Status: On hiatus until I get feedback and/or ideas.

Under My Armor, I Lost It All

Back in Huntington Beach

~2 weeks later~
It's been two whole week since I lost my mom. My whole world was turned around. I didn't know how to feel, I wasn't even really talking much. Zacky, Aiden, and the guys had packed everything into a moving truck and we drove to Huntington Beach. Our house looked the same as it did when we lived in it with our dad. I haven't heard from Skylar nor Paige since the funeral we laid our mother to rest a week ago. They didn't even try to talk to me at the funeral. That would have hurt if I was actually feeling something. I was mostly numb throughout the whole thing, though I did cry a few times. Zacky held me through the funeral. Aiden held my hand; Brian, Matt, and Johnny sat next to Zacky and would glance at me with sympathy in their eyes every few minutes. The funeral was beautiful, but I wish we didn't have to do it. When they lowered her mahogony coffin into the six foot hole, we threw white roses on top of the coffin. Her head stone read, Alyse Robbin Emeralds, The sunshine in her children's eyes and the crutch they used to stand on. I promised that I would visit her every year: for her birthday, mother's day, and her death day.
Anyway, back to the present.
Everything was in place at our house. When you walk into the front door and make a right, therethe door to the garage, and after that door there is a small bathroom. The living room was furnished with black leather couches and a glass coffee table with scarlet colored walls. The dining room held a glass table, with twelve chairs with a chandelier above it all with white walls. The kitchen had black marble counters and black appliances with dark grey walls.
There were pictures of us as a family lining the walls on the wooden staircase. The first door on the left was a guest bedroom, with grey walls and black and white bedding on the queen sized bed. There are a total of 4 guest rooms all with similar color schemes, all across the second floor. Then there are 2 rooms that are the size of the master bedroom, one actually being the master bedroom. Both near the end of the hallway. One for me, the other for Aiden. Aiden's has a California king sized bed with black and green bedding. The walls are a dark green. There is a: black desk with a computer perched on top of it, a stainless steel entertainment center that holds his 56" television and his gaming consoles also his movies and dvd player. He has a walk in closet and a huge bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub and shower. His bathroom is black and green, just like his bedroom. My room has grey walls with purple trimming. The California king sized bed has purple and silver bedding. With an all black entertainment center that holds the same things as Aiden's room. My black desk is in a corner near the walk in closet. There is my computer on top of it. The window has a bench under it so I can sit and watch the stars whenever I want. I can even climb out the window and sit on the roof if I want to. My bathroom has lavender walls and purple tiles. The color scheme is all types of purples and black. I also have a huge jacuzzi bathtub and shower. All of my boxes are already in the room. I decide that I'm going to start unpacking now, not feeling like hanging out with everyone downstairs. I turn on my radio and dance around the room as I start to put away my clothes, accessories and everything in their rightful places. I save my mother's box for last. Not wanting to cry right now. As I finish hanging the last of my clothes in the closet, I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say just loud enough for the person to hear me.

