Death In the Place of Love

Death In The Place of Love

Time is humiliating for people. It's almost like I can feel every second passing now, as if every single minute is mocking me.

I should explain myself, so I don't seem as crazy as I sound. Days prior, my love had unfortunately left me. Ever since, I have had the feeling that I have been slowed down in time, and everyone else, of course, is still going at normal speed. The energy I once had, seems to be depleted fully. So much effort I need now, just to get my ass out of bed now-a-days. I may not even seem like a very happy person, even before this event, but I actually was. Was being past tense, of course.

I shall not rant though, it was her own decision and I should be happy that she made one that she was comfortable with. Though it is quite hard to be happy in this kind of circumstance, I am only human and nothing more than a incompetent being. But I digress, and try to move on, though seeming impossible with a heart like mine. Loving someone to death, but not having them is fate worth than death. But as long as she happy with it, this is fine. All I have ever wanted was her to be happy.

It has been days since I have last left my house, or even seen the Sun for that matter. The darkness of my room has been my own personal sanctuary for the last few days. Before people begin to judge, or even assume the worst, no, I did nothing stupid nor reckless. There is no cut on my body, I did not starve myself, I didn't plan nor attempt suicide, I didn't drink myself crazy (no matter how good that sounded), or hurt myself in any way.

I sat there, maybe cried a little, but just sat and thought about everything. I finally fount the strength to get off my ass, and attempt a continuation of my now-slow-moving life. Though it was easier to say and think, then to do. No matter what I did, or went, I had thought of her. Everything reminded me of her.

I soon found myself wondering on a street that I was unfamiliar with. "Where am I?" I wondered. Though the answer myself gave was, at the moment, lost. But maybe, doubtfully, Fate brought me here.

Not far from where I was standing, there was a loud screech leading to a loud bang signifying a crash. Curious as to what happened, I ran to it. To only see the one I love, on the ground and bleeding to Death.

Before I could even catch up with everything, I was already at her side and holding her close to my body. I was crying my eyes out. I swore like a sailor (though this phrase makes no sense to me, for the fact sailors don't cuss all that much, but I needed something to describe it.), telling her useless things like: "You aren't allowed to die, dammit!" or "Get the Fuck up, dammit! You"re stronger than this!" Though it was obvious, I was just being as useless as ever.

Soon everything began to felt extremely cold to me, the only problem to this: it's day time of Summer.

"Step aside from the Dead." A voice echoed behind me, I turned to only see a dark figure in a long black cloak. The face of the figure was blocked, as was the rest of the body. There were the bone structure of the hands by each side, one holding a scythe that is too complicated for me to even attempt at describing. At the bottom of this mysterious figure, it seemed that Darkness was emitting from it, surrounding it almost.

"Y-You're Death?" I asked, well more of stated to the figure.

"Yes, mortal. Now step aside from the Dead." He ordered to me, but I wouldn't budge. I wasn't going to let him take her away. Not now, not ever.

" No! I will die a hundred times over before I ever let you take her soul!" I yelled as loud as I could. " You dare defy me? The God of the Dead? The Judge between Hell and Heaven? You ignorant little pest. Move, or I'll move you straight to Hell." He demanded/threatened, still I stayed.

"You may have to. You may take me if you will, but not her. I'll take her sins, her punishments along with me and take them as well as mine own. As long as she lives, I will take her place in Heaven or Hell! And her sins be taken from her body, to live a pure life!" I yelled, and clenched her body tighter. My hands warm with her blood, my body covered with it.

"Stubborn bastard. You are not what I came for, the Dead is my job. The living is for later. Now, leave." He ordered once again. He disappeared from his spot, and appeared directly behind me. His hand gently touched my chin, I felt nothing, as if my chin went completely numb. The feeling came back into my chin, when Death went back to his original place.

"I'll take her place in Death, as she takes mine in the living! All of her sins, and punishments taken along with me, as well as mine! My Soul for hers! I beg of you! Please!" I screamed as loud as possible, the tears rushing down my cheeks and falling upon her cold body.

"Annoying pest. So be it. Your Soul in place of the Dead." He whispered into the air, and swung the Scythe, slashing towards me. For a few second, my body could not breathe but it came back to me. Soon, my body began to glow.

"So this....Is Death? It's....more peaceful...than one would imagine." I gasped out.

Her wounds healed to a non-deadly point, and her eyes began to slowly open as my body disappeared. An echo of my last words play on with wind, ringing into her ears.

"I told you, I would always protect you no matter what. I died to keep you alive, live for the both of us. Please? And remember, I will always love you."