Status: Love this guy <3

Love To Hate, But Hate To Love

Love To Hate, But Hate To Love (Paul Bissonnette One-shot)

"Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep." The alarm on Anegla's cell phone was going off. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that it was 9:30 am. She sat up and wondered why she wasnt in her own room. But then the events from last night came flowing back to her mind. Angela was a party girl and a major one. She was always looking for a good time, always drinking when she was out, always going to clubs and house parties. Last night she went to her cousin, Shane Doan's house for a party celebrating the teams home opener win of their season. Shane was an NHL player for the Phoenix Coyotes (well the captain to be exact). He was Angela's closest cousin since she was born. So when her mother and father got divorced when she was 8, his family took her in and raised her. Angela moved back in with her mom when Shane was drafted into the NHL but just recently she moved to America from their home town Halkirk, Alberta to live with him and his family to escape her mother's abusive boyfriend. She loved Shane, his wife Andrea, and their kids Gracie, Josh, Karys, and Carson but sometimes she wished she lived on her own especially when she would go out every weekend to clubs or parties. She was 21 years old, single, and loved to party. Angela rolled her eyes as her head from her hangover started to hurt; she was in the living room laying on the couch. She stood up and nearly fell from being dizzy but regained herself and stumbled to the bathroom. While she was there she threw up a couple of times, drank mouthwash, and looked at herself in the mirror. Sometimes she didnt like what she saw, her brownish dark blonde hair hung in ringlets, her bright green eyes had dark circles under them and her small figure looked fragile. But it wasnt her looks she didnt like. It was her herself. She didnt have a job, she drank a lot, every now and then did drugs, and was always in and out of relationships. Sometimes she wished she could change or somebody could help change her. She opened the bathroom door and stepped into the hallway and found her cousin. "Need some of this?" He was holding two aspirins in his hand.

"Oh thanks." She said in her very light voice taking the pills.

"We're having a practice today if you wanna come with me." Shane said opening her bedroom door.

"Yeah sure I guess so." Angela said walking to her closet.

"Great, I'll be downstairs waiting. Some of the guys asked if you were coming no surprise." He said chuckling. Angela smiled. She loved getting attention from boys. Its not that she was a whore she just loved messing around and flirting. Angela got a shower, brushed her teeth, dried her ringlets of hair, and threw on tight jeans, a Hollister shirt low cut, and baby doll shoes. After she ate breakfast , her and Shane drove to Arena. When they arrived, Shane went to the locker room while Angela went to the guest bench. She sat down and saw that her close friend Scottie Upshawl was taking laps around the rink. She waved to him but then she heard a voice she couldn't stand.

"Hey Angela."

"Hi Paul." She said not looking at Paul Bissonnette. He was Shane's good friend and a winger for the team.

"Hows um, hows everything uh going?" He asked her quietly and nervously. Angela rolled her eyes. She couldn't stand Paul. He was somewhat of a partier like her but any time they would be at the same club or party, he would watch her constantly! Any time she would be dancing with some guy he would watch. Or if she talked and flirted with a guy he came over and talked to her or pushed the guy away. She always told him to stop and leave her alone but Shane insisted Paul to do it anyway. Yeah she thought Paul was hot and an amazing fighter but she still hated him.

"Look shouldn't you be on the ice? She asked annoyed.

"Yeah but I just wanted to see how you were." He said skating in front of her.

"Thats nice of you but I think you can leave now." Angela said in a preppy voice.

"Haha now why would I want to do that?" Paul said putting his hand under her chin.

She pulled away and glared at him as Paul smirked but then the coach blew the whistle to start practice.

"Like I said leave." She said.

"See ya around." Paul winked skating away.

Angela rolled her eyes and sighed. She never knew why she always came to practices or games. She didnt like hockey that much, she hated Paul, and all the other players just flirted with her. For the rest of the time she sat there and watched. When it ended she stoot outside the locker waiting for Shane but Paul and Scottie came out first.

"Hey missy." Scottie said hugging her.

"Hey why did you guys have practice? Your not playing tonght."

"Yeah but sometimes we have too." Scottie said.

"But there is a party tonight." Paul said knowing Angele would be interested.

"Really? I didnt hear that?" Angela said not caring.

"Ya its at one of Bryzgoalov bubby's house. He's throwing it for the teams season so some of the guys are goin." Paul said.

Angela loved going to house parties but she wasnt going to this one if Paul was going.

"Sounds like fun but I dont think I'll be able to go." She said.

"Aww why not?" Scottie whined.

