You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

I still wish you the best of luck, baby.

I ended up at Josh’s last night. He was shocked to see me, but took me in for the night. I didn’t sleep at all, crying every time the scene replayed in my head. He stayed up as long as he could with me, him falling asleep around four this morning. Kevin called several times trying to convince me to come back, but this is what we need… Tears found their way back to my eyes as Josh walked into the living room. I wrapped myself tighter in the blanket and swallowed my sobs.

“Good morning, Marls!” Josh smiled, plopping down next to me on the couch.

I didn’t reply, but laid my head on his shoulder and let my tears go. He wrapped an arm around my waist, “Don’t cry, Marls.”

“Good morning, Joshua,” His dad bounced into the room, “Good morning, Marlee.”

“Dad, this is not a good morning,” He glared, “be more sensitive to her feelings, ass.”

“Sorry,” He sat next to me, “Anything I can do?”

“Make us some tea?” Josh smiled.

He nodded, retreating to the kitchen. Josh’s grip tightened on my waist as he reached for the remote and turning it to Fox. He smiled, “Maury marathon!”

“Josh…” I whispered, biting on my lip, “Will you call Jeremy?”

“Why?” He turned it down, looking at me.

“I just…” I swallowed a sob, “Wanna hear his voice…”

“Marls,” He hugged me tight, “It’s going to be okay. Dad’s tea and Maury will make everything better. You two just need sometime apart. I promise he’ll come around.”

I sighed. All I wanted was Jeremy.... His voice, his laugh, his smile… his everything. I should have just said yes; I mean I’m going too eventually. I snuggled deeper into Josh and his dad came back with warm tea, adding honey to mine. I smiled, taking it and sipping on it carefully. Josh turned Maury up and stole some blanket, moving it across his legs.


I looked at the clock and it was way past twelve. I should have been up hours ago, packing and what not, but I don’t wanna get out of bed. I miss her and I know it’s my fault that she left. She just needs to be back in my bed, wrapped up in me. That’s all I want right now.

“Jer,” Neil’s voice broke the silence, shoving my door open, “Get up, you need to start packing.”

“I’ll do it later…” I mumbled, hiding further under the covers.

“What’s wrong?” He sighed, sitting on the edge of my bed. I didn’t answer, feeling tears press my eyes, “C’mon Jer, talk to me.”

“I’m an idiot…” I sighed, swallowing the lump in my throat, “I shouldn’t have acted like that… What if she doesn’t come back?”

“Maybe you should have thought about that… Now start packing, we’re leaving soon.”

I grunted, rolling over and out of my bed. I grabbed my suitcase out the closet, throwing shirts, shorts, jeans and shoes in; not caring what it looked like. I zipped it up and rolled it out of my room, down the stairs. Kevin, Kristen, and Neil we’re waiting downstairs.

“Erica is gonna meet us at the studio,” Neil mumbled, pushing past me and to the door.

“How ya holdin’ up?” Kevin asked, passing me with a very pregnant Kristen.

“I’ll be fine, I guess.”

He nodded and walked ahead, helping Kristen in to the car. I took in a deep breath, loading my stuff into the back and sitting in the front seat with Neil. We drove the few miles to the studio and I seen her little red Ford Focus. Josh was getting his things out of her car and wrapping her in a hug before loading his things. Her shoulders were kind of slouched and I seen Erica move beside her, talking low as Katie tugged on her hand. I sighed, but an excited noise escaped Neil as he seen them. He wishes so much that Katie was his own and not Alex’; makes things awkward sometimes between them.

Kevin nudged my shoulder as we parked, “You can make things better, you know… Talk to her, we have time.”

We filed out of the car and Neil made his way over to Erica, Katie hugging his leg, “DAD!”

He laughed, picking her up and resting her against his hip, “Hey cutie, miss me?”

