Status: Active!!

New Beginings

My Milk Chocolate Bitch

I took a deep breathe and ended the call with Luc. I knew Hailey was at the shop and could keep her in control. I gave Sidney directions and described places around the boutique because I still didn’t know my way around. He kept quiet and didn’t ask questions, but I could tell he wanted to know what was going on. Sidney pulled up to the shop 30 minutes later and I practically run into the store. Hailey was standing by the door and grabbed my arm as soon as I entered the store. She dragged me behind the counter and pointed to the back room.
“Help her.” She said simply. “I got Sidney.” Sidney walked through the door and looked around confused. I decided to keep quiet and walk through the door to my sister. Luc was sitting in a chair with her head in her hands. She looked like she was crying, and I could hear her trying to stop.
“Luc, everything is going to be okay.” I said in a calm voice and pulled a chair next to her. She shook her head and looked up at me. Her makeup was all smudged and her eyes were bloodshot. I immediately pulled her into a hug and she started sobbing all over again. We were only 22 and had no idea how to take care of a baby. She wasn’t ready and with the shop, there was no time for a baby. Luc was freaked out and scared.
“No its not. I’m all alone.” She said and I pulled her closer.
“You are not alone. You have me, Hailey, mom, and dad will all be supportive. You are not alone.” I repeated. She shook her head.
“My baby isn’t going to have a dad. I know we grew up fine, but I want a better life for it.” She said and broke apart to look at me.
“Listen to me. We are fine. Our dad was a fuck up. He was an asshole that didn’t deserve us or our family. Deklan was different. You know right now that if he was still here. He would be here for ever. He would of loved his child and never left your side no matter what.” I said and wiped away a few tears.
“He’s not here though. Its not fair. I can’t have this baby without him.” She said in a shaky voice. I got her to calm down and stop crying. She dabbed her eyes with tissues and sniffed her nose.
“I know its not fair, but you know what? Everything happens for a reason. Deklan died, but you were given his baby. You still have him and will always have him.” I said and she gave me a small smile.
“When the fuck did you become the logical, smart one?” She said and laughed a little.
“We all have to grow up sometime.” I said with a laugh. “Now, are you going to cry and sulk over this baby because it won’t have a father, or be happy that you have been given it and get ready to be a mom?” I asked.
“I’m going to get ready to be a mom.” She whispered. I smiled and gave her one last hug.
“Get yourself together and call mom. She wants to know.” I said and squeezed her arm. She nodded and pulled out her phone. I left the room to give her privacy and saw Hailey talking to Sidney. They both stopped talking when they saw me and Hailey motioned for me to come over.
“Well?” She asked.
“I think you guys should start designing baby clothes.” I said and she broke out into a huge grin.
“Are you serious? You got her to smile and laugh. She is happy for the baby!” Hailey practically screamed and pulled me into a big hug. I laughed and nodded. Hailey was extremely happy. She was a two years older than us and loved us like her own sisters. She wants to start settling down, but with the new store and apartment, its too hard to meet people. Sidney looked at me and smiled, even though I could tell he was confused.
“Were gonna go get some coffee. Do you want any?” I asked.
“Get me a latté and Luc hot chocolate.” Hailey said and I nodded. I grabbed Sidney’s hand and pulled him out of the store.
“I will explain everything at Starbucks.” I said and we walked the two blocks the shop. It was around dinner time so it wasn’t that crowded. We ordered our coffees and sat down in a booth towards the back. Sidney’s back was towards the door and no one would recognize either of us.
“I’m very confused.” Sidney said. I laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, my sister Luc is pregnant.” I said and waited to see his reaction. He stared at me in shock, then leaned back.
“Does she have like a boyfriend or something?” He asked. I shook my head and took a sip of my drink.
“She did. His name was Deklan. They started dating when we were 16 and were inseparable. He loved her and they were going to get engaged. About 2 months ago, he was mugged on the streets of Brooklyn. It was the middle of the night, and they took his money. By the time the cops found him, he was almost dead from blood loss, and a gunshot wound to the shoulder. At the hospital, they tried to save him but there was nothing they could go. He was able to call Luc before he died and say goodbye.” I said in a shaky voice. He was like my brother and I loved him. Sidney took a deep breathe and held my hand across the table.
“That was only two months ago?” He asked. I nodded.
“I was in Germany when it happened and missed the Sweden game to go to his funeral. Luc was crushed and that was the ultimate decision on why she moved to Pittsburgh.” I explained.
“So you were already going to come here, and she decided to come too.” Sidney said in an unsure voice.
“Yup. Hailey lived with Luc in New York and I was floating around with the team. They were supposed to open a shop up there, but it was too hard for Luc. I got a bigger apartment and invited them to come and live with me. Luc got on the first plane here and wants to start over.” I finished explaining. I gave Sidney a minute to take everything in and he sighed.
“I’m sorry.” He said. I nodded.
“Me too.” I replied. Everyone told us they were sorry, and I wanted to smack them all. They tried to give us sympathy, but they didn’t care. Sidney never even knew Dekaln, but the look he gave me was real. He was sorry.
“Why is she so scared? She has you and Hailey and are you parents going to help?” Sidney asked. I took a deep breathe and looked at him. He was just curious.
“We grew up with out a dad. He was there, but didn’t act like a father. I just wanted him to leave instead of man up.” I said. “Luc is scared and wants her baby to have a father because we didn’t.” Telling Sidney a little piece of my back ground was hard. Trust is not one of my strong points and he doesn’t know that. What happened with my dad is a long sad story that ends with the other person crying and me with a cold, hard face. He was never a father and because of him, I put up walls that are never supposed to be torn down.
“I don’t know what to say. I really don’t know about your family, but Luc will be fine. She has a great sister and support system.” Sidney said with a small smile. I nodded and he held my hand. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I tried to think of anything other than my father. I hated remembering everything he did. Sidney could notice my sudden change in mood and got up to throw our cups away. My phone buzzed with a text message and I opened it slowly.