"Cuz I'm busy later and all this other bullshit." Angela lied. All she was gonna do was sit on her couch, drinking, and watch some stupid movie.

"Since when do you not wanna have fun?" Scottie asked but then Shane came out.

"Hey you guys talking about that party tonight?" He asked.

"Yep we're going. Are you?" Paul asked Shane.

"Nooooo and neither is Ange." Shane said.

"Why not?" Angela asked curious.

"Because the party's gonna be with a bunch of guys I dont know or trust. Plus I'm not going so its different when you go out and I'm not there." He said.

"But I do go out places without you and I can handle myself." Angela protested.

"Plus we'll be there." Scottie said.

"I know but I just worry sometimes." Shane said putting his arm around Angela.

"Well no need to cause she's not going anyway so." Scottie said. Then he turned with Paul and they walked away.

"If you want to go..." Shane started but was cut off.

"No really I'm fine." Anglea said smiling.

"Okay if your sure." Shane smiled back.

Later That Night

Just like she thought Angela was doing nothing. The party had started awile ago and Paul and Scottie were already twittering about it. Angela sat in the chair while everyone else was asleep. It was 1:30 a.m. and she was really starting to regret not going to that party.

Finally around 1:45 Angela texted Scottie to give her the address to the party. She didn't care if Paul was there or not she just wanted to have fun and a lot of it.

She dolled up and then headed out. When she arrived she immediately found Scottie.

"Scottie!" She screamed.

"Hey sexy." He said. "Glad you changed your mind."

"Ha yeah I always love having fun." Angela said laughing.

"Sweet. Here have a drink." He said stumbling a bit while giving her a plastic cup full of what smelled like some tangy fruit mix with vodka or gin. She took a few sips and looked around. Paul was no wear in her sight. Then she stopped herself. "What the hell are you doing?! Stop thinking about Paul." Angela said to herself. She couldn't believe she was and she didn't know why either. Somehow Scottie read her mind. "Paul's outside on the back padio." He said smirking.

"So?" She questioned.

"So you like him." Scottie said still smirking.

"No I don't okay. I can't stand him." Angela said. But something inside of her differently. She hated that feeling.

"Whatever, Im gonna find some chick, you wanna come?" Scottie asked smiling and winking.

"Nah I'm good." Angela said and she walked away over to a couch. She sat down and continued to drink as she looked around the room. Then she spotted a really cute guy looking at her. She smiled at him and looked away hoping he would come over and flirt with her. She looked over again and he was smiling at her. "She smiled back and he walked over to her.

"Whats up?" The guy asked her.

"Nothing much, just enjoying the party." Angela said.

"Thats cool, whats your name?" He asked.

"Angela, yours?" She said to him.

"Jake. Your sexy as hell." Jake said checking her out.

"Awe well thank you, your pretty hot yourself." She said. Angela knew that this was the perfect time to start flirting.

"You need another drink?" Jake asked looking at her drink.

"Um yeah sure." Angela said giving Jake her cup. After awhile of drinking the two of them were pretty drunk. Then Jake took that as an advantage.

"Hey you wanna get out of here?" Jake asked.

"Uh no sorry I can't I'm here with friends." Angela said.

"Okay well then we'll do it here." Jake said grabbing Angela around her waist.

"Get off of me." Angela said. Then Jake, who was much more stranger than her, held her arms down and carried her upstairs over his shoulder. Nobody helped her because the music was too loud and people probably thought they were drunk and were just playing.

"Let me go! I'm serious!" Angela was getting really upset and scared now. "Paul! Paul help me! Paul!" She didn't know why she was calling Paul for help but she knew for some reason it was right to do. Then Jake opened the door, kicked it closed, and threw her on the bed.

"Get the fuck off of me you sick fuck!" Angela screamed. She smacked and punched him all over which only frustrated Jake.

"Bitch shut the fuck up!" Jake said smacking her across her face. Angela was in shock. She had never been hit by a guy before and started to get very scared.

"Help!" She started screaming. Jake smacked her again and this time he was able to undo her belt and jeans.

Paul knew he heard his name. He heard her stay it so many times that he practically had it memorized. He couldn't help but be in love with Angela. She was eveything he ever wanted in a girl and he couldn't lose her. Everytime he saw an asshole flirting with her or trying way to hard to get into her pants, he would always find a way from letting them take her home. But this time he thought something was wrong. He looked everywhere for her but still couldn't find her in the house. He was really hoping she didn't go home with some guy. Then he heard something.

