Cupid Can Kiss My Ass

Teach Me How To Love

I watched as Toby dialed the number to his dad's house. His fingers shook and he didn't move the phone to his ear yet.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck. He sighed.

"Do I have to call him?"
"Not now, but you can't avoid this. Would you rather talk to him in person?"
He was quiet, then started dialing the numbers. It's sad that he isn't willing to face his dad in person, but at least he's taking a step forward.
He listened as the phone rang in his ear. I heard it ring twice before he slammed the phone down.
"I can not do it."
I nodded. He sighed and went over to the bed.
"I'm glad that you tried."

He gave me a weak smile. I sat next to him and held out my arms. He slowly leaned into them and I wrapped him up in a hug. I pecked him on the lips, and this time, he gave me a real smile - his dark hair was moved away from his eyes which were like shining onyx orbs. His skin was a warmer color than usual, and his mouth never looked so inviting.

"I am glad that I have you, Angel."
"Sorry I have not been very... nice to you lately."
I scoffed. "Nice? Toby, you've been nice to me. I understand you aren't exactly in a lovey-dovey mood like I am and that's okay."
"You are just so enthusiastic about everything, and that just is not me."
"I know. I'm okay with that."

He smiled and kissed me on the lips. They were soft and sweet, a taste I could only describe as Toby, and I wanted more. I pulled him back in when started to pull away. His red lips stayed pressed against mine, but he did nothing more. It wasn't a normal thing for me to want someone as badly as I did right now, but I really wanted to take this farther,

My arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. I rubbed my hands up his sides, noting the fabric that stood between me and his soft skin. I could already feel his body heat through his clothes. His hands hovered by my hips as his tongue dipped into my mouth.

He eagerly tongue-wrestled with me. My fingers skimmed under his shirt, caressing his smooth skin. I felt him shiver under my touch as my fingers climbed up his toned stomach and back. I wasn't used to being the one initiating all the touching. In my last relationship, my boyfriend did what he pleased with me, whether I wanted to or not. I usually gave in to what he wanted to keep him happy, but I know now that isn't the right thing to do. Being in the dominant position right now gave me a rush of power, but I didn't want to let it go to my head. I didn't want to be like my ex.

I broke away from him for a minute to observe where we were right now. I watched his body language, trying to see if pushing him farther was the smart thing to do. He looked at me with lustful eyes and I knew I had my answer. I pulled his shirt over his head and stared at his chest - it was more toned than I thought. He hastily pulled my shirt off of me, and I was caught between amusement and embarrassment. He ignored both and pulled me down on top of him, continuing our frenching.

My hands shamelessly roamed over his chest. I took a break from his lips to kiss his jaw, his neck, his chest... His breathing sped up once I reached his waist. I unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, his erection almost free. I pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees. Wow... that is A LOT bigger than I expected. I stared up at him. His breathing wasn't gonna slow down anytime soon, and he was looking up at the ceiling, his hands resting on the bed.

I had to admit - I was nervous. I've never actually... done this before. I've had it done to me so I know how to do it, but... there's something I never told Toby. My ex... well... it wasn't the best relationship. And even though I am completely over him, it still isn't making it any easier to move on with Toby. But I want to. I want to move away from my stupid past because it has nothing to do with the present and (hopefully) my future with Toby.

I took him in my hands, earning a gasp from him. I slid my hand up and down his length, slowly and with a firm grip. He dug his nails into the mattress and moaned. I picked up the pace but soon abandoned it all together, got on my knees, and put him in my mouth. His grip on the mattress tightened. He really was big - I couldn't even fit all of him in my mouth at first - I had him halfway and was moving at a normal pace when I felt his hand on the back of my head, pushing me further. I took as much of him as I could. I hadn't even realized that he was moaning, but now it was all I could focus on - I liked to please him. I rarely saw him happy. I sped up, stopping once to play with him with my tongue. I licked him up the base, flicking my tongue against the tip. A low grown came from his throat.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Fuck!" Toby shouted, startling me. I moved away from him, but he rested a hand on my shoulder. "No, keep going."
"But... the phone-"
"Just..." He started. I blinked. He sighed and grabbed the phone off of the table and answered. "Hello? Father? Yes I-I called... No... No it is not an emergency... no she is fine, we are all fine here... no I just... she thought I should call because she thinks we should talk... talk about... well... um, I have been going through some changes, and she thought it would be better if you could help me through them- no no not like that, I have already been through that... yes that is not what I am talking about... well... changes like... I-I- look can we just talk about this another time, or in person or something?... You are busy later? You have been busy for ten years - you can't speak to me now?... What? I don't care - it is not my fault that you left!... Well what about your family, did you even think about how we would feel if you left?!... I don't care about if you are happy, what about us?! What about your wife and son - you left us to suffer so you could be happy?!?! Did you even think about being considerate?!... No-no forget it, father. I will just deal it with by myself - the same way I have been for ten years!"

