I'm Not Interest; Well, I Don't Care

Hero And Jealousy

Right then the fireworks started, I watched the sky for two seconds before flashing to the crowd and watching a few random people fall. That’s when I noticed a certain noise, just a small electric buzz, nothing to stop me. It felt like just a tickle, so I continued and in my long vision, I watched Stefan fall to the ground with Elena and ran to them, “What the hell is going on,” he continued to moan in pain. A deputy walked up, but Mr. Saltzman shooed him away, pulling Stefan to an alley.

“You need to go,” Elena pushed me back, “He’s fine, but you’ve got to go.”

I stayed on the street letting them tend to Stefan, I was fine with that. Something else called for my attention, I just didn’t know specifically what it was. That’s when I saw Jeremy being pushed around by another deputy. I ran up to him, gripping the deputy, “Let him go,” I growled, “Go do your job will yeah?” He looked between Jeremy and I, but I just gave him the death look and he back off. Jeremy quickly started to walk away, “Jeremy,” I muttered, walking after him. He continued to ignore me, he was shaken up about something, “Stop,” I gripped his arm, “Talk to me, what the hell is going on?”

“They took Anna,” he said. “I won’t let them kill her, that is what they are going to do,” he tried to walk away, but Mr. Saltzman got to him before I could, “No, let go,” he started to fight with him.

I touched Jeremy’s shoulder, “Just go with Mr. Saltzman, I’ll go find her.”

“You don’t know anything Charlie, you have no idea. I can’t expect you to actually find her.”

“That may be so, but I’m your only option because if I had to put my money between you and Saltzman, I would put all of it on him. Go and trust I’ll do what I can.”

Mr. Saltzman stepped into our conversation, “Charlie, I think maybe you should go with us.”

I pouted a little, feeling a bit offended people’s doubts in taking care of myself. I’m a hard ass, beotch most of the time, you think they’d understand I could take care of myself and maybe help a friend with his girlfriend. I wasn’t this naïve little girl, “Sorry Saltzman, I’ve got another agenda, so why don’t you take Jeremy somewhere safe, where he can’t get arrested and I’ll see you in class Monday.” Jeremy was starting to get fidgety, so Saltzman took his cue and started to leave. Jeremy looked heart broken, so I nodded in trust, “I’ll stop by tonight, promise,” I yelled to him.

I turned around to the layers of buildings, what was going on in this town? And where the hell do I start to look for Anna? I didn’t trust her intentions with Jeremy, not all the way though, but she gave him a whole lot of support that his family were missing. Losing his parents and now Anna would be a problem. Why would they kill Anna, she’s a girl? Did I step into a horror movie of a psychopath sacrificing people kind of town?

That’s when I sensed it, a fire. I took a few strides down the street and met eyes with John Gilbert, “Shannon.”

“It’s Charlie,” I corrected him, “What are the Five-O guarding over there?”

“Just go back and enjoy the fireworks Charlie,” he tried to push me back gently.

I quickly turned back to him, “Touch me again, I will break your arm,” I threatened, I had the feeling again, I did not like this guy. “What kind of town are you running here, Mr. Gilbert? I’ve noticed lately the influences you’ve had on people. Do you have an act for kidnapping young girls?”

He watched me suspiciously, “What exactly do you think you know?”

My eyes met with the building, something good was coming out of the fire, but the greater good was being defeated. Something was not right, “You’ve done it already, haven’t you,” I looked back to him, “You’ve gotten rid of Anna.” He simply didn’t answer, choosing to ignore me, which just made me more angry, “Do you realize what she is to your nephew? Do you realize what you just did? You crushed him?”

“I do not need you to lecture me about what I’ve just done. You’ve got everyone just as fooled; I know your history and your past of ruining people’s lives. All I’m trying to do is preserve my family’s wellbeing. Quite the opposite of your predicament,” instinctually I slapped him across the face. I seem to make enemies pretty easily, but this guy, he took the cake. A deputy stepped up, but John stopped him. I fiercely stared at him, but quickly smelled the smoke and looked to the building again. I wasn’t about to trust this guy, I didn’t know what was going on in that building, “Go ahead, Charlie. Step inside,” he egged me on.

I had to pick and choose my battles wisely, my instinct told me to step inside. I didn’t waste another second on him, I ran past the deputies and in the building. Smoke was coming through the old floor boards, so the basement, delightful. Nothing good ever comes from the basement, good example every horror movie known to man. I opened the door, burning my hand on the knob. Flames were spreading quickly, but I could just make it down the stairs. People were burning around me; I tried to keep some sanity. See if I could save anyone. But I stopped instantly, the first body I came to I knew it was Anna. I instantly felt bad, John Gilbert did this.

I continued on, everyone was practically on fire. I tried to figure out who were the best to save and that’s when my eyes met Damon, “Fuck,” I muttered, pulling up next to him. “Damon,” I repeated his name, he turned to me, “Can you move at all?”

“What are you doing down here,” he whispered, he wasn’t in noticeable pain. He just looked really weak, like he lost a lot of blood, but he didn’t have any wounds I could see, “Are you bleeding again?”

What was he muttering about? I looked to my hand and saw I must have cut myself coming down the stairs, “Can we please talk about this in a building that’s not about to be engulfed in flames?”

