Me and My Friends vs. You and the Zombies

Chapter 12

Matthew’s P.O.V

“Romesh!” I cried as our Sri Lankan friend attempted to climb through our now broken living room. He was blatantly a man on a mission as he thrashed around avoiding the cold death grip of the zombies and grabbing on to my warm living arm to help pull himself in. I screamed and in the process of pulling my arm back I pulled him into the room so he ended up sprawling on our living room floor. He was in a spotless white overcoat and his hair was plastered to his scalp with sweat he looked up at me and seemed to be on the verge of tears. I stared down at him unable to register that someone as strong as Romesh would cry over something like the end of the world because let’s face it, boys don’t cry right?


I looked round the room and to the people in the hallway where most of them were still congregated around Lee, out of the 12 people in the house not one of us had dry eyes. We were all affected by this and I knew that it went further than us losing Ilan. It really was the end of the world.

There was a loud groan as a zombie tried to follow in Romesh’s footstep and climb through the broken glass, it’s leg seemed to have come unconnected with it’s pelvis so it couldn’t move it right to put it down on the edge of the sofa.

“Matthew!” I turned at the sound of my voice and saw a pale Stu holding high the spade he had bought from his home. He threw it in my direction and I caught it trying to register what he was asking me to do. I stared at him as he mimed me slashing at the leg with the spade. Wait, he wanted me to fight the zombie, he’s fucking joking right. I looked round at the others the group round Lee, Romesh still on the floor at my feet. They were all watching me expectantly, it was like the world had stood still while we were watiing for my first action. Sean caught my eye and smiled, if he can still smile at a time like this then surely I can do something.

I lunged at the leg with the wooden handle of the spade and prodded it forcefully. Nothing was happening. I poked it harder but it kept writhing either trying to make contact with our sofa or connect itself back into it’s respective socket. I was getting frustrated, my teeth gritted as I began whacking it, the wood making a hollow sound against the rotten flesh.

I looked back over at Stu who was wide eyed and shrugged.
“Try it the other way,” He shouted, I looked confused for a second until I noticed Sean making a light saber movement with his arms…they meant turn the spade around. I get it!

Gripping the spade by the handle I went at the leg again, this time slashing it with the blunt metal end. The leg sliced clean off and landed with a thump on our sofa. I stared at it before looking back at the window. The zombies face greeted me. I went at it with the metal and bitch slapped it with my spade. It fell back wards taking it’s…stump with it. I scooped the calf and the ankle plus foot upon to the spade and chucked it out the window. I wasn’t letting this spade go, multi purpose weapon.

Gavin ran in followed by Snoz with planks of wood that looked like the slats of a bed. They began shoving them over the large open pane and Bob whacked nails in like a crazy man. We could hear the zombies outside annoyed by our initative to cover up their entrance. I felt Romesh stand up next to me and brush himself off before wandering into the hallway and up the stairs.

Strange man.

I looked round at my friends all faces pale, some cheeks tear stained.

This week was turning out to be odd.

Ian and Jamie were huddled up against the hallway wall with Ian’s face buried into Jamie’s chest. Jamie looked over at Lee and lifted his arm and put it round Lee’s shoulders. Lee leant into the one armed hug. Mike and Rhys were sitting huddled in a corner of the living room staring blankly at the now boarded up window. Stu was in the kitchen and I could hear him talking to Romesh who had come back downstairs. Gavin, Snoz and Bob were stood in a huddle by the window discussing what should happen next. Even through all that had happened these past few days I felt a smile creep onto my face. It felt good to have friends like these.

I went to sit on the arm chair nearest the TV and farthest from the window, Sean came along and perched on the arm of the blue apolstered chair. He leant his cheek against my head and sighed deeply.

“Cookie?” He asked holding up a packet of double chocolate chip which I accepted gratefully.
♠ ♠ ♠
Romesh. Pwns. Your. Face.

This. Chapter. Is. Rubbish.

It's. A. Filler.


Sorry. About. Any. Spelling. Mistakes. My. Spell. Check. Has. Broken.

Not. Yay.