He hung up and threw his phone across the room. I watched it fly by and hit the clothes hamper. He was breathing heavily, glaring at the phone.

"Toby?" I barely heard myself.

His glare darted to me, but immediately softened when he looked at me. I guess I looked pretty pathetic - shirtless, on my knees, somewhat scared. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up to face him.

"Sorry." He apologized. "That kinda killed the mood, huh?"
I shook my head. "It's okay, I understand."
"I should have guessed that conversation would end badly. My father... he is just a really selfish person. It amazes me how a generous woman like my mother could fall for him."
"Don't hate your father. He may not have the best judgement or sensitivity, but you and your mother did love him, and so does his boyfriend. Don't let one bad memory ruin another."
He nodded and smiled at me. "You always now just what to say... to make me feel like a dumb-ass."
I grinned. He pulled me on top of him into a hug.

Just so you know, me and Toby being shirtless with his dick out and me on top of him... is a BAD thing.

"You know, it is too bad the mood is gone, because I really was not done with you yet."
I blushed. He hugged me tighter, his dick rubbing against my stomach, making me gasp. "C-Cut it out, Toby."
"Why? I said I was not done."
"Are you serious? You can really start right back up again after that fiasco with your father?"
He brought me down to his lips to confirm that. Soon, we were kissing and grinding on each other. I didn't care what happened next, I just wanted him.


Okay, I didn't want that.

He groaned, not letting go of me. "Yes, mother?"
"Can you come help me with the groceries?"
"Why can't Jerry help you?"
"Because Jerry isn't here. He doesn't live here, you know."
"Could've fooled me." He grumbled under his breath.

I moved to sit up but he held me still. I didn't bother him, just let him hold me for a few moments before he sighed and sat us both up. He fixed his pants, pulled on a shirt, and went downstairs to help his mom.

I got dressed and sat down on the bed. This was definitely... new. Not just what we did, but how I felt because of what we did. I felt embarrassed and shy. I never even felt that way with my ex - he didn't care how I looked or what I did, so embarrassing myself was never a huge problem for me unless we were in front of his friends. But being so vulnerable in front of Toby was leaving me jittery. It reminded me of how I first felt around him, when I first met him.

When I saw him at the AMPM that day, I was terrified of him. He was gorgeous, and mean, and cold. I was alone because I had just moved here and I hadn't made any friends or found out where any other places were. He was alone because he wanted to be. He was perfectly fine being by himself, and he pretty much scared people away from him. I still don't know if Toby doesn't want new friends or if he isn't good at making them, but I'm glad that he made an exception for me.

When this all started out, I really did want to be his friend and help him get over his homophobic ways. Sure, I still thought that he was gorgeous, but I was trying to ignore that. It amazes me that things have worked out the way they have - he's done a complete 180 from who he was only about two months ago. He was trying to work things out with his dad, he didn't have any hatred towards gays, and he was dating me. There are still problems that we need to work out though: he and his dad still aren't ready to talk things out yet, and Toby needs to make better friends, and then there's our relationship and how he's utterly unromantic, but I guess we'll just have to take things one step at a time.

"Hey." Toby sat down next to me. I hadn't even heard him come back in the room, so I jumped out of surprise.
"Hi." I leaned on his shoulder after I calmed down. His arm wrapped around me and brought me closer.
"Sorry we keep getting interrupted."
"It's okay."
"Maybe we should find another place to hang out."
I looked up at him. "Where would that be?"
"Can we go to your house?"
I shook my head. "My dad comes home at random times, plus my room is still a mess."
"Then I will come over and help you clean it."
I rolled my eyes. "You are not seriously going to help me clean my room."
"Why not? It is not like you are going to do it yourself."
"True, but I don't want you to see how much of a slob I am."
"I have already seen your room."
"It's gotten worse."
He blinked. "How is that even possible?"
"Shut up. My dad finally got our pet dogs, and well, they aren't very good at helping me keep the house clean."
He shook his head. "I am coming over tomorrow and I am helping you clean."