I sat Damon up, but someone grabbed my leg and pulled me towards them. I struggled, but I was quickly in this guy’s lap with him barring his teeth at me. Damon looked like he was trying to do something, but before anyone could do any real damage I touched the guys face and he tilted in pain and just collapsed on his side motionless.

Quickly, I looked to Damon. He looked spooked, but we didn’t have time. The flames were getting too intense; I tossed his arm around my shoulder and tried to lift him up. I had trouble, but I stood us up straight, “After this, you should consider going on a diet.” He laughed, but it sounded like it just put him in more pain. The flames were growing more intense, suddenly Stefan was there, “Fantastic, now I have to save two brothers.”

“You know, I find it amusing that you get funnier in life threatening situations,” Damon muttered. I just rolled my eyes and paid attention to the stairs, they were completely submerged in flames, “Now what?”

“Wait for it,” I muttered, I had a feeling, a trusting kind of feeling. I was really starting to get sick of this feeling crap.

“Anytime now,” Damon growled.

I paused to look at him, “I could just leave you to die, I have no problem with that,” I turned back to the stairs, here was our chance, “Now,” I yelled, pulling Damon up the stairs with Stefan. We got out just in time, the stairs collapsed into ash and we rushed out the house. We dumped Damon out front, let him catch his barring. I noticed Elena and Bonnie, Elena nursing Damon with Stefan. Bonnie just stood there, I knew she was involved. It wasn’t her intent to hurt people; that was all John Gilbert’s, but he wouldn’t have been able to do this by himself. He wasn’t clever enough to do something by himself, “Well that was refreshing.”

“What were you doing there,” Stefan yelled at me.

“Why were all those people down there,” I shot back at him.

Damon coughed, “Leave her alone, Stefan,” he defended me.

That caused me to look at him strangely. Who was he defending? What was going on? What just happened? Then I remembered the boys, “I’ve got to go,” I turned, but everyone started to protest, but I merely just walked away. I didn’t need to explain anything for them; I just had to figure all my questions by myself.

When I got to the boys, they were doing loops on the Ferris Wheel, “Time to go home,” they were all upset about that. But I had to go see Jeremy, I had to tell him his girlfriend, a person who he cared about was killed by his own Uncle and I have no idea why. I didn’t know who to tell about this, I didn’t think the police would do something, at least not this town. After dropping off the boys, I drove sometimes glancing at my gross hand. What the hell did I just step myself into?

I knocked on the door and Jenna answered the door, “Charlie, are you here for Jeremy,” she asked. I nodded, “I don’t think he’s in the mood for any company.”

“Jenna, Jeremy asked me to stop by,” I tried to convince her, it might not be hundred percent the truth, but I promised him I would come over, “I won’t be here long, promise,” she looked up the stairs before opening the door more, “Thank you,” I jumped up the stairs. I got to the hallway only to run into Damon, “Well, you recover quickly,” I noticed, not too long ago he was on the ground crippled by something.

“Why are you here,” he asked.

“None of your business,” I let him know the truth. My intentions were absolutely none of his business, so I just walked around him to Jeremy’s door.

Damon touched my shoulder, “Be careful, he isn’t at the best of places,” he whispered. I slowly nodded, taking what he said into consideration, “I’m going to stop by later.”

“I might not be there,” I said to him before entering Jeremy’s room. Damon just looked at me trying to figure out what I just said. Jeremy was on his bed, totally sulking, “Hey Jere, how you doing?”

Tossing a ball up and down, “I already know Charlie,” he muttered. Instantly I felt worse, that must have been Damon’s doing, I guess at least someone told him. I sat next to him, he didn’t look like he could make it through this, “This keeps happening to me,” he whispered.

This time I laid next to him, gripping his hand, “I have a theory of why bad things happen to good people,” he looked at me, “It’s so all this torture and pain can build a person experienced to save the people they love and make a difference to the too weak. I always have thought that all this pain I’ve gone through will bring up a load of ammo for a book. But the point is, you’re going to get through this.” He didn’t answer, he just stared at the ceiling, not meaning to ignore me, but I just laid there for a while, “Do you want me to spend the night?”

“No, I think I’m just going to try and get some sleep.”

I sat up to look at him, “Seriously Jeremy, don’t do anything crazy. I’ll stop by tomorrow. We can talk more about everything tomorrow, just get some sleep.”

He just remained still on the bed; there was nothing else I could do here. The ball was in his court. I skipped down the stairs, only to see Jenna holding the door and catching a glimpse of Damon and Elena kissing. I felt completely wrecked and I had no idea why? Maybe because I hate cheaters, I’m not quite sure, but I knew I did not like it. Elena came walking in, looking up at me. When her eyes met mine, I felt electric pulses go through me, “Charlie,” she said.

“I’m sorry Charlie, I think it’s time for you to go,” I nodded, but not before looking back at Elena, what was that? There was something very wrong with that moment. On the porch, I met up with John Gilbert; all we did was look at each other.

When I got home, I laid on my bed trying to figure things out. Things that didn’t deal with Elena and Damon kissing, even though my mind did wonder around to that a lot. There were people with fangs, trying to bite people; that was easy vampire. Though I had a hard time wrapping the thought of vampires actually existing, but why were they here? Why were people put do death here? I started to think about the animal attacks and the suspicious way people were acting around this town.

That’s when I heard a tap on my patio door and sat up. There was Damon, the last person I wanted to see.