Status: Going Slow But Strong!

Too Good To Be True


The sun was hardly over the horizon when Jon's alarm went off, waking the two of them up. Sasha rolled over, covering her head with her pillow and grumbling incoherently.
Jon on the other hand swung his feet over the edge of the bed and shut his alarm off with one swift movement.

"Why are you such a morning person?" Sasha whined from under her pillow.

"Because I've been getting up this early for years and years and years!" He chuckled. "You know that!"

"Can't you sleep in like once?" she asked sitting up, letting the pillow fall into her lap with a soft thud.

"Impossible love." Jon smiled twisting around to face Sasha. Looking over her sleepy eyes and cute messy bed head. He smiled kissing her quickly before heading out of the room to get ready for work.

Sasha had doses off after Jon left the room. There was still a good amount of time before she needed to get up, and Sasha was going to use as much of that time as she could to sleep.

Of course it was the warm sunlight that woke Sasha up and not her alarm that had already been going off, fifteen minutes. Sasha sighed looking at her alarm, annoyed that she still could never wake up by any of its tactics.

Sasha stumbled out of bed hitting the off button on the useless alarm, mumbling about how she needed to find a better way to wake up for appointments.
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A quick update!

I was on vacation for a week and hand wrote at least 7 chapters! So it's only a matter of time till I get them to you guys!