Me and My Friends vs. You and the Zombies

Chapter 15

Sean’s P.O.V

“Snoz! What are you doing?!” I cried desperatly through the bathroom door. Snoz had vanished a couple of hours ago, I’d looked high and low for him until Jamie told me he saw him wander into the bathroom. It was deathly silent apart from my ragged breathing, there was no water running and he wasn’t making any sound. I feared the worst. I suppose I should have got Stu or someone to knock down the door but I couldn’t find the strength to get up and find anyone. I just sat by the door occasionally sobbing tears staining my pale face.

“Snoz,” I cried again my eyes closing as I was slumped against the door, crying had always made me tired and it was taking it’s toll. I must have slept, because I woke up lying fully clothed on my bed. Ian was sat in a chair next to me looking sheepish and holding a mug of tea, I sat up quickly head spinning slightly but gratefully accepted the drink. Taking a sip I almost spat it out again remembering the events of earlier. I looked at Ian expectantly but he was looking distantly out the window at the darkening sky.

There was a commotion outside the door and a mumbled 'fuck' was audible. I was still disorientated from my involuntary sleep and just dismissed it as Jamie coming to find Ian or something. What I didn’t expect was for Snoz to tumble through the door in all his masculine glory. I felt water collect in my eyes as a girlish type squeal got stuck in my throat. He was alive, he was here, standing in front of me smiling. Snoz beamed down at me making me feel small in comparison.

”Snoz,” I managed to squeak through the minuscule gap formally known as my throat.

He let out a throaty laugh and sat next to me as I gawked at him, eyes bulging.

“I thought…you were…I,” I stuttered not quite believing that he was actually here.

Ian got up and left a minute later closing the door, Snoz moved forward and wrapped his arms around me removing the cooling mug of tea and placing it on the side. Snoz didn’t look like he’d be so caring, with his tendency to whack the fuck out of drums most people thought he’d whack the fuck out of people too but he was probably the most gentle and caring person in the world, especially now as most of the world was the living dead.

He held me close as I snuggled against his chest, sighing I closed my eyes again as Snoz lovingly caressed my blonde head.

“I was listening to my ipod in the bath,” I heard him murmur a moment later I nodded against his chest still smiling with my eyes closed until the thought had actually processed in my brain I sat up quickly and blinked a few times.

“Ya what?” I asked perplexed who listens to their ipod in the bath? He’s a little bit weird.

“That’s why I didn’t answer you, apparently you were crying or something...” Snoz replied smirking down at me, I felt heat creep up my neck as I realized that I must have looked like a right fool. I didn’t really know what to say to him, I wasn't about to admit that I was bawling like a baby because I thought he’d topped himself. Instead I stayed silent and chewed on my lip hoping Snoz would change the subject.

No such luck.

“Were you really worried about me?” Snoz asked quietly, I was startled slightly it was rare for either of us to be this quiet. But I suppose the circumstances would allow it.

“Yeah I really was,” I said quietly after a moment of rapid thinking, “Because I was scared for you because I...well I…you see the thing is…well I’ve realized…”

“Just spit it out boyo,” Snoz laughed making my head jiggle slightly.

“I like you!” I pretty much shouted before throwing a hand against my mouth and mentally killing myself.

“I like you too.”

“No I mean I like you…like you,” I whined wishing I’d just kept my big gob shut.

“I like you like you too Sean,” Snoz said gently.

My mouth sort of dropped open in shock, “Really?” I asked.

“Really really,” he laughed.

I sort of laughed and then grabbed him and hugged him tightly as if it were the last time I’d ever see him.

“It’s about fucking time!” Someone shouted through the door before Gavin, Rhys and Matthew burst into join the hug.

Soon we were laughing as we realized we couldn’t untangle ourselves from the mix of limbs in our man hug.

Just like the good ol’ days. Minus one.
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Sorry it's short.
There will be more blood and guts soon. Promise.