Status: Finished

Robin's Little Sister

Saved by the Bell


"Where are they? They left three hours ago!" Cyborg yelled again, "With my car! They took my car!"

I sighed. This has been going on for how long? Oh ya, three hours. Geez, ever since they left, Cyborgs been complaining.

"I knew I shouldn't have let them use my baby! She's probaly got tons of scratches...," he said.

I tuned him out. or at least tried to. I'm actually starting to get worried too. I dont understand why it would take so long for Kaelyn to talk to a friend she didnt even want to see in the firs place...

"If they get one scratch-" Cyborg started, but Raven cut him off.

"If your so freakin' worried, just call them!" she shouted.

"Jeez, fine...," he muttered, and took out his communicater. "Beastboy, where are you guys?... Good...Is my baby ok?.... She better be, or your dead, tofu boy...," and thats how it went until they hung up. "They're on there way," he told us.

I sighed, and shook my head. I hope Kaelyn's in the mood for answering questions...


I sighed. I still cant believe I told Katherin all that I did about my dad. I shouldve known that she wouldnt take me seriosly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw BB give e a sideways glance.

"You OK?" he asked.

I smiled. "Ya, I'm fine," I said.

He raised an eyebrow at me, but let it go. A few minutes later, we pulled into the garage at the T Tower.

Cyborg immediantlyran to his car, checking for scratches or dents. I laughed, and he glared at me. Finally, he sighed.

"Alright, I dont see any scratches," he said. "But what took you guys so long?" he asked.

"Uh... We went for lunch, and, uh, Katherin was pretty upset...and... stuff," I said, using my cover story. Ugh, I hate how everything leaves my mind the second I need it...

"Kaelyn," I heard Robin say.

I sighed, but turned to face him.

"Y-yea?" I asked.

"Can continue our conversation from earlier now?" he asked.

"Uh... I... I-" then the alarm went off. Yes! Saved by the, I mean alarm. "Later!" I said. I hopped his R Cycle. "Can I drive?" I asked.

"Ha, no," he said.


"Hey look... Smurfs do excist," I muttered, as I saw a dude with blue skin, wearing a tux, a funny hat, and wild white hair. And to top it off, he held a wand. "Name?" I asked Robin, who was standing next to me.

"Mumbo Jumbo," he told me

I laughed. "Sounds a lot like 'Mojo Jojo' from the Powerpuff Girls...," I muttered.

Robin gave me a funny look. "What? I dont watch it anymore!" I said in my defence. I heard BB and Cyborg laughinf from behind me.

Robin shook his head. "Titans, GO!" he yelled.

I smirked, and made a fire ball, aimed right at the over grown smurf.
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:) i hope u guys like it! anny way i need more comments!!! and subscribers!!