Status: Finished

Robin's Little Sister


Dear Diary,
It's day three of 14. I now have less than two weeks before Dad's expecting me home. I'm no closer to bringing Robin home now, than what I was three days ago. Its impossible! I knew I wouldnt get him to come anyway. I dont know why I tried...
I dont even know why Dad wants him home all of a sudden either... They've always hated each other. I'm not sure what I know anymore though. Robins not who he used to be. He's different. Which makes me more unwilling to do this to him. I know that if I told him the real reason, he'd want to fight. I dont think he understands. Hopfully, I can get away from here before my time limits up. I dont want to leave Robin after being away from him for so long, but its the only way.
I sighed, as I put my pen down. It only seems like three hours, not three days. I've become friends with everyone in the tower. Tomorrow, the Titans East are coming to meet me. Robin claimed that they visited all the time, but BB had told me that Robin invited them. He said they didnt even know I was here, so it would suprise them.
Great. Now I can make more friends, and stab more people in the back. (Notice the sarcasm.) I looked at the clock.
It was nine in the morning. I got up and headed into the main room. No one else was awake, so I decided to make everyone breakfast.
I looked in the fridge, and found everything I needed for regular, and tofu, omlets.
Just as I put the last of the breakfast on the table, everyone came down. Robin froze in the doorway, when he saw everything on the table. Everyone else rushed to the table. I smriked at him.
"Robin, can I ask you something?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows, so I took that as a yes.
I went over to a drawer, and pulled out some seasoning in a plastic jar. I held it up for him to see.
"You know Mom has been looking for this, for like, forever?" I asked. It was a family secret ingrediant, that Robin, Mom, and I had made one day, while experimenting.
Robin blushed. "I forgot the ingrediance so I had to do something..." he trailed off, while I started giggling.
"Whatever..." I said while sitting down next to BB. We had become really good friends, considering I've only been here for a few days.
"So what are we doing today?" I asked.
"We're training today. You can show'em your martial arts now... If you still know how," Robin teased.
"Aw, man! She fights like you? I'm dead..." BB moaned.
"I bet I can still kick your butt. I've been training just as much as you," I told him.
He smiled, and ruffled my hair. "Really? Whats up with you guys and ruffling hair? You know how long it took me to straighten this mess?" I told them off. "I'm gonna put it in a ponytail," I grumbled.
I heard them chuckling behind me, but I ignored it.\
Five minutes later, we were all in the training room. Robin and BB were going one-on-one first.
BB was down in in two minutes flat. I smiled at him.
"Oh, shut up," he griped. I giggled.
"Alright Kaelyn, your next," Robin told me. I jumped up. "Time this, will you Cyborg?" I asked. "I want to see if I beat my personel record," I smirked.
Robin rolled his eyes, and in that split second that he wasnt paying attention, I tackled him. We both landed on the ground, but he threw me over him, making me do a front flip, while he did a back flip.
He kicked, I dodged. I punched, I struck. He managed to hit me, and I stumbled to the ground. I swung my leg around, and brought him to the ground as well.
Before he could get up, I sat on top of him. "Time!" I shouted.
"Two minutes, twenty-eight seconds," came Cy's reply. I got up. "Dangit... Two seconds off," I muttered. I looked at everyones faces, and started laughing.
"Y-you...all look...l-like a f-fish!" I said in between fits of laughter.
"Dude! No ones every beat Robin before!" BB exclaimed. I giggled. Suddenly I was on the ground, with Robin on top of me. "You let your gaurd down, Sis," he told me. "Your gettin' sloppy."
I gasped. "Sloppy? I dont think so. Now get off me," I said.
He sighed, and got up. We trained all day, and not once did the alarm go off. The villians must be to tired. That, or they're in jail.
Around six, we all went into the main room to watch a movie.
"What should we watch?" I asked.
"Horror," Raven said. "Action," Robin said. "Sci-fi," Cy said. "Let us watch a comedy," Star said."Supernatural," BB said.
"No way! A chick flick!" I exclaimed. "Ooh! We should watch Emma! I LOVE that movie! Ooh! Or theres Sence of Sensibilities! Thats a good one!" I told them.
"You watch chick flicks?" they asked. I nodded. "Sure. I watch everything. Except paranormal. I cant stand that..." I trailed off, shivering. "I, uh... I've a had a bad past with ghost," I muttered.
After debating for half an hour, we finally decided on a movie called Push. It was action, adventure andsci-fi.
An hour into the movie, I fwll asleep on BB's shoulder.
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