Status: Going Slow But Strong!

Too Good To Be True


A week or so from the tux appointments with the boys, Sasha and Jenny were looking at flowers for the centrepieces.

“What do you think about these?” Jenny asked pointing to a premade arrangement of peach, and dusted red roses along with light pink tulips, and filled with pinkish stock flower.

“Actually,” Sasha smiled “those are actually perfect! They match your bouquet really well, and the stock flower can be added into the bridesmaids’ bouquets too”

Jenny smiled proudly, happy that her wedding planner was excited with her choice in flowers.

Sasha’s phone rang out, nothing other then ‘Sweet Caroline’ to claim her love for the Red Sox, and her cheeks turned a bright pink in embarrassment. “Sorry!” she exclaimed as she reached into her bag and hit the ‘Ignore Call’ button.

“You could have answered that.” Jenny smiled reassuringly.

“It’s fine really it wasn’t anyone I can’t call back tonight.” She paused turning back to the flowers. “So we’re going with these? Just these or do you want another style too?”

“Ummmmmm…” the bride said slowly making a complete turn in the centre of the green house to look once more at all the flowers around them. “I really just like that one.”

“Okay! I’ll get them ordered for y-“

Jenny pulled out her phone looking up at Sasha, “I’m sorry I need to take this one.” She said quietly before answering her phone and stepping outside the green house.

Sasha nodded and headed to the head florist to make the final order on flowers.

As Sasha finished the order and made sure that they had the correct delivery date for all the flowers Jenny walked back inside.

“I’m sorry that was Scott, someone totalled his car. Thank goodness he wasn’t in it, but I’ve got to go pick him up and we’ve got to work on the insurance and everything. I’m sorry I’ve got to skip out early on you.” Jenny spilled out in a hurry.

Sasha smiled and nodded giving her bride a hug. “Don’t worry about it I’m finishing up right now anyways. I’m just glad that Scott is okay. But go take care of everything you need to. If you need anything, I’m not in the car or insurance business but I’ll be willing to help however I can.”

Jenny smiled “ Thank you so much! I’ll be in touch later.” And with that Jenny was out the door and in her car to get to Scott.
♠ ♠ ♠
The flowers

Sorry for the absence of updates! School's almost done and I'm going to be on the road a lot this summer so I'll hopefully be updating more if then!