Sweet And Low


Florence Simmons was a woman of power and confidence. She didn't let her guard down for a single soul. Men praised the ground she walked while women respected the grace that she held.

She smiled as the door of her limousine had opened. Florence glanced at her butler and began to walk up the pathway to her families mansion. There was something about home that made her always smile. This was the place where she could relax.

Lawrence opened the door with a cheerful greeting. There were three butlers in the mansion, but he was the young girls favorite. “Thank you, the trip was nice. I am just so glad to be home though. Its been a long almost three weeks for me.”

The two looked at one another while talking for another moment then left in opposite directions. Florence went up the grand staircase of her families mansion and went straight into her mother’s room. She could hear the sound of water running so she waited just like she had all of her life.

Victoria Simmons gasped and held her heart when she saw her daughter on her bed. “Sweetie, I didn't hear come in.”

“Yeah, I just got home from New York. I was wondering if we could hang out tonight and just watch movies like we used to.” Florence said as she was looking at the cracked closet door where her mother was changing. When her mother came out, the brunette’s question was answered.

“That sounds like a nice, but not tonight. Why don't we reschedule that for next weekend, tonight is not a good night. Your father has a dinner party tonight. It’d be nice if you showed up as well, Marcus has been waiting four weeks to see you.” Florence didn't let her mother see that her face had fallen.

There was a slight silence between the two before Florence began to speak again. “I’ll see what I can do.” With that being said, the brunette left her mother’s room.

Some people would kill for the life that Florence, but she couldn't feel any more suffocated. Sure, money was a great thing to have but for the past few years she wanted nothing to do with it. There was nothing more that she wanted then to be happy and this much money wasn't giving her happiness.

Anywhere you go, anyone you meet, remember that your eyes can be your enemies. I said, hell is so close and heaven's out of reach, but I ain't giving up quite yet. I've got too much to lose.

Florence grasped the cross around her neck and hummed the familiar tune. She was in love with that particular song for many reasons, to put it simply, it just captured her heart and spoke to her soul.


The sun was just beginning to set as Florence sat in her room on her mac. She was looking at all the things she needed to do for next week. There was no time for much play in her life, unlike someone she used to know.

Her phone rang instantly. The picture of a bright ginger invaded the whole screen. “Hello?”

“Did you hear that Florence Simmons got home today from New York where she did a model runway and didn't even tell her best friend that she was back in town?” Florence rolled her blue eyes at her best friend.

“Kamri, forgive me for not telling you that I’d been home for a few hours. I didn't even know I was coming back this week.” The redhead on the other side of the phone didn't seem to like that answer but only sighed.

It had been a long time since the two had spent some time together. “That doesn't sound like a legitimate excuse. You could have at least texted me when you got home.”

Florence, in all truth, didn't want to hear her best friend. She tried her best not to ignore what Kamri was saying, but it was hard. “Yes, it was my mistake. I’m terribly sorry that I didn't contact you when I got home. Also, I hate to leave you irritated with me, but I’ve got to start getting ready for a family thing. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She didn't even wait for her best friend’s reply before she hung up the phone. Florence felt like screaming, nothing seemed to be going the way she wanted it to. All she wanted to do was sit around her house with her pajamas on and watch movies with her mother like when she was younger.

Immediately, her phone rang again. She didn't look at who the caller was, she just answered it. “Kamri! I told you I’m busy.”

“Hello Babe,” It took everything inside of Florence not to throw her phone at her wall. “I’ve heard that you are back in town. How about we go out for some dinner tonight?”

“There is nothing more that I’d rather not do. I’d rather kill myself a million times over. Marcus, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me? I don't want to be with you. I know all about my mother trying to get us together, but its not going to work. I’m fine without a man in my life.” Florence stated in exasperation. She felt like screaming her lungs raw.

Marcus was a man that didn't give no as an answer, that was more than just the business side of him. He wasn't going to stop until he had her. “Don't be like that honey, I'm trying to make you happy.”

What Marcus had said just seemed to fuel the fire that was erupting inside of Florence. Her voice was filled with volume and anger. “Marcus, you know what would make me really happy? Stop calling me, stop sending me things, and stop trying to get information from my mother about me! We are never going to become whatever fantasy you have for us. I don't like you and I never will! Goodbye and never call me again!”

