Romeo and Juliet


When I got back that night everything felt different. I knew my father would be disappointed that I'd been so late again. I knew mommy would be worried. I knew Itachi wouldn't be there. But what I didn't expect was that father would gleaming in pride for Sasuke.

I stumbled through the door, completely drained from practicing "jutsus" with Neji all afternoon. I dragged myself to the kitchen and pushed myself onto the chair, waiting for my father to tell me of his disappointment at me making this one mandatory thing. However, when I finally noticed my surroundings, I was surprised to only get a glare cast my way from my father.

What is going on?

I looked over to Sasuke who was beaming in pride. "I mastered katon! And showed father," he blurted out to me. I looked over to father and he was eating his dinner in silence. I felt an ache somewhere in my chest. I didn't notice at the time, but it was jealousy. Why can't daddy look at me like that?

I instintly lost my appetite, forgetting being completely drained and needing food to restore my chakra levels. "I'm going to bed," I said as I pushed my food away and lept down from the chair.

"Get back here right now, young lady," My father's booming voice commanded. I looked back to see him was suddenly unfriendly. Lacking the emotion he had showed Sasuke just moments prior. "You have been irresponsible and unrespectful. You have been late to dinner and running off some place while you lie about seeing Sasuke."

I breathed in slowly as I felt tears threatening to fall. I looked over to my mother who sat there silently and reserved. I knew she was embarrased by my dad's methods. I looked over at Sasuke who was barely noticing anything around him. He was too happy.

That ache again.

"You will sit down and eat...and you will pick up your responsibilities. If you won't go to the ninja academy then I will send you to a different academy. One far away." It was a threat. I looked up to my daddy and felt hot tears streaming down my face. You would send me away? It was all too much for my seven-year-old self to handle. So I flipped.

"No," I said looking down at my hands. I had been working endless hours. All to please him. And what do I get? Nothing. More hatred. "No—I won't..." I looked around the room, feeling betrayed by my whole family—minus Itachi at first. "And you can't make me!" I spun around and sprinted down the hall. I turned left at the end. I stumbled into Itachi's room and shut the door quietly behind me.

I locked the door and crawled under the bed, pulling a blanket down with me. " 'Tachi..." I cried as I brought my hands to my face. "I need you, 'tachi...I need someone..." I hushed as I heard footsteps pass by the door. They stopped momentarily but continued on. No one ever went in Itachi's room when he was gone. It was like an unspoken rule.

Just another one I'm breaking, I thought as I pulled the blanket up over my head.

Sleep would have been a blessing at the time, but it wouldn't come. I finally left my shelter and walked around the room. My moods were shifting, switching from emotion to emotion in near moments. I looked around the room for something I could throw—covered in blind rage. I grabbed a book off the desk and went to throw it across the room. As I was about to throw it my eyes focused suddenly, priory blurred by tears.

"Jutsus," I read aloud. My mood became said and everything became clear...livid beyond imagine. I looked around the room and pulled the book onto Itachi's bed with me. I opened the first page. Katon no Jutsu. Famous in the Uchiha clan. My mood switched to anger.

Damn katon!

I read the instructions and flipped to the next, memorizing the details with one glance. Something was different, although I did not notice it at the time. If I had looked in a mirror I would have screamed because of the red orbs that stared back...but instead I focused on the book.

Page after page...hour after hour.

"Tsuki." I blinked my eyes and rubbed them with my fists. When had I fallen asleep? I looked up with blurry eyes at a tall dark form. My heart bolted when I recognized it as Itachi.

" 'Tachi!" I nearly yelled and jumped onto him, hugging him tightly. He let me hug him and bent down to hug me at my height.

"What's wrong, Tsuki?" He pulled away and looked me in my eyes. They became watery again and I felt the rush of emotions come back. The main one being sadness.

"Daddy...he got really mad at me..and I-I got...mad at him...and...and—" Itachi brought a finger to my lips.

"It's okay. You don't need to say it all at one time," Itachi said and stood up to his full height, easily towering over me. "Come 'on, let's lay down and talk...okay?" I nodded him and followed him to the bed. He dropped his anbu vest on the floor with his mask and shoes. Then he came up and tucked me under the blankets, laying on top of them himself.

"How was your mission?" I asked him. Itachi was never very open when it came to missions. He tried to shelter his younger siblings, unbenounced to them. But this was a special exception. Tsukiko needed something...anything.

"It was despressing," Itachi said and looked over at me. I nodded. "I had to kill someone, Tsuki."

"Kill someone?" I nearly screached.


"Why?" I barely breathed out.

"Because he was a bad person...he was hurting innocent people." My eye brows knotted.

"But did you need to kill him? Couldn't you just ask him to please stop?"

"Ah, we tried, Tsuki. We tried. But he wouldn't listen...and he started hurting loved ones."

"Loved ones?" I thought of my family who I was still upset at but deeply loved underneath my temporary jealousy. "Like mommy? And daddy? And Sasuke?"

"Hai, just like them."

"Okay," I said as I looked up to the ceiling. "I forgive you then, brother." Itachi chuckled and rolled over so he was on his side facing me.

