Me and My Friends vs. You and the Zombies

Chapter 6

Ian's P.O.V

I’d managed to contain the beating organ within my chest until it was circulating my little red blood cells normally again. My intake of oxygen was regular and not every little sound was making me jump. I was plodding round the house slowly aware that there was a man that only thirty minutes ago I believed was dead, had a face covered in blood and happened to be my best friend asleep upstairs. Yeah I seem a little stressed today.

What the hell? What the hell just happened? I couldn’t stop asking my self that question. It had gone round my brain at least ten times; I’d practically chewed off my lip trying to find an answer. It didn’t make sense, Lee didn’t seem fazed by it at all he’d been at work…then he came home? What had happened in that short space of time, something brutal that cut Lee up badly but not fatally?

It was so aggravating not knowing the answers it was driving me insane! The house seemed to be shrinking around me the walls of the room were closing in and bleeding. My chest grew tighter my heart beat faster; the little red blood cells started screaming again for mercy.

I wasn’t sure what was making me so upset, it could have been anything. Just a mugging or something I mean I know that’s bad but it’s nothing like…like the alternative. What the alternative was I wasn’t even sure myself, my brain was creating insane images no doubt conjured from the game. Mutant humans with their powerful arm breaking abilities and hidden approaches, anything that could attack Lee early in the morning… maybe he was brain washed into not remembering any of it.

I think I’m going insane.

That thought was now chasing the other one round my head. ‘What the hell? I think I’m going insane. What the hell? I think I’m going insane. Whatthehell?IthinkI’mgoinginsane. I wanted to scream again I had to get out of here I had to run away escape from every bad thought that plagued my mind and blackened my existent.

I stood up quickly and swung round heading for the front door. I collided with a solid body. It was shorter than me and smelt of blueberry pancakes and coffee. I couldn’t hold it anymore the flood works opened and the tears began to fall. It seemed like years we stood their embracing each other, me with tears falling into his silky brown hair and him rubbing comforting circles on my back. We hadn’t spoken yet. We didn’t need to.

I pulled away and looked at him sniffing slightly, embarrassed that he was seeing me like this. “Hey Jamie,” I said through a cracked voice.

“Hey sugar lips,” He replied smiling at me lightly.

I coughed out a small laugh another tear rolling down my face a mix of laughter and sadness. Jamie was still staring at my face, analyzing me, reading me like a book. I was uncomfortable in this position so looked away and started pulling at the loose strands of my hair. I didn’t know how much Jamie knew but he wasn’t asking any questions and he didn’t seem confused he just looped his arm through mine and told me we were going for a walk. I didn’t protest.

The city was almost empty, shops were closed; offices seemed deserted there weren’t children walking home from school or mothers waiting outside to pick up their little darlings. In fact nobody seemed to be about even though the sun was shining and the sky was clear. Jamie didn’t press me into any thing, he never did he just held onto me firmly and I knew in his mind he was telling me he’d never let me go.

My mind was clearing, the silence, although normally would be unnerving, was calming towards me in my state. Jamie stopped suddenly so I stopped with him. We walked into the park and stood in silent awe, never before had we been here in perfect silence, cars weren’t racing behind us and screaming children weren’t chasing each other around our feet. It was just so…serene.

I put an arm round Jamie and cradled him close, his face was resting against my t-shirt and I could feel his breath through the light cotton. The atmosphere reminded me of our first date. When we first held hands and we first kissed. I bent my head now and found his lips my tongue gracing his bottom lip with a loving caress. His mouth opened slightly and my tongue entered lapping gently over his, savouring his taste and loving it like I always did. I put my arms fully round his waist and held him if possible even closer to me. He ran his hands through my puffy black locks the way he knew I loved and I let my hands rest lightly on his hips playing with the very lower seam of his shirt.

That’s when we heard it.

Jamie heard it first his face twitched and he withdrew his lips from mine looking towards the road, I followed his gaze. A man was stood there he seemed to be bent forward slightly like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was letting out odd low groans at intervals and seemed to be almost shuffling towards us. He looked a bloody mess.

I could sense Jamie frown next to me as my thoughts raced back to that game, back to Lee in bed, back to the blood, back to the question; what the hell? Jamie grabbed my hand again and we hurried on home.
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I have nothing to say about this...
except DAMN