Me and My Friends vs. You and the Zombies

Chapter 2

Now fully clothed I determined that the day had finally begun, the fact that it was nearly one in the afternoon had nothing to do with it. I could still hear the constant ‘waga waga’ of the pacman game through the ceiling and it was now accompanied by high pitched squealing meaning Rhys had joined in the hilarity.

I kicked the bedroom door shut and pounded down the stairs putting both bare feet on the same step and enjoying the fuzzy feeling between my toes. Re-entering the living room I narrowly avoided a collision with a half full glass of orange juice.

“Sean can you clean up please,” I ordered more than asked the platinum blond watching his face change from concentration to horror as a ghost ate him.

“What if I don’t?” Sean asked not moving his eyes from the screen.

The tension that filled the room was as thick as the pancakes we had on Shrove Tuesday.

Matthew and Rhys turned to me looks of horror on their faces, eyes wide and mouths open, I could feel my eye start to twitch as a muscle in my jaw jumped. Sean realized his mistake and turned to me his mouth opened and closed again before he said anything.

I took a deep breath and sighed out, “Well I wouldn’t want to be you in the morning.”

The blond scampered round picking up glasses and random cutlery that seemed to have no purpose and deposited it in the kitchen. He shuffled towards me head down, I smiled happier now knowing that I wouldn’t cause a spillage or get a fork stuck in my foot.

“Right,” I coughed clearing my throat. “Want anything from the shop?”

Murmured replies came back at me and a squeak of ‘skittles’ I sighed knowing that I was just encouraging Rhys behavior by buying him sugar coated sweets but you couldn’t really deny him that.

I roughly yanked open the door and collided with a warm musty manly smelling chest.

“Alright Gav?” A deep Welsh voice asked me “Having fun down there?” I stepped back and composed myself looking straight into the olive coloured eyes of my friend.

“Morning Ian,” I remarked.

“Actually that should be Good afternoon,” He stated laughing and ruffling up my hair. I chuckled and gave his ass a soft kick with the sole of my shoe.

“Whoa now boy,” Ian exclaimed, “I’m taken ya know.”

I grinned at him and continued my journey down the garden path.

The shop was just off the corner of our street, narrowly avoiding a collision with a spotty teen on a bike I successfully entered the newsagents and wandered towards the sweet section; a pack of ‘skittles’ for Rhys another for Sean as the boys liked being the same and a ‘mars bar’ for Matthew knowing he’d never touch anything with colour.

I grabbed a can of coke for myself from the cooler and went to the counter scanning the headlines of the daily newspaper; nothing interesting seemed to be happening. Rising oil prices and wars in foreign countries but nothing close enough to home that I felt directly affected suddenly a pale hand came slamming down on the printed words. I looked up to the see the shop keeper Nick leaning over the counter smiling at me. His face was paler than usual and he’s breathing was deeper.

“Got a cold?” I asked as my products were scanned through.

Nick just smiled wistfully and told me it would be, “1 pound 27 pence please.”

I dug in my pocket for my change and looked down grabbing a pound coin and a shiny fifty pence piece. After admiring the way the coins gleamed I handed them over smiling and picked up my items.

With the change safely in my pocket I turned around and headed towards the shop door but as I did a thump occurred behind me. Nick had disappeared and his wife Sally was rushing forward pushing me out the shop even though I wanted to stay and help but she insisted he was fine. Once outside I shrugged and decided I’d check on him tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
It begins.