Status: On hiatus until I get feedback and/or ideas.

Under My Armor, I Lost It All

The day my hear went numb

"You little bitch. Why the fuck would you tell you mother I cheated on her. She doesnt need to know that!" he screamed at me. Kicking me after every other word.
Picking my head up by my hair, he whispers,
"Tell her anything like that again and that not all you'll get fucking bitch."
And left my room. I layed on the ground holding my stomach and crying silently.
Wouldn't want him to hear me.
Who am I you ask?
Im Almondy Marie Emeralds.
Of the Emeralds Estates.
Dad was a billionaire.
Then he had to go and die on us.
And left my mom a widow.
And me to be strong for everyone.
Expecially Aiden.
We'll talk more about my family later.
As for me.
Im the youngest of the four of us.
And the youngest triplet.
We live in San Fransico, California.

I have light blonde, almost white, hair. And turqoise/silver eyes.
Im about 5 foot 3.
And weigh about 101 pounds.

I've been called everything under the sun.
Mostly from my moms abusive, money tealing, cheating boyfriend.
His name?
George Arturo Santana.
I hate him.
I know hate is a strong word.
But I honestly hate him.

My mother.
The greatest one on Earth in my opionon.
Her name?

Alyse Robbin Emeralds.
She's had so much going on with her.
It makes me cry.
Yet she wont leave George.
I asked her one night after I tried to run away.
She came chasing me in her car.
And I asked her.
"Mom, why wont you leave George and just be single."
"I dont want to die alone with 25 cats." was her answer.
So I said.
"Or why not just go lesbian and date another girl?"
And she answered me.
"They have their share of problems too."
I sighed remembering my moms laugh.
Shes been in the hospital for the past week.
They said she might die.
And I dont think I can take anymore.
Oh, you want to know about the rest of my family do you?

Well lets see.
There is Paige and Skylar.
My triplets.
Skylar's oldest of us three.
Paige born second.
And Aiden.
Hes my older brother.
And one of my best friends.
He told me.
"If mom doesnt make it. I'll take you and we'll move somewhere far far away."
And I smiled and nodded.

Great I'm crying.
Just picturing my mom dieing is a horrible sight.

'Quiet sobs Alms. You dont want to make George mad again.' I tell myself.

Why was I beaten tonight?
Or why didn't I fight back?
Or better yet, why didn't I get out of the house and go to Zacky's?
Well to answer the first question, I told my mom how George cheated on her with a stripper.
And thats made him mad.
Why didn't I fight back?
Because hes like 6'5 and weighs about 500 something pounds.
Why didn't I go to Zacky's?
Hes on vacation with his family.
And my sisters are with their boyfriends.
And Aiden is with mom.

So George thought it would be a perfect opportunity to beat me.

Mother fucker.
I sighed and got up as slowly as I could.
And logged onto the computer.
As I waited for the computer to load.
I took the house phone.
And called the hospital.
It rang twice and there was an automatic searcher thing.
"Hello this is Saint Mary's Medical Center's automatic voice message search please say the name of the patient you are trying to connect with."

"Alyse Emeralds"

My moms weak voice answered.
"Hi mommy."
"Hi dear" *cough* "How are you?"
"Im fine momma. How are you? When do you think your gonna come home?"
I start crying. Trying to keep it silent though.

"Honey I-" *cough* "I dont think I'm gonna come home. The doctors said that I have HIV, diabetes, heart failure, double pneumonia, kidney failure, and fluid around my-" *cough* "heart"

I start crying again.
"So how long are they giving you mom?"
"They said about a week tops."
"Im coming mom. Right now. Love you. See you soon."
"Okay honey."

I wipe the tears off my face.
And slip on my jacket.
I walk over to my window and open it.
Looking at my bedroom door, I jump out of my window and into the tree across from it.
I climb down and start runninh to the hospital.
Ten minutes later I reach the hospital and walk in.

"Im sorry but visiting hours are over." the clerk says.
I flip her off and continue fast walking.
Reaching the security gates I notice that it's Steven.
The coolest security guard here and my godfather.

"Hey Alms. Here to see your mom again?" he asks nicely.
I nod and try to hide my face so that he doesnt see my tears.
Too late.
He lifts my chin and makes me look at him.
He sees the look in my eyes and says.
"Dont cry baby. Please." and hugs me.
I move away.
He hugged my sore rib cage.
"Lift your shirt and let me see your ribs dear." he says.
I sigh and lift my shirt a little for him to see my ribs.
He sighs and shakes his head.
"Imma kick his fucking ass." he sighs angerly.
"You and Aiden and Zacky." I mumble and walk to the elevator.
I hit the 4th floor button and wait.
Humming Misfits 'She' to myself.
Finally elevator opens and I walk off.
Finding my moms room, I enter.
I see her on every machine possible.
I start crying and walk over to her.

"Hi momma" I cry.
Touching her face softly she wakes up.
"Hi baby. How are you?" she says weakly.
"It doesnt matter momma. How are you?" I ask.
Tears running down my face.
"Im tired honey. Just tired." she says.
Lifting her hand and touching my cheek. Trying to wipe away the tears that keep coming.
"I love you momma." I whisper.
"Love you too baby." she says.

Aiden walks over to us and says, "Momma call George and tell him what you told me."
She nods her head weakly.
Picking the phone up she calls him.
"George. Its over." she whispers and hangs up.
I look at the necklace I made for her out of sea shells and glue. It was really pretty.
I drop down to my knees and cry.
Aiden touches my should and says.
"Hug her honey."
I nod and stand up.
I wrap my arms around her and say.
"Momma dont leave me. Please dont leave me. I need you. Paige needs you. Skylar needs you. Aiden needs you. Zacky needs you. Steven needs you. Everyone needs you to be here and make us strong when we are weak. Make us happy when we're sad. Please dont leave us momma. Dont leave me. Please daddy don't make her leave us too." I cry.
She hugs me back.
"Im trying baby. I really am." she whispers.
"I love you momma." I say.
"I love you too AlmondBear. But Im tired. Im so tired." she whispers.
Ands thats when my heart dropped and broke.
When her eyes shut and she took her last breath.
The heart monitor line went flat.
And I held her.
"Momma. Please. Wake up. Please wake up. Dont leave. Not yet. Please. DADDY MAKE HER COME BACK!" I scream.
Aiden pulls me away,
And hugs me for dear life.
"Aiden. Momma. Why?" I cry.
"She was sick." he answered tears comming down his cheeks as well.
The doctors pile in and one checks her pulse.

Time of death - 11:11 pm.
Monday, September 24th 2001, 11:11 pm.
The day my heart went numb.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you liked the first chapter! Please leave comments and tell me if you want me to continue on with this story :)