnancy test.”

“A what?!” Jeremy asked, gripping my hand.

Dr. Smith laughed, “A pregnancy test.”

“But… We never… I don’t…” He started, running his lose hand through his hair.

I felt my stomach knot again and I gripped Jeremy’s hand, making him jump. He kissed my hand, but then something wet hit my skin. He was crying. I can’t handle him crying… I never could. I turn away from him, laying my head back and starting to shake from the sobs I’m holding in. Dr. Smith held out his hand for me and I latched on, pulling myself off the chair. I didn’t look at Jeremy before I left, I can’t stand to see his tears. I followed Dr. Smith and took the pregnancy test, he said to go back to the room and he’d be there as soon as he knew the results. I took my time though, thinking things through. I don’t mind having Jeremy’s baby, but he seems to mind… Maybe we shouldn’t have done this… I walked in and felt his eyes on me.

“Marlee…” Jeremy sighed, but I couldn’t look at him. His voice was shaky and it was tearing me apart inside. “L-look at me, please…”

I bit my lip and looked up at him. His eyes were red, kind of puffy and he wasn’t smiling, but not frowning either. I could feel the tears sliding down my face and he moved in front of me, wiping my tears. He wrapped his arms around me, resting low on my back, and I rested my forehead on his chest.

“When did this happen?” He whispered, sniffling.

“Two weeks ago…” I sighed, remembering that I had no condoms at my house.

“But… I wasn’t in that long… I didn’t even cum…” He sighed, rubbing my back.

“You didn’t have too.” Dr. Smith came in the room, sitting in his chair, “Don’t mean to get personal, but you were hard while you were in her, right?”

Jeremy blushed, but nodded. “Then you had pre cum, which contains sperm.”

I turned to look at Dr. Smith; he had a pill bottle and a little yellow slip of paper. I drew in a shaky breath, clinging to Jeremy tighter. His lips pressed to my forehead, continuing to rub my back.

“So we got the results and you are pregnant… Somewhere around two weeks, close to three.” He smiled.

Jeremy’s chest shook a little, but he hugged me tighter. I could feel tears, but I didn’t want to cry. I should be happy… I’m having his baby… I love Jeremy.

“These are your vitamins and I’ve already scheduled an appointment with the OBGYN.” He handed me the bottle and little slip of paper.

I pulled away from Jeremy when we left the room and he reached for my hand. I placed it in his, lacing our fingers as we walked down the hallway. He had a slight smile on his lips, but you could tell something wasn’t right. Kevin and Neil greeted us as soon as we walked into the waiting room.

“What’s going on?” Kevin looked me over; Neil doing the same.

“She’s pregnant.” Jeremy smiled, squeezing my hand.

“HOLY SHIT!” Neil yelled, wrapping me in a hug and lifting me up, “Marls is gonna have a baby McKinnon.”

I giggled and he sat me down, this time Kevin wrapping me in a hug, “Too bad we’ll be gone for three months, right Jerm?”

I took in a deep breath, looking over at Jeremy. He was biting on his lower lip, “Yeah…”

“Where are you going?” I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

He sighed, “Can we talk about it later?”

I sighed and nodded, but noticed the glare that Jeremy gave Kevin. We walked out to the car and drove home; Kevin and Neil were staying with us for awhile. I dropped my vitamins and slip on the counter, going to get the boys blankets and such. I dragged some out of my hall closet and heard Jeremy go into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

“Here you go, boys.” I smiled, handing them the sheets, pillows and blankets.

“Thanks, Marls.” Neil smiled, setting up the couch for him and Kevin.

I nodded and walked to my room. I don’t know where he’s going for three months, but I don’t care. I just want him now. He was lying across the end of the bed, humming something under his breath. I smiled and crawled on top of him, sitting on his waist.

“Hi…” I whispered, laying down on him and snuggling under his neck.

“Hey…” He whispered back. I could hear his smile.

“We’re having a baby…” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his middle.

“I know…” He laughed, “What do you think it is?”

I sighed, “I hope it’s a girl.”

“I think I made a boy.” He smiled, rubbing my sides, “But I might have made a girl…”

I just hummed a yes, trying to snuggle closer to him. He moved a little, “We need to talk about something.”

“What is it?” I sat up, moving off his waist and up to the head of the bed, slipping under the covers.

He moved beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist, “I’m leaving for tour soon…”

“I figured that…” I sighed, leaning my head against his shoulder, “How long before you leave?”

“Next Monday…”

I took his hand in mine, “Are you doing shows around here or like in Chicago?”


“Then I’ll just come see you when I can…”

He smiled, kissing my forehead, “I love you...”

“I love you too…” I giggled, moving to look at him. He smiled wider, placing a finger under my chin and moving his lips toward mine, pressing lightly. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, before slipping it into my mouth. He moved to where he was straddling my waist.

“Can we do this tomorrow?” I sighed, pulling away as he kissed down my neck, “I’m tired.”

“Mhm…” He half-moaned, moving to lay beside me, “We’ll defiantly do this tomorrow.”

I rolled my eyes and curled up under the covers. He flipped the lights off and crawled back into bed, wrapping his arms around my middle. He rested his hands on my belly, smiling into my back.

“Goodnight, Marlee…” He whispered, but then moved down toward my stomach, “Goodnight, baby…”

I giggled, “Goodnight, Jeremy…”

“What about the baby?” He whined, rubbing my stomach.

“It says Goodnight, Daddy.” I laughed. He sighed with content and snuggled in the crease of my neck. Taking in his warmth I found it easy to get sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so freakin' pumped about this. I hope to update more, but school starts tomorrow so they'll be coming slowly. Enjoy!

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Marlee's Outfit.