A loud scream erupted past Florence’s lips. She was glad that her parents hadn't been home, she didn't want to hear them. Just then a brilliant idea had popped into her head and she instantly got dressed.


Florence fixed her dress in the front and looked into her tall mirror. She didn't deny that she didn't look good, because she did. All she wanted to do was blow off some steam and get a few drinks.

There was something missing though and it bothered Florence. The brunette walked over to her open jewelry box, searching for something. Her eyes then landed on something that she hadn't seen in the longest time. A gift she had gotten for her sixteenth birthday from her birth father. It had felt like a century since she had thought of him or even seen him.

She had never thought that her life would have turned out this path. As a child, she had never suspected at the age of twenty three she’d be surrounded in a miserable life. What she really wanted was to be average again.

All the money in the world wouldn't keep her satisfied at this point in her life. She was over the fact of glitz and glamour. Lawrence smiled at her as she walked down the grand staircase. “Will you be attending the same party as Mr. and Mrs. Simmons or going somewhere else tonight?”

“You know what I feel like doing tonight Lawrence? For some odd reason I feel as if I’d want to strangle myself just for fun, to see if I'd feel anything from it. What I’m going to do instead though is to drink all my misery away for the night and not remember until the morning.” there was no sign of emotion in her eyes.

Lawrence had no idea what to say to the young woman. All he did was open the door for her and she walked without another word.

No one had the slightest idea what went on in the mind of Florence Simmons. She loved to hide between the cracks of her life. She also loved that no one looked too closely at her either.

One of her butlers opened the of the limousine her step father had owned, but Florence shook her head. She walked around to the large garage to find all the cars that Charles had owned.

All the way at the end of the garage were certain pieces of metal that she terribly missed, her car from high school. It may have been a piece of shit, but it was something she could call all hers. It reminded her of a time to where she worked for things, where they just weren't handed to her. She had lost sight of her life and now it was really hitting her close to home.

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl. Hold me down, sweet and low, and I will carry you home. Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl. Hold me down, and I'll carry you home.

Florence got out of her piece of shit car with a slight smile on her face. In that car she had felt like a normal person again. She wasn't the Florence Simmons, she was just herself. There was one thing she always took for granted though, cutting the line to get into the bars. “Steve! How are you?”

“I’m good, life is good, living at the top of the world. how are you?” Florence smiled brightly at the bouncer of the club while laughing.

“Oh, just the usual going to New York and then coming back just to see you and this bar.” Steve smiled, lifted up the rope, and let Florence in with a grin. She thanked him and made her way in.

People were staring when she entered the club, that's how it had been for centuries. She winked at a couple of men as she stood near the bar. “Jamie!”

The blond man walked over to his favorite customer with a large smile on his face. “How is my best leading lady? I haven't seen you in almost a month. Do you know how much that affects me when I don't see you?”

“Jamie, you are so melodramatic, calm down. It has been too long though. I’m great, New York is so beautiful this time of year.” She smiled at her friend. “I’d like the strongest thing you know how to make.”

“I don't think you need that just yet. Lets get you worked up to that point instead of just skipping straight to the top.” Jamie said with a worried look in his eyes. He cared for Florence, even when she didn't care for herself.

Florence didn't like the idea so much, but she agreed. She sipped her drink with a small sad smile on her lips. “Can I get a beer and some vodka.”

She knew that voice, even if she didn't want to. It was a familiar voice that had stained her childhood and teens. Florence didn't dare look the seat that was two away from hers. Her drink was gone in a matter of seconds.

Jamie reminded to keep his friend in his sights so when he saw the brunette get up from the stool he jogged over to her. “Where are you going?”

The brunette didn't say anything, she just flicked her eyes in a different direction, the direction where a man sat with his drink. It took Jamie a few seconds before he realized who the man was. It was none other than Kennedy Brock.

“Well, if it isn’t the one and only Florence Simmons. What brings you to this club?” His hazel orbs were looking directly at her blue ones as he swung his glass around wistfully.

She knew he was trying to irk her nerves.“Yes, in the flesh! I do seem to live here more than you do; you on the other hand seem to spend all your time on the road. It’s a free country, I can do or go wherever the hell I want. How are you Johnathan Trotter?”

“You know that’s not my name anymore.” The look on his face wasn’t that pleasant.

