Status: Finished

Robin's Little Sister


Plasmus was at the bank. Go figure. BB had turned into one of those giant flying dinosuars, and I was riding on his back. I could see Cyborg laughing at us, but I ignored him.
BB landed with a *thud* and I hopped down, just as he turned back to his human form. My eyes widened as I took the giant form of Plasmus in. He was a giant pink glob with green lights on his head, to keep it simple.
"Titans, GO!" Robin yelled, and the team sprang into action. I closed my eyes, and breathed in through my nose.. When I opened my eyes again, they were filled with fire. I kicked, way to far away to hit Plasmus, but the perfect distance away for fire to materiralize and fly over to the monster, putting a giant hole in his stomache.
I smiled at the damage. It quikly disapeared when the hole closed up, just as quikly as I had put it there. Plasmus turned toward me, and tried to grab me. I was frozen. I watched his fist come towards me, in slow-motion. A second before he reached me, something slammed into me. I landed on the ground, with my savior ontop of me.
I groaned and looked up. It was Beast Boy.
"Thanks...," I mumbled.
BB rolled his eyes. "Dont do that again, OK?" he said.
I laughed, and nodded. We rejoined the fight.
I watched, as Kaelyn and Beast Boy rejoined the fight. Thank God, he had saved her. I had to far away, but BB had been right there, as if protecting her. It was wierd, how he acted that way around my sister.
I ducked as a giant pink fist came towards me. Cyborg swears they like each other, but I just cant see it.
I round house kicked Plasmus, but did no damage. Kaelyn stomped the ground, and I knew what was going to happen, a second before it did. The street flew up underneath Plasmus, and he fell. Speedy was shooting arrows five at a time. Bumblebee was everywhere at once it seemed. Beastboy was attacking him with every animal imaginable, Raven was chanting spells, Cyborg was using his arm-cannon. Starfire was in the sky shooting star-bolts. Mas y Menos where running underneath the monsters feet, making him stagger, and Aqualad was spraying him with water.
"Guys! Get as much water as you can!" KAelyn yelled, and kicked the nearest fire hydrant, dousing her and Beast Boy. I had no idea what she was talking about, but apperantly Aqualad did. He continued to dump as much water as possiblr on Plasmus.Kaelyn used her water bending, and began dumping it on him. Beast Boy turned into an elephant, and used his trunk to spray him. Raven chanted something, and all the fire hydrants around us burst.
Soon, the only remains of Plasmus was a bunch of pink goo, and a man sleeping in the street.
"WHAT THE-!" Kaelyn began to shout, but BB's hand flew over her mouth.
"You have to be quiet. If he wakes up, we'll have fight him all over again. He's only human when he's asleep," he explained. Kaelyn nodded, and released her.
"This place is messed up...," Kaelyn muttered, but we ignored her.
We stayed long enough for the police to show up, then started back home.
"Wait," Beast Boy said. "We gotta celebrate! C'mon, lets have pizza!" he exclaimed, and put his arm around Kaelyn, and dragged her over to the pizza place across the street.
"For the last time, we're getting a veggie pizza!" Kaelyn argued.
"No way! I'm not eatin' no tofu crap!" Cyborg yelled back.
"Well I'm not eating meat!" Kaelyn replied.
I smiled. "See, this is why I like having another vegitarean in the house!" I said. Robin kicked me from under the table. "What?" I asked.
"We're getting pinapple on whatever we get," Raven said.
Kaelyn smiled. "Which comes on the veggie pizza."
"It comes on meat lovers too!" Cy cried.
The others just rolled their eyes. They had been fighting ever since we sat down.
Kaelyn leaned up against me. "Fine. Order whatever you want, but we are getting veggie," she said.
"Finally...," Speedy mumbled.
Kaelyn glared. She was about to say something else, but froze when the bell rang over the door a voice said, "I cant believe you made me come here! Its so unfair!" Kaelyns eyes were wide.
"Eep! Someone hide me! NOW!" she whispered.
"What?" Robin asked.
Kaelyn glanced behind her. "What is she doing here!? She should not be here!" She said to herself. "C'mon. We're leaving," she saidd.
"What? You guys finally agree on something, and now you want to leave? Robin your sisters messed up in the head," Speedy griped.
Kaelyn sighed. "Fine. But BB, your comeing with me," she said, and grabbed my hand.
With her head down, she began walking towards the exit.
"...I dont see why I have to be here. You and Dad have gone on plenty of... Wait. Kaelyn? Omigosh! No way! What are you doing here?" a girl exclaimed. She had bright, kool aid red hair, with bright blue eyes. She had a slight tan, and she was pretty cute.
Kaelyn smiled. "OMG! Katherin! I didnt see you there!" The two girls hugged, while I stood akwardly off to the side.
"Oh! Um... Beast Boy, this is my friend Katherin, from school," Kaelyn introduced me.
I smiled. "Hi."
Katherin smiled back. "Hi yourself."
Kaelyn glared. "Well, we were just leaving, so it was nice seeing you! Bye," Kaelyn waved, and began walking away, pulling me along.
"Kaelyn!" a womans voice said. Kaelyn stopped and whispered to me, "If I look like I'm about to hurt someone, hold me back."
Then she turned around with a huge smile on her face.
"Mrs. Woods!" she exclaimed, and hugged the woman.
"Dear, what are you doing here?" she asked Kaelyn.
"Just visiting family," Kaelyn smiled sweetly.
"Really? I didnt know you had family out here!" the girl, Katherin, said.
Kaelyn nodded.
"Wow, isn't it so wierd how we met here?" Katherin gushed. "I mean, once you left school, I seriosly thought we'd never see you again!"
"Oh, well.... Wait. We? Whose we? Jordan? Alex?" Kaelyn asked.
"Well of course them! But I think that Brad misses you more than anyone else at the school... You know, beside me, of course," Katherin replied.
"Brad!? No. Your lying." Kaelyn said.
"Who's Brad?" Cyborg asked from behind me.
Kaelyn blushed. "No one... C'mon guys, we gotta go."
Katherin rolled her eyes. "Brad is her ex boyfriend. He broke up her ages ago," she said.
Kaelyn blushed. "Anyway... We gotta go."
Katherin gasped. "Wait. You guys are the Teen Titans! Ooh! And Titans East! No way! How do you know them?" she asked Kaelyn.
Kaelyn sighed. "Robins my brother. Guys this is my best friend, Katherin Woods. Who's suppose to be on the other side of the country," Kaelyn mumbled the last part, so only I heard.
"You have a brother? What else have you been keeping from me?" Katherin joked.
Kaelyn laughed. "Nothing, promise!" I saw her cross her fingers behind her back.
"Katherin! Get over here!" Katherins mom called.
"One sec, Mom!" Katherin called back. "Here. This is where we're staying," she said, while writing something on Kaelynd hand, "stop by sometime, 'k? And call me!"
"Sure thing," Kaelyn answered.
When Katherin walked away, Kaelyn started walking out the door. We followed.
"Why is she here?" she asked herself.
"Thats what I was gonna ask you," Robin said.
Kaelyn sighed. "You guys go ahead and do whatever you want... I'm gonna go back and rest. My head's killin' me," she said.
"You cant go back by yourself," I said. "I'll go with you."
"No, you go ahead... I need to think." And with that, she ran down the street, with all of us staring after her.
I started to follow, but Robin held me back. "Dont. She needs space," he said.
I nodded. I watched as Kaelyn suddently flew up fifty feet, and disapeared.
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I hope u like!!