"What has happened while I have been away?" he asked and I bit my lip, unaware of where to start. Well...the beginning? Where was that anyway?

"Well, i met this really nice boy—his name's Neji—and he's been showing me how to do ninja stuff because I want daddy to be proud of me. He's really nice but no body seems to like him for some reason. But no one will tell me why. Daddy got proud of Sasuke because he did this jutsu. Daddy threatened to send me to a far away place because I don't want to go to the ninja academy," I said it all in one breath only pausing to let out a sniffle. "And he got really mad at me...and I got really mad at him...and mommy...and Sasuke...and I almost threw the book you're always reading. But then I read it and memorized it." Anger flashed Itachi's eyes as I spoke of father.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked and I quickly shook my head.

"Daddy would never hurt me," I said but as I said it, it began to sound more like a question and less than a statement.

"You memorized all of it? In one read?"

"Hai," I said as a smile tugged at my lips.

"That's impressive, Tsuki. Can you tell me about what you read about?" So I began plunging into each jutsu, page by page, word for word. Pride and respect crossed Itachi's face as I told him about each one. When I finished much, much later, Itachi smiled a real smile at me and kissed my forehead.

"I'm proud of you, Tsuki," he said and pulled my covers up to my shoulders again. "Ignore father, he is blinded and cannot see how remarkable you are." I smiled up at Itachi and all the stress I had built up while he was gone vanished. I giggled conently and flung my arms around him again.

"I looooveee you, 'Tachi!" It was then that I noticed that I didn't want my fathers approval...because Itachi's was good enough for me. His was the one I wanted. Itachi was proud of me and couldn't be happier. It no longer mattered if father ever looked at me with gleaming eyes or if Sasuke looked at me with jealousy...or anyone else for that matter.

I only cared for Itachi.

"I love you too, Tsuki."



"You're the awesomest person in the whole fire country!"

"The whole fire country?"

"The whole world!"

He laughed and patted me on the head.

"Go to bed, Tsuki."

"But you just got back!"

"I'll be back soon."

"But I can't be here without you."

"You must."

"Can't you take me with you?"

"It's too dangerous..." Itachi paused and I silenced, noticing him calculate his next statement in his head. "Someday I'll have to leave you here alone, Tsuki. At the time you will be hurt and lonely, but in time you will understand. will be hard to adjust at first. But in time if I can, I will return."

I looked up at Itachi as I became teary eyed.


"I promise." Hearing that he would have to leave me for a long time hurt, but I forced myself not to be selfish. He would obviously not be leaving for himself. He would have a reason.

"Pinky promise?" I asked as I held out my pinky. Itachi chuckled and brought his bigger pinky down to hook it with mine.

"Pinky promise." I sighed happily and snuggled into the blanket, sleep finally closing in on me.

"Good night, big brother."

"Good night, little sister."

The next morning I woke up to the sun peaking through the window and sending blinding light into my eyes. Itachi was gone and I pulled myself out of his bed. He was gone, but now I had the courage to face my family.

After a quick bathroom detour, I thought frantically. Hey, I was seven!


I clothed myself for the day, forgetting dresses and going for casual. I wore a pair of navy shorts and a white shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back. In many ways it was like that of Itachi or Sasuke, except that it had long sleeves that went past my hands. I pulled a pair of sandals on and left my room for the day.

I went to the table and was met with silence. The only sound heard from the four of us was that of chopsticks moving. A clink here. A clank there. Sasuke finished first and lept from the room for his room, to change his clothes for the academy. When I finished I excused myself silently and brought my dish to the sink and headed to thedoor. I opened it and was about to leave when my father's voice caught my attention.

"He's supporting her, Mikoto," his hushed voice said. "She's becoming much like him and she's far too fond of him. We must be careful."

"Oh Fugaku," my mommy said her voice purely showing she was rolling her eyes. "Stop imagining the children scheming against you. They're children—full of innocence. What you should really be worried about is the council meeting in an hour or the growing Hyuuga clan.

"Ah," my father said as he began eating in silence again.

I took that as my cue to leave.

I would have loved to meet Neji at the training grounds, but sadly he was in school until later in the day. So I went to the training grounds by myself. I began to throw the kunai and shuriken at the target, plunging deep into thought.

Father said ninja academy or far away academy. I threw a kunai. Which should I choose? Which would be better? I threw a shuriken, slipping it from my fingers and hitting the target right in the middle. If I go to the ninja acadmey then I will have to learn to fight...which I'm okay with...but then I'll have to kill. I can't do that.

I went over and pulled them from the targets. Okay, I thought. Time for some of those jutsus. I placed my hands the ways the first jutsu commanded. Then I brought them to my lips.

"Katon no jutsu!" I yelled. My esteem plumeted when a tiny whisk of fire came out of my mouth. I sighed, dropping to the ground in a pout. Here I am, barely able to do it and Sasuke has it mastered!

I wasn't one to give up, but decided it would be better if I tried a new jutsu—one Sasuke hadn't learned. So I went about practicing the second. It was an earth technique and I found it much easier than the first. I did it over and over...and over...and over...and over...and—well, you get the point. I did it A LOT. Until I was forced to stop out of fatigue.I glanced around as I plopped down on my bottom, resting my sore muscles.