“Oh yes, my mistake, I’m so sorry. I recall it being Asshole Brock.” She smiled sweetly at him. “I can’t believe you left them when they needed you the most.” Kennedy clenched his fists into tight balls. She had no right talking about his family problems.

Kennedy smirked at her then. “Fine then, if my name is asshole Brock, then yours is gold digger Simmons. You’ll probably always be one anyways.”

He had no idea what was going on in her life, she didn't like that he had just assumed. There had never been a civil moment between the two in years and they both knew it was going to be civil any time soon. In the spirit of being a good person, Florence let the comment not get to her.

“Its been forever since we’ve spent time together. I miss the fun times we used to spend together. How about a drinking game, quarters? I bet that I could still beat you.” Florence smirked at her old friend and saw that he was indeed not backing down from anything she dished out.

Jamie was in the background looking skeptically at both of the young adults. Florence looked at her blond friend with a smile that signaled it all. “You still remember how to make my special drink?”

“You’re special drink? Whats your special drink? Its not going to kill me, is it?” Kennedy asked abruptly.

“If it could kill, would I still be alive right now? Its just a mixture of some of my favorite alcoholic drinks into one shot glass. After about five, I’m out for the night. Since I plan on winning though, we wont have that problem. You can put it on my tab Jamie.” There was no time for either person to back down.

The lilac colored drink made Kennedy smile to himself. He knew that that had always been her favorite color. Florence took the quarter that Jamie had handed her with a smile. “You ready to get your ass kicked? Ladies first.”

Kennedy looked at the shot glass filled with different alcohol mixtures and then back to his old friend. He didn't know what to think of what might happen. He grabbed the quarter from Florence’s fingers and bounced it from the table.

Florence smiled when she saw that Kennedy needed to take the shot. She saw the skeptical look in his eyes and that made her laugh as he drank the shot. Her smile widened as she saw him shake his head with wide eyes. “Fruity with a big punch.”

After thirty minutes of playing Florence had won and was ready to dance. Both her and Kennedy were past drunk. She took his hand and with one sweep they were both on the dance floor.

There bodies were in perfect sync as they grinded on one another. Florence ran her hips and butt across Kennedy’s lower torso. His hands were on her lower hips as he began to sway.

“How about we get out of here and go somewhere more secluded?” Florence whispered in Kennedy’s ear as she grabbed his hand with a smirk on her lips. She didn't even know who she was talking to. He didn't oblige her question either, they just walked.

For the most part, both young adults couldn't even walk in a straight line. The cold air made Florence shiver as she stumbled over to her car. She hesitated while trying to remember where she had parked her car. It took a moment for her to think, but then she remembered.

Kennedy was greatly surprised to see Florence walking over to her old light blue bug, he though that there were be a Mercedes Benz in the presence. “You still have that piece of shit?”

“Shut up and get into the car before I leave you here or run over you.” Florence slurred her words with no grace what so ever. This was not a time where she’d be named queen. Her hair was frizzled from the dancing and Kennedy’s hands roaming inside of it; her dress was also hiked up a little too high.

Once the two were in the car, it was silent for a moment before Kennedy began to speak. “This car brings back amazing memories.”

Florence couldn't control herself for any longer. She broke down right in from of Kennedy with tears falling down from her face. “I’m miserable Kenny! I don't know what to do with myself. You were right all those years ago. All I am is a selfish narcissistic arrogant bitch that no one could ever love. The people that love me don't really love me, they love how I look. Is it so hard to ask for someone to care? My own mother would rather be with her second husband than her own daughter, how fucked up is that? Am I really that horrible?”

“You know what Florence, I'm tired of hating you. There is so much energy put into hating someone. Plus, I loved you if that counts for something.” that was all that was said before a bright light came into the picture.
♠ ♠ ♠

This is something that has been long overdue. The contest ended almost five months or more, but I wanted to show Bree what I am made of. I'm hoping that when she has some free time she can read it. There is another part to this and it will probably come in a matter of days because I know exactly what is going to happen it just needs to be typed up. Katie made this awesome layout for me which i love it so much. Tell her she did an amazing job and read her stories, they too are amazing. Comment and tell me what you think and also subscribe to see what happens to Florence and Kennedy.

Sinking Anchor