Status: Going Slow But Strong!

Too Good To Be True


After much hurrying around the kitchen, Sasha had enough time to rush back to the bedroom and change into a cute, well fitted red dress that Jon had bought her last year. Finishing her light make up and slipping in a pair of dangling diamond earrings before the front door of their apartment closed shut and Jon walked in.

Sasha rushed out of the bedroom, making sure not to walk too fast, through the kitchen and into the small foyer were Jon was standing. "I made us dinner." she smiled hugging Jon and giving him a quick kiss. "Everything will be done in a few minutes."

"You look beautiful tonight." he chuckled kissing Sasha once more quickly looking her over from head to toe. "What's the occasion? Your parents coming into town or something?"

"No, I just wanted to make us a nice dinner. Be able to spend some time together before this wedding completely engulfs me."

Jon smiled shaking his head. "You always get in over you head with these things." he mumbled softly, teasingly as he walked from the foyer towards the kitchen peaking into the oven. "You shouldn't have!" he smiled, turning to face Sasha and walking backwards towards their bedroom.

"I was in the mood for baked ziti!" she grinned throwing her hands up in the air. "What's the big deal with me wanting to make your favorite dish?" she shrugged.

The two sat down to Sasha's well planned meal. Starting with salad and rolls, moving onto the baked ziti, and finishing it all off by cuddling on the couch watching the Red Sox game with a pint of coffee ice cream. Each of them taking turns digging their spoon into the cold treat cheering on their team.
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Don't be shy! I'm looking to improve my writing... that's were you come into play! so help a sister out a little!