Status: Going Slow But Strong!

Too Good To Be True


Here I am in this wonderful relationship. I have it all, a high paying job, an apartment that looks over the lights and streets of Boston, a man that is so good to me that one can only imagine they are dreaming and there isn’t one thing that seems out of place in my life. But that’s the thing. None of it is a dream. It’s all really my life, and for some reason everything really is too good to be true.


Sasha slid back from her computer desk that was positioned right in front of a large window overlooking the corner of Causeway Street and Canal Street right in downtown Boston, a place that most people would find too distracting and busy to be able to work. Sasha had finished the task of booking a lovely Barn in Princeton, MA by the name of Harrington Farm for a wedding ceremony. It wasn’t something Sasha really liked, but her bride had insisted on it, and with a bit of looking around and seeing the place a few times with the soon to be bride and groom Sasha didn’t mind it as much.

Sasha was a wedding planner, one of the best in Boston. Even if she was only 22 and had never been to wedding in her life, that didn’t mean she had no clue how to work with people, comfort them, give them what they wanted and make sure ideas turned into reality. No Sasha was extremely good at all of those things, hence why she ended up with wedding planning and not graphic design like she had planned in high school. Of course nothing she had planned in high school was really working for her four and a half years later. It wasn’t like she was complaining though!

A car speeding by on the streets below followed by a few loud car horns brought her to the present again. It wasn’t time to think of what she liked in a wedding venue and what she didn’t, heck she wasn’t even engaged yet. She had an important bride waiting to hear the good news about the venue. Flipping through her contacts on her sleek new Iphone her boyfriend, Jon, had bought for her birthday a few weeks back she started looking for Jenny’s number.

Pressing the phone to her ear and holding it with her shoulder Sasha rushed out of the house planning on picking up some groceries at the local store for a nice dinner with Jon tonight.

“Hello?”A bubbly girl’s voice was on the other end of the phone answering Sasha’s call.

“Jenny? Hi I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

“Oh no Sasha no, me and Scott were just heading out to a early dinner. What’s the latest news?” Jenny asked her voice full of excitement.

“I’ve got some really good news for you two!” Sasha smiled, her voice clearly showing that she was excited too.

There was a pause, and Jenny’s voice finally come over the phone, “Okay, we’re listening!”

“I got you Harrington Farm for almost half of what they wanted. So that means we’ve got more to spend on your dress, or on flowers. Or,” Sasha Paused for a second, “Both!” She laughed softly.

“Oh Sasha you’re a life saver, I can’t believe you talked them down on that price! That’s so wonderful; I can’t believe that you did that.” Jenny excitedly talked into the phone.

“Sasha, I know I said money wasn’t an issue, but thank you for saving us a boat load with everything we wanted to do.” Scott’s voice came over the phone as Sasha got into her car and put the keys in the ignition.

“That’s my job Scott!” She smiled switching the phone from her left shoulder to her right shoulder as she pulled out onto the main street. “Jenny, I’ll see you tomorrow for a day of dress shopping?”

The phone shuffled on the other end, and Jenny’s voice was close the sign that she had taken Sasha off speaker phone. “I’ll be there at around ten, and don’t worry I’ve got lunch covered. It’s the least I can do.”

“Okay I’ll see you then, and I can’t wait to meet some of your family, they sound wonderful.” Sasha smiled as she replied to the young bride to be.

“Oh trust me, they aren’t as wonderful as you think! Just ignore their bantering, they are kind of opinionated!”

“Don't worry I can handle them! See you tomorrow Jenny.” Sasha replied.

“Sounds good. Bye.”


Sasha shook her head hitting the end call button. Sometimes it was a bear to get people off the phone, but it was only because Jenny was so excited so Sasha was somewhat understanding about the whole going off on other topics while saying good bye.
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I'll have Sasha 's photo up later on the Main Page, but I'm on vacation right now and I can't really get good internet to find someone that really fits her.

Hope you like this.
Promise things will be juicer in the next chapter.