Status: Going Slow But Strong!

Too Good To Be True


"To the most important dress you'll ever wear!" Sasha grinned as she made her toast to the bride's new dress.
A collective clank was heard along with some excited voices agreeing. Sasha could tell that everyone was just as excited about this wedding as Scott and Jenny.

The large group had travelled just a few blocks up to a rather large restaurant Sasha had been to only a few times. Every time she did order from here Sasha made a mental note to come back because the food was so good, of course that hadn’t happened, not with her and Jon’s busy schedules. They hardly spent time going out together anymore.

As the party finished their food and the group began milling around to other tables to talk with others, Sasha found the seat next to her empty one moment and when she looked back up from the small book of wedding plans for Jenny and Scott, the chair was filled with none other but Steven.

“Do you have one of those for ever wedding you do?” Steven asked tapping his fingers on the back of the pale purple idea book.

“In fact I do. I have a book shelf dedicated to them.” Sasha replied thinking back to the row of different coloured books that matched every wedding she had ever coordinated. She closed the book looking over at Steven. “But you’re not sitting here to ask about my wedding planning books now are you?” she smiled sarcastically.

“How do you know that!?” Steven asked in mock shock. “Maybe I really like weddings? And all the work that goes into them.” he replied with a scoff.

“Yeah.. I can see that.” she replied rolling her eyes. “A guy, that apparently plays hockey, really likes weddings. I think you’re the first.”

“Apparently plays hockey? Do you really not know who I am?”

“You’re Steven, a guy who plays hockey and knows Scott and Jenny. That’s who you are. Right there, plain and simple.” Sasha replied with an easy shrug. “Oh and you have a strange interest in wedding planning, or so you say. I’m still not buying it.”

“Are you always like this?”

“Like what!?” Sasha asked. She was making conversation, being somewhat nice, and well that was really it. She didn’t feel like she was doing anything that would or should cause Steven to ask that.

“Like that.” He replied simply.

“I don’t get it.” Sasha stated. “I’m no doing anything.”

“Never mind.” Steven chuckled.

“Whatever.” Sasha rolled her eyes. Catching that Jenny’s mother was trying to pay for everyone’s dinner. “Excuse me.” She turned to Steven, before getting up and walking over to Beth and easily holding onto her shoulders. “You don’t have to pay really. Let me know what I owe you.” Sasha smiled.

Beth shook her head, “There is no way I would let you pay! You’ve done so much for us already.”

“Really, it’s just my job.” Sasha replied letting go of the woman shoulders and standing next to her. “Plus I love working with your daughter, she’s such a nice girl. Couldn’t ask for a better client.”

“You’re too sweet Sasha. You really are.” Beth smiled. “But I’m still paying for dinner.” As she handed to book to the waiter that had been serving the group.

The two had begun a conversation about what was to be served for the reception dinner and if it was going to be catered in or from the farms caterers.
But they had just gotten into comparing the two options when the check came back and the party began to disperse. Sasha and Beth agreed that they would get breakfast in the upcoming days to finish their discussion. Jenny made one last thank you to Sasha for the wonderful dress appointment and pretty much anything else the bride could think of.

As the brides family said their last good byes to Sasha, Steven had come over holding the wedding book and her purse. Smiling sheepishly. As the family left, Sasha turned to Steven, and happily took the items from him. “Thank you.” She nodded with a smile.

“I didn’t look through anything. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t forget them behind or anything.”

“Well thank you.” Sasha smiled. “I guess I’ll be seeing you next week for the tux fittings?”

“Well uhhm.” Steven said rubbing the back of his head looking down at the polished hardwood floor. “I was wondering if you wanted to get a cup of coffee or something?” he asked with a shrug.

“Like a date or something?” Sasha asked.

Steven looked up with a little smile. “Yeah I guess you could say that.” his shyness wearing off.

“My boyfriend wouldn’t really enjoy that if I did!” she smiled softly. “But I’ll see you next week.

“Oh well, yeah hate to be that guy.” Steven recovered. “So I guess I’ll see you next week.” He smiled before turning and heading out of the restaurant.
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Sorry it's been so long since the last update! Hopefully this isn't the last one you see this month!

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