Status: Finished

Robin's Little Sister

Brother/Sister Talk


I smiled when Robin skidded to a stop on the beach, where I first showed up. We sat down on the beach, facing the horizon.
“Kaelyn, are you ok?” Robin asked.
I sighed. “I’ve told you, I’m fine.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were afraid of heights?” he asked.
“I don’t know Robin... maybe because my brother is a super hero! Because my brother is the Robin! Because you have no fear,” I told him.
“You think I have no fear? Kaelyn ever since you showed up, I’ve been terrified that something bad would happen to you,” he said.
I looked at him. “But when you left...,” I trailed off, seeing a small smile on his face.
“When I left, I had to convince myself that you could take care of yourself. Believe me, I did not want to leave with... you know,” he said, not even wanting to speak of my father. “It wasn’t an easy decision.”
I gave him a small smile.
“Which, reminds me... Did you know that Raven could read minds?” he asked.
I squinted. “No... Why?” I asked.
“Well... Remember when you first showed up and you were having a fit because I wouldn’t go home with you?” he asked.
“I wasn’t having a fit...,” I muttered. “But yes I remember.”
“Well... Raven told me something that I didn’t quite understand...,” he paused, then looked at me. “Turn around,” he said.
“What, why?” I asked.
He sighed. “Just turn around.”
So I did. He started lifting the back of my shirt, and I stiffened. When he saw the scar on my back, he gasped.
I bit my lip, and turned back around. His face was full of rage.”He burned you? He actually burned you,” he yelled.
“Robin, please, calm down!” I told him.
“You want me to calm down? How am I suppose to calm down, Kaelyn? Have you seen your back?” he asked.
I winced. “Of course I did...,” I muttered. “But it was my punishment. I did something wrong, so I was punished.”
He gaped. “What on earth could you do wrong, that would have him burn you?” he asked.
“I’d really rather not talk about it...,” I said. “Can we choose another topic? Please?” I asked.
He hesitated. Finally he sighed. “Fine... How about we continue our discussion that you’ve somehow wiggled your was out of twice? That seems like a goo topic.”
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IM SRRY!!!!!!!! because of school, im probaly only gonna b able to update on the weekends frm now on :( srry guys! on the bright side, emistone, i TOLD u i would update!! im jus srry it took so lng!