Status: Finished

Robin's Little Sister

The Phone Call


A few days have passed since Robin had our little ‘talk’. Not much happened, but Titans East went home the other day. Yesterday, I met The Hive Five, when we kicked their buts at the bank. Beastboy and I have been with each other every chance we get. Starfire is trying to help me get over my fear of heights by taking to the roof everyday. It hasnt really worked out too well...
I looked at the calendar, and froze. Tomorrow is my last day. Either I bring Robin to my dad, or he’ll find me.
The walls began closing in, and I struggled to breath. I grabbed my jacket, and down the stairs, heading strait to the door.
“Where are you going?” Raven asked. She had become like an older sister to me within the past couple of days.
I turned around, facing her. “I need some air. I’ll just be out by the water,” I said.
Raven’s gaze deepened as she tried to read my thoughts, but I gave her nothing. She sighed. “All right.”
I ran out the door, going strait to the water. I reached down and grabbed a flat rock. It was the perfect skipping rock. I tried to clear my head, getting my thoughts strait.
After a while, my phone starting buzzing in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID but it gave me nothing. Slowly, I pressed the green button.
“Kaelyn!” I heard on the other end.
“Kaelyn?” Beastboy said.
I turned around, to face him, motioning I was on the phone.
“Hey, um, Katherine I gotta go,” I said.
“Wait, before you hang up, we have a solution to you little problem...”
I froze. “You what?”


I waited impatiently while kaelyn was talking on the phone with Katherine. I tried not to listen in, but I did anyway.
“How do you-“ she was cut off by Katherine.
“Really? How?” she asked.
After a pause, Kaelyn smiled. “I’m in.” and she hung up.
When she turned around, she jumped when she saw me. “Sorry,” she laughed.
I smiled. “So... Starfire’s dragging Robin to the mall, Cyborg’s going to some eating contest at the pizza place, and Raven’s going to one of those dark poetry things. That means we have the tower to ourselves for at least a few hours,” I told her.
She grinned. “Sweetness! What should we do?” she asked.
I smiled back. “Anything you want.”
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haha you guys are gonna HATE me!!! after this, there is only gonna be like 2 more, then you'll have to wait for the sequel!!! yupz, theres gonna be a sequel!!! luv you guys!!! subscribe, comment, do whatever!!!