He heard her voice. "Angela!?" He yelled hoping she'd answer. Then he heard a cry for help coming from upstairs so he ran up to the room where it was coming from.

"Hold still bitch." Jake said holding Angela's hands down.

"Stop! Help!" Angela cried. She was desparate now. Then she heard an angel.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" It was Paul.

"Paul! Oh my god please Paul please help me!" Angela yelled. She was never this happy to see Paul.

"Look man this is my chick so why don't you just leave." Jake said getting off of Angela and standing up. Then Paul saw the blood on Angela's lip and lost it.

"She's not your chick you son of a bitch!" Paul said pissed. Then he swung at Jake and punched him in the cheek.

"What the fuck?!" Jake yelled pissed. He swung back at Paul and hit him in the jaw. Then the two of them went at it. Punching and kicking eachother while Angela watched horrified. She didn't know what to do. Then Paul pinned Jake down and started punching him in the face. Blood started to pour out of Jakes mouth and nose and thats when Angela knew it was getting worse. She had to stop Paul before he hurt Jake even if he deserved it. So Angela started yelling, "Paul! Paul please stop! Please!"

She could see the anger in his eyes and knew she couldn't stop him herself so she called Scottie.

"Hello." He answered cheerfully.

"Scottie get your ass upstairs now!" Angela yelled into her phone.

"Whoa why? Whats wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Paul's beating the shit out of this dude!" Angela yelled.

"Okay calm down I'm on my way." He said.

"Hurry!" She yelled before hanging up.

Soon Scottie came upstairs and saw Paul practially crushing Jake face in.

"Paul, dude stop! Let it go man!" Scottie said trying to grab Paul's swinging arms. "Come on man stop!" He yelled. Then Angela said, "Paul stop please!" She cried out. Paul looked up at her and saw her tears. Scottie grabbed his arm and pulled him off of a very bloody Jake.

Scottie looked at Jake when he stood up and said, "You better leave now."

Jake staggered down the stairs with tears in his eyes. "What the fuck happened here?!" Scottie asked in disbelief. Paul just looked at him and then walked down the stairs and left. Scottie looked at Angela before she ran after Paul.

When she got outside she saw Paul walking down the street so she ran after him. "Paul wait!" But he didn't stop. She grabbed his arm and pulled on him.

"What!" He snapped.

"What is your problem?" Angela thought. "All I wanna do is thank you."

"Thank me?! No need for that." Paul said annoyed.

"What, Paul! Just tell me!" Angela yelled.

"How many times have I saved you from that bullshit! Huh, do you know cuz I sure as hell don't!" He yelled.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Why do you think I always stop guys from flirting with you at clubs Ange?!" He yelled. "I do it because I know shit like that will happen to you! So I do it to save you! To save your fucking life and now you want to say thank you because I almost killed a guy for what he did to you!" Paul yelled. Angela didn't say anything. She was scared of Paul when he was pissed off but mostly she was in shock about what he said.

"Why." She mumbled.

"What?!" Paul hissed.

"Why do you do that?" She mumbled again.

"Oh my god Angela really! Your really gonna ask me that!" He screamed. She winced at his yelling. She felt tears form in the back of her eyes as he looked at her.

"Wow are you really that dumb!?" Paul screamed at her. Angela shook her head side to side looking down at the ground. "I do that, all of that for you because I, I, I fucking love you! You mean the world to me and I don't want to lose you ever and I just love you! But your such a bitchy, arrogent, smut, that needs everybody's help in life so how the fuck can I still love you!?" Paul screamed. By now it started to drizzle rain and Angela's tears mixed into the rain drops dripping from her face. Paul saw her tears and started to calm down. "Look I'm sorry okay? Really." He almost whispered. Angela shook her head.

"No." She said. "Your right I am just a dumb, bitchy, smut, and I don't deserve you." She cried.

"No your not. Look Ange I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that but I do really love you and it kills me when I see you with jerks that I know just want you for sex. I don't wanna see you get hurt." He said walking closer to her.

"I, I, I love you too." She whispered looking up at him.

Paul smiled at her as he placed his hand on the side of her face to whip her tears away. Then he looked at her lips locked together. Angela placed her arms around his neck and continued to kiss him until they pulled apart.

"I love you." Paul whispered leaning his forehead against hers.

Angela sighed, "I hate that I love you too."

Paul laughed, "I know babe."

Angela smiled and was pulled by Paul into another perfect kiss.
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Hoped u liked this rate/message whatever :) Paul is amazing!