The achademy is out. Boys and girls my age and older were walking about. I instantly started looking for Neji. I hadn't seen him since the last evening and I missed him. Sure enough, he materialized from the croud and walked up to the training field. I grinned widely at him.

"I did a jutsu!" I yelled cheerfully. Neji roase an eye brow but smiled along, my smile being contageous.

"What kind of jutsu? Will you show me?" I nodded ferociously and tried to stand. Ow. I plopped backdown again and a low and hearty rumble came from my stomach. I blushed deep red and looked up at Neji.

"Mabye we should eat something first," Neji suggested as he tried to hide his amusement. I laughed and agreed with him. We walked past a dango shop and I begged Neji to go there but he shook his head.

"You need something big and hearty; full of protein." I sighed and continued on with him.

"Ah, here's perfect!" I looked up at the sign.

"All You Can Eat Noodle Buffet,"I said aloud. "Neji, I don't want noodles." Neji looked over at me.

"Do you want lots of chakra or not?"

"Fiiiinneeeee," I sighed. Neji offered to pay for both of us but I quickly refused. I knew he didn't have the money my family had because he was—what's that word again? Tree member?—not part of the main family of his clan. So I paid for it against Neji's protests.

That's when the fun began.

Imagine two really fat, fully grown adults stuffing their faces to no end. That was us! We ate and ate and Kami, I don't know how we didn't weigh three hundred pounds. Neji liked extremely spicey noodles. I leaned over and forked some of his up and tried them. I gasped for air afterwards. He sheepishly gave me a glass of water and apologized over and over again.

When we were finally done we left the shop and went back to the training ground, with full stomachs. We tried to spar but immediately ended up on the ground, groaning in pain. "Maybe that wasn't such a good idea," Neji said and we both laughed.

"But it was fun and I feel a lot better," I said and put a hand to my aching stomach. "Well all but my stomach." Neji laughed.

"Maybe we should wait till tomorrow to train." I looked up to the sky.

"You want to stay anyways?" I said looking back over at him. "We can look at clouds and point out what they remind us of!" Neji grinned back at me and nodded.

"Sounds good." We both looked up at the sky and watched different clouds fly by.

"What do you see?" I asked. Neji paused for a moment.

"A...a kunai." I looked up at where he was pointing.

"It looks like a duck."

"A duck, really?" he laughed.

"Yes! It has the wings and tail and everything!" he laughed harder and I pouted looking back up.

"And that one looks like a teddy bear." Neji looked up.

"An old man's face." I huffed.





We glared at eachother, both stubborn and wanting to be right. We glared daggers for a good two minutes before bursting out laughing. When we finally calmed our laughteR I looked layed back down and sighed contently.

"I don't want to go back home," I told Neji honestly, not wanting to face my father.

"Me neither," agreed Neji.

"I don't want to talk to my father because he's mad at me for defying him." Neji looked over at me and rolled over onto his side so he was facing me.

"Can you keep a secret?" My face lit up and I rolled over too.


"Cross your heart hope to die?"

"Cross my heart hope to die a million, billion, zillion times!" I said enthusiastically.

"I don't want to go home because my parents are dead."

Aw, Neji!

"I...I'm so sorry, Neji."

"It's okay," he said and broke eye contact. "I just don't like feeling like I have no know? Like I'm given a choice but in the end I really don't have one." Oh, I know. I thought thinking about the choice my father gave me. Like what choice is that?

"There's always a choice, Neji," I told him. "Like my father said I could either go to the ninja academy or go to some academy far away." His face became solemn.

"Which one are you going to choose?" I looked up to his eyes. They were clear and full of emotion he usually tried to hide. It was nice to know that he would open up with me so much. His eyes were locked with mine. I broke contact and looked away, ashamed.

"Well which can I pick?"

"You can pick to stay here."

"But you know how I feel about fighting."

"You train with me, though," he said and my mood dropped. I felt really sad again and ached to see Itachi again.

"That's different...I don't want to hurt people."

"But...but you have to can't leave me here." I looked up to Neji's sad face.

"It won't be for too long. I'll be back and I won't forget about you," I said and Neji looked away. "I'll write to you every single day. Twice a day!"

"I'll miss you," he said sadly.

"I'll miss you, too," I looked down at my feet as a faint pink blush spread across my cheaks. "Can I hug you?" Neji's face darted to mine and he smiled a faint smile.

"Sure," he said and I stood up, him following me. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

"I love you, Neji."

"You love me?" His voice portrayed shock.

"Uh-huh, you're way up at the top with Itachi. You're one of my favorite two people in the whole wide world!" He laughed and I joined him.

"I love you too."

"Good," I said and giggled. "For a second I thought you weren't going to respond." We both laughed and pulled apart.

"Promise me, Tsukiko...promise me you'll come back."

"I promise, Neji. Cross my heart and pink promise a zadrillion times!" We pinky promised.

"Is zadrillion a number?" Neji asked.

"The biggest!"