Tell Me, My Love


“What is this!” He screamed at his wife,Yun Xi. Throwing his hands in the air out of frustration. His wife stood next to him as he sat down on the ground, legs crossed. Looking at the plate before him, placed on the table. His wife's weather-beaten face became uneasy by his recent behavior. But Yun Xi understood his angry towards her, since she was unable to breed him a son, or any child at the very least.

“There wasn't enough money left after you gambled, so I could only have made rice...” She replied humbly to her husband.

“What? Are you talking back now? Huh!” He asked annoyed. Yun Xi lowered her head before she shook it. Extending her arms forwards, she handed him a pair of chopsticks.

He then focused his eyes on the plate before him, ignoring her presences as he made a ball of rice with his fingers before throwing it into his mouth. He chewed for two second before grimacing and spitting it out onto the floor near her feet.

“Is there something wrong my lord?” She asked concerned, kneeling next to him.

He shook the rice angrily from his fingers and pushed the plate away, spilling rice on the floor, and throwing the entire table over, causing the plate to crack. She watched as he stormed off the room, then out of the house, slamming the sliding door behind him.

Yun Xi kneeled to the ground, and began to pick up the grains of rice from the floor. Her hands were shaking as she placed the rice back on the cracked plate. She tried taking deep breathes to claim down, but instead they were quivered, and tears flowed out her eyes, dripping down her cheeks.

Then she heard the front door slam open. Her husband was back.

“Get up.” He stated as he walked back into the room, “Get up!”

It wasn't easy tolerating him talking to her that way but Yun Xi clearly knew how much a women could tolerate when she was in love. In the past six years since she had first lost her baby boy to the demon called death, four more cycles of hope raised but collapsed. Each and every time, it was more crushing to Yun Xi. And with time, her husband grew more resentful.

He yanked her by the threads of her hair and pulled her up, only high enough to get her off her knees. He pulled her left and right, forcing her head to move with his motions and forced her to drop the plate on the floor that shattered into pieces.

“You worthless women!” He screamed.

The tears and screams escaped his wife, yet she did not protest.

And after a while, he threw Yun Xi on the floor again, trying to catch his breathe.

“Please tell me, what is it that I have to do my lord? What must I do to fix what I am doing wrong?” She asked, trying to get up by her weak wrists.

He scoffed, “Go!”

His wife sat up, fixing her robe that had become loosened. She brushed the hair off her face and then did what he most hated.

She bowed down to him.

Her hands overlapped and her elbows pointed outwards, kneeling properly, she placed her head on her hands and then pressed onto the floor.

“Leave!” he screamed, throwing the a shard of broken plate at her, yet she did nothing else but flinch from the pain.

“Why are you like this? Huh? Do you love me that much that you are willing to stay with me like this? Huh!” He yelled, grabbing hold of her hair again, “Leave! Go!”

Yun Xi, ran away with him when she was young. They eloped and fled far from their forced arranged marriages to be happy together. Yun Xi dedicated herself to clean the house he had bought for her, and make him his favorite dishes when they had enough money and become pregnant with a son. And one day, she found her dead baby filled with worms. Therefore, no matter how much she submitted to his command, his wants and his demands – she knew that she could never give him his son back.

“I can't ever leave you!” Yun Xi cried. Her husband stopped shaking her, dropped her head back and then slowly removed his grip from her hair, “I've caused you to suffer too much, what will you do without me?”

“Why?” He asked before falling into his knees, “Why Yun Xi?”

“I have failed you, my lord...” She whimpered before weeping louder, “In the most essential way, I have failed you...I am unable to give you children!”

I can’t understand why she is so good to me...I’m not the good man that she thinks I am

His arms drew up from the ground and reached towards her.

“Why haven't you ran away? Why do you continue to stay by my side when I have fallen so far?” He asked with a croak in his voice.

Her eyes fluttered by the tears that blocked her vision and caused it to blur, “My lord,”

Her hand reached and touched his. She let him crease her cheek with his left hand, “You do not know how to cook, sew, clean, nor take care of yourself alone...this is the least I can do after denying you children...”

When that kind girl cries again because of me,
I’ll cry with her too

My woman,
She loves me so much...