New Text Message: KiKiIsASexyBeast
Hey!! Come to the indoor fied. I need a practice buddy!!!

I smiled at the message and texted a quick yes. Sidney came back and we walked out to the car.
“Can you drive me to Consol? I’m going to practice with my teammate.” I asked and he nodded. We drove to the arena and blasted 96.1 Kiss. I rapped and he sang horribly the whole way there. My sides hurt so bad as we stepped out of the car and walked into the rink. Sidney texted Geno and he was going to meet us there.
“My milk chocolate bitch!” Kiki screamed when she saw me. I smiled and ran over to her.
“My toasted almond slut!” I yelled back and we tackled each other in the middle of the field. She has a dark tan, hence the toasted almond, and I am a light shade of black. She played on the World team with me and was my roommate in Germany. We were the youngest girls and clicked right away. Kiki grew up in California and taught me how to surf the summer before.
“Who is this?” She asked after we sat up. Sidney was standing by the goal with Geno next to him. I smiled and stood up. She knew nothing about hockey and everyone got along with her.
“Kiki, this is Sidney and Geno. They play hockey here and we are sharing the arena until Heinz field is done.” I explained and they all shook hands. We talked for a few minutes, before I finally gave into the urge to run to the soccer ball. Kiki was not far behind me and we fought back and forth over the ball. Neither of us could get close to the goals and the guys watched in awe. Finally I was able to do a pull back and took a quick shot towards my goal from center field. It sailed in the left top corner and I did a little victory dance to rub it in.
“Alright I get it! You scored.” Kiki said with a laugh and pushed my lightly.
“Lets play 2 v. 2.” I suggested and we walked over to the guys. I got Sidney on my team, and Kiki played with Geno. The game was fun and easy with a lot of trash talk. I don’t know how, but Geno managed to score. Kiki scored a few times, but her effort wasn’t enough. Sid and I won 6-4. By the time we finished, we were all exhausted and laid down in the middle of the field. I was on my back and Kiki was on my Iphone next to me.
“Did you look at the roster yet?” Kiki asked randomly. I shook my head and sighed.
“Nope. A few girls texted me and were excited I was captain, but I want it to be a big surprise.” I replied. It wasn’t that I wanted the team members to be a surprise, I just didn’t want to know. I don’t really get along with some of the older players and most of the ones my age. They don’t think I deserve the attention and respect I already get. In their eyes, I’m just too young.
“Well, you should look and prepare yourself. We have the first class bitch on our team.” Kiki said and handed her phone to me. I groaned and sat up. Sidney and Geno looked at us questioningly, but I waved it off. In the e-mail was the roster list sent from our GM. I scrolled down and looked name to name. Most of the girls were nice and I was friends with them. Finally I got to the bottom and when I saw the last name, I growled. Like literally growled.
“Did you just growl?” Sidney asked.
“This is fucking bullshit! Why the hell would they put her on my team? They know we will kill each other. She is a bitch! Since when do they put fucking rivals on the same team? Holy mother fucking shit! She is my assistant captain? What the god damn fuck is wrong with this GM?” I ranted and yelled at Kiki and myself.
“I have no idea.” Kiki said with a groan. The player was Anya Gonzalez. She is 23 and from Portugal. She thinks that she is the best player in the world and was pissed because my team knocked hers out of the World Cup playoffs. We have never gotten along and the last time we had to play each other, we got in a fight and two girls had to hold us back.
“Anya better be ready, she is going to get her ass kicked the first day of practice.” I said and handed Kiki her phone back.
“She is flying in tomorrow. You have a captain meeting with the new Coach.” Kiki said quietly.
“Fuck my life!”
♠ ♠ ♠
okayy sorry it took so long to get out, I had the idea for it but my internet stopped working and i had to wait 5 extra days to update. Please message or comment! only one person has and I really want more to. How about the person who makes the 5th comment can be in the story. Drama coming up!! Be ready!