Status: Finished

Robin's Little Sister

The Wispering Journal

A while after the movie started, Kaelyn laid her head on my shoulder. I glanced at Robin, but he didnt seem to notice. A few minutes later, I relized that she was asleep.
When the movie was over, everyone went to bed. I carried Kaelyn to the guest room she was using. It was the first time I'd been in here since she 'moved in' here. She had put candles all over her dresser. On here desk, was a little lamp, with a small journal and a red pen that looked like a paintbrush next to it.
I started to walk out of the room, but there was a whispering sound coming from the desk.
Help me... Save me... Dont let him do it... It seemed to whisper. I debated wheather I should sneak a peek, or leave. I looked at Kaelyn, sleeping on the bed. She rolled over in her sleep.
Look inside... See my secrets... the voice said.
I took a step closer.
Yes... Closer... See what your friend hides from you... It coaxed.
I was standing at the desk now. I could easily pick it up, but something held me back. Kaelyn would never forgive me if I read her diary.
I turned on my heel, and ran out of her room before my curiosity got the best of me.
I ran into Robin in the hall while he was heading to his room.
"BB, what were you...," Robin trailed off, seeing the look on my face. "Whats wrong? Is Kaelyn ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "Yea... Yea she's fine. Its... Its that she... she has a... a... a talking notebook or something in there...," I said to myself.
Robin gave me a wierd look. "A talking notebook? BB are you feelin' ok?" he asked.
I faked a laugh. "Dude, I totally got you," I lied. I wasnt going to tell anyone about the wierd diary. Before Robin could reply, I dashed down the hall into my room. The voice that I had heard earliar was stuck in my head, and I couldn't sleep. I kept having nightmares of Kaelyn dying in different ways.
Each time, I'd wake up in a cold sweat, only to have the same thing happen when I fell back asleep.