Status: Going Slow But Strong!

Too Good To Be True


Sasha hurried out of her car and into the little market. The door ringing as she stepped inside, the man at the counter smiled and gave her a little wave. The Harvester was a cute little, did not belong in Boston, type of store. The Harvester had the feel that is was on a back road in a small town way up north. That's what Sasha loved about it. It took her away from the city life, and brought her to the country side.

As the shopping basket rested, somewhat heavily, on Sasha's arm she walked up and down the isles looking for just the right dessert to go with her dinner. Not quite sure if she should make something from scratch, or buy something from a box and make it, or even just something from the little bakery in the back of the store. So while clumsy little Sasha side stepped down the baking isle, she completely forgot to make sure that she wasn't going to walk into anyone, or better yet that they weren't going to walk into her.

Of course it would be too late to think of this as she was stepping backwards to find her balance after, compared to Sasha, a tall man had pretty much ran into her. Okay so it wasn't a run but more of a brisk walk but still. It was only mere seconds before his arm was behind her back helping to keep her upright.

"I'm so sorry about that ma'am." the Man's voice said softly, embarrassment ringing through his voice.

Sasha shook her head. "It's fine really, I'm okay, nothing's broken. No one died. Were all good." She paused and stepped away from his hand still lightly on her back.

"I'm sorry again, I wasn't paying attention." he shook his head, his hand dropping back to his side like a sad puppy retreating to it's owner.

"No really, it's fine" Sasha urged.

"I'm Steven." he said after a moment, holding his hand out for Sasha to shake.

"Sasha," she replied taking his hand and nodding. "I don't mean to be rude or anything Steven, but I'm running a little late, and I need to be going. But it was nice to meet you, even if the situation was a little strange." she smiled before turning and heading to the check out line. It was getting late, not to mention the whole running into thing with this Steven guy had cost her a few minutes and kind of confused her. I mean really who introduces themselves after almost knowing someone over?

But Sasha didn't dwell on it too much longer, there was only an hour or so left until Jon would be home and ready for dinner. She had a lot to do, and didn't need some random guy clouding her mind.
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It's not exactly what I had in mind at the beginning.. but it turned out okay.
Hopefully more soon!