I don't know why he is so eager to clean my house, but I wasn't complaining. If the house was clean, especially my bedroom, my dad would stop yelling at me.

After school the next day, we walked to my house. My dad was home today - a rare occasion. He greeted me with a smile but eyed Toby suspiciously. Toby was confused but I just glared at my dad and shook my head. My dad's been a little overprotective of me after my ex, but I keep telling him that I'm never going to fall for another asshole like that again.

I grabbed Toby by the arm and lead him upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind us, sighing at the mess that I tried to straighten up but ultimately failed. Toby found his way to my bed somehow and sat down.

"Why did your father look like he wanted to eat me?" He asked.
"My dad uh... isn't very trusting of new people in my life."

I silently begged him not to ask why and thankfully he didn't. I wasn't ready to tell him about my ex.

He started picking up my clothes off the floor. I chewed my lip. How can he not think I'm a total freak by now? I'm a slob, I'm clumsy, I'm annoying - I'm sure the list goes on. Why is he even bothering being with me when he hated me so much in the beginning?

He tossed my clothes into the overflowing hamper. "Okay, first off I am going to show you how to do laundry. Grab the hamper."
I stared at it, then him. "Are you kidding me?! That must weigh more than me by now!"
"It is your own fault for not taking care of it sooner." He opened the door and cleared a path for me.
I didn't even bother trying to pick it up - I just made sure my shoes had a good grip on the floor, then began pushing the hamper out of my room. I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes at me as I passed him.

Eventually, we got the hamper downstairs and to the washing machine in the basement. It was very tiring and I already had enough of this task. Toby, completely unfazed, started loading clothes into the washer, separating the dark clothes from the light. I knew that's what you were supposed to do, but I was always too lazy to so. I am not ashamed to admit that I have pink socks, shirts, and boxers because of my careless laundry washing.

He handed me the laundry detergent. I didn't know how much to put in there. I usually just pour some in. I unscrewed the cap and tipped the bottle over but he grabbed my wrist and shook a finger at me. I looked down like a scolded child. He held up my hand with the cap in it and took the bottle from me, pouring in liquid to the top, then ordering me to pour it in the machine.

I briefly wondered why he knew so much about cleaning when I remembered that he said he had to take care of his mom after the divorce. I honestly think that is the sweetest thing that I have ever heard in my life, and if I weren't already falling hard for him, I would fall even harder.

He finished instructing me on the laundry and brought me back up to my room. I picked up my stuff off the floor and threw any trash in the garbage bag that he held open for me. I could actually see my floor again! He handed me a broom. I sighed before sweeping as he removed the sheets from my bed and made it over with new bedding. He wiped down all hard surfaces of my room with Pledge. We finished cleaning at the same time. I was exhausted and I desperately needed a shower.

"Can I clean myself now?" I whined, not caring how childish or weird I sounded.
He laughed and pecked me on the lips. "Sure. I'll take care of the laundry, you take a shower. You did a very good job."

I groaned in response and dragged my feet over to the bathroom. I stripped myself of sweaty and dirty clothing and stepped in the tub. Once the hot water hit me, I nearly moaned. I had never been so happy to have a relaxing shower in my life. I must have used up all the hot water by the time I finally left the tub.

When I went back into my room, Toby was lying on my bed. He didn't turn to look at me, but I still felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I quickly put on a change of clothes and sat down on the bed next to him. He sat up and smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back. His fingers intertwined with mine before he brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

It's official. I'm in love with him.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked me.
"I don't care."
He chuckled deeply. "You don't care?"
"We can do whatever. I just like being with you."
He smiled and brought his lips to meet mine.
"I like being with you too." He sighed, resting his forehead on mine.
"Does that mean... you'll be with me on Valentine's Day?"
He groaned. "I would most likely be with you anyway, Angel. But do we have to do something special?"
"I don't get it. You can be romantic. Why do you despise this so much?"
He looked at me. "Is it really that important to you?"
I nodded. "I want to remember a happy valentine's day for once."
He looked confused but nodded anyway. "Okay. Whatever you want to do. If you want to go to the school dance, then we will go."
I smiled. "You're gonna hate it."
"I know, but if it makes you happy, then I will do it."
I kissed him passionately. "You don't know how happy you've made me."
He rolled his eyes but let me kiss him again.

This was going to be the best Valentine's Day I've ever had... matter how bad this day has been in the past for me...

... it was going to be better this time.

I'll make sure of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, but if I just left it in my drafts waiting for it to keep writing itself, I might never update. So here you go :)

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