She nodded and giggled, snuggling into him. Erica stepped away from Marlee and wrapped her arms around Neil’s waist, pressing a kiss to his cheek. A smiled beamed from his face and I looked over to see Kevin and Kristen sharing their goodbyes. She had a steady stream of tears flowing down her cheeks, Kevin doing the best to dry them. Alex and Kasee we’re here and Josh was already on the bus. Marlee was watching everyone carefully, glancing my way every now and then. She looked miserable and I wanted so much to make things better.

“Here,” Josh stepped in front of me, “I’ll take your things… Go talk to her.”

He slipped my luggage into his hands and made his way back to the bus, giving me a thumbs up. I let out a heavy sigh and shuffled my way over to her car. Neil and Erica quietened but then a little form attacked my leg, “UNKLE JMY!”

I smirked, picking her up, “Hey pumpkin,”

“Whose this?” She giggled, pointing at Marlee.

“You remember Marlee,” I smiled, “She’s uncle Jeremy’s best friend..”

“Oh yeah! Marwee!”

Marlee smiled and I sat her back down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She ran off as Alex pulled into the parking lot. I looked back over at Marlee, you could see the tears forming. I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around her and pressing a kiss into her hair, “I’m sorry…”

“No, I’m sorry,” She mumbled, curling into my chest, “I love you and, um,”

“What is it?” I whispered as she pulled away from me.

“I’ll marry you… If the offer still stands.”

I could feel the tightness in my chest uncoil and a smile spread out across my face, “Of course it still stands.”

She grinned and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. I nuzzled her neck and pulled away, feeling the ring in my pocket. I took her hands in mine and pressed our foreheads together, “Marlee, will you marry me?”

“I will…” She smiled, pressing her lips against mine. I slipped the ring on her left hand and she nuzzled into my neck, something wet hitting my neck.

“Babe, don’t cry,”

“I just love you so much,” She whispered, “Don’t go…”

“I have too,” I kissed her hair, “but you’ll see me in two weeks. I’ll make up everyday that we’ve been apart, I promise.”

She giggled and squeezed me tight, before pulling back. She wiped at her tears and admired the ring on her hand. I looked her over as she showed Erica. The sweater she was wearing was hugging just enough to see her small baby bump. I grinned, stepping between her and Erica, running a hand over her stomach. A smile broke out across her face and she pressed a innocent kiss to my lips, “Erica said I’m bigger than an eight week should be…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“There might be more than one…” She whispered, pressing a kiss to my ear.

I gulped, “Twins?”

She nodded and wrapped her arms tight around me, “Twin McKinnons… Can you handle that?”

A light sound escaped my mouth, “As long as you’re with me.”

She giggled and hugged tight, pressing repeated kisses to my lips. Something tapped my shoulder and I turned my head, seeing Alex with Katie, “We need to leave, man.”

“Alright,” I sighed, breaking away from Marlee, smiling at her, “Two weeks… Will you know for sure by then?”

“Nope…” She sighed, “That’s 16 weeks… You’ll be here for that.”

I grinned, pulling her close, “Really?”

“Mhm…” She smiled, “And I’ve managed to Skype all other appointments… Josh wanted that.”

I laughed, “Of course he does…”

“Jeremy,” Alex called.

“I have to go, babe. I’ll see you in two weeks.” I kissed her quick, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

She hugged me tight and I took off behind Alex. Josh had all my things set up and was already setting up the game system. I sat down next to Kevin and my phone started blaring TDWP, “Hello?”

“I miss you already…” She whispered. My heart ached and I stood, going to the back lounge, “I miss you too…”

“Hang up Marls, you’re only making it harder.” Erica said in the background.

“Erica says I need to hang up,” Her voice broke off in a sob.

“I’ll Skype with you before bed… Don’t cry, okay?”

“Okay.” She mumbled, “I love you, Jerry Berry.”

“I love you too.”

I waited for her to say something, but the line stayed quiet, “Marlee?”

“I’m not saying goodbye,” She whispered, hanging up.

I shook my head, a chuckle shaking my chest. Alex ran to the back and grabbed my wrist, dragging me through the bus, “Its Xbox time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I love everything about this.

Comments, please?

Marlee's Outfit.