In walks Zacky. He has a small smile on his face as he motions me over to him with his finger. I walk over to him and he pulls me into a hug.
"Hey Alms, I know everything sucks right now, but would you like to come downstairs for some pizza?" he asks.
I walk out his hug and shake my head, "No thanks Zacky, I'm not hungry right now."
He nods his head, "Okay, if you need me, just holler and I'll be up thirty seconds."
I nod and give him a sad smile.
He leaves the room and I finish what I was doing. Not wanting to go through my mother's box, I place it in the back of my closet.
I then decide that I need to shower so I pick out some pyjamas and bring them with me into the bathroom for a nice, hot shower.
Twenty minutes later, I finish and get out. Drying my body off quickly, I put on the pjs and brush my long hair. My stomach starts to grumble just after I finish with my hair, so I decide to go downstairs for something to eat. Before I even make it to the top of the stairs, I hear banging coming from the front door. Then I hear the guys laughter and see Johnny answer the door. As soon as the door is open, Johnny is thrown into the air by someone very tall. "SHORT SHIT!" I hear the male scream with a slight lisp. I can't see his face until he sets Johnny back on his feet. When he does, I notice the crazy blonde hair and his eyes. Crystal blue like the oceans of Hawaii. His smile almost makes me weak at the knees.
*Who is this guy?* I wonder.
I slowly decend the stairs as to not catch anyones attention.
"ALMONDY YOU FINALLY COME OUT!" Matt's booming voice stops me in my tracks.
"Fuck." I whisper under my breath.
I look up and give a sheepish wave to everyone, including the new guy, who is just staring at me with his mouth dropping just a little bit.
I walk over to this tall man and wave my hand in front of his face, well, I tried but I had to jump to even reach his face.
"Earth to new guy, hellooo.." I say.
He blinks a few times and closes his mouth.
He gives me a shy smile and waves. Zacky walks up next to me and introduces us.
"Alms, this is Jimmy. Jimmy, this is Almondy."
I stretch my hand out for a hand shake, but instead he shakes his head and pulls me into a bear hug.
"Hi Almondy." he whispers in my ear.
I shiver when his breath hits my ear. I think he noticed because he started to lightly chuckle. Thinking I could get the same reaction out of him, I lean my head so my mouth is right by his ear and whisper, "Hello Jimmy."
He noticably shivers and I chuckle to myself.
When he finally releases me from his grip, I step back and walk away, and into the kitchen to get food.
I quickly hear the guys start talking, but decide to tune them out and focus on heating up my pizza so that only the crust is warm. 15 seconds later the pizza is at the perfect temperature and I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room where everyone is spread out. Matt, Brian, and Zacky are on one couch. Johnny and Aiden both are in the recliners, and the only seat left is next to this Jimmy fellow, on the loveseat. I internally shrug and sit next to him. Starting to eat my pizza. Everyone looks at me and I stop chewing to look back at all six of them.
"What?" I ask with my mouth full of half chewed pizza.
Five out the six, (Jimmy excluded) send me a knowing smile while I look back at them all confused. Jimmy looks at them with a small smirk on his face.
*What the hell has gotten into all of them?* I wonder
I finish chewing and place my plate on the table so that I can get up and get a drink. Before I walk out the room I turn around and say, "Anyone touches my pizza, they will be sorry." Knowing none of the other guys will not touch my food, I look at Jimmy the whole time I say that. Turning on my heel I head into the kitchen for a can of Pepsi. Opening the can I take a sip and head back into the living room just in time to see Jimmy taking a bite of my pizza. All the guys look at Jimmy with shocked expressions and I walk over to him. Setting my can on the table I look at him and send him a sweet smile. He grins back with pizza sticking out of his mouth. I lean close to his face and whisper, "Remember I told you that you'd be sorry if you touched my pizza?"
He gulps and nods his head slowly.
"Watch your back love, I love my pranks." I whisper to him and lick his cheek.
He looks shocked for about three seconds before he starts laughing. I just grin and nod my head, the others look around nervously not knowing what I was planning on doing. Turning around I ask everyone, "So who wants to drink? I think I need something after the past few weeks."
They all cheer and we send Matt and Brian to get the alcohol, since they're the ones with fake IDs. I walk upstairs to my room and grab one of my sleeping pills. These things knock me out for at least eight hours and kick in within ten minutes. Perfect time for what I'm planning. Walking back downstairs I grab a soda out of the fridge and put the pill into the soda. I pull another out and go into the living room. I take my place next to Jimmy and hand him the drugged soda.
"See who can chug the whole can first?" I ask sweetly.
He grins and answers with a wink, "Ready to get beat?"
I grin back and Aiden starts the countdown.
We start chugging and I let Jimmy win.
"WOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jimmy jumps up screaming after slamming his can against his head and runs around the room.
Zacky, Johnny, and Aiden look at me with shocked looks on their faces. I send them a wink and down the rest of my soda. They start to understand and smile.

Oh Jimmy, you have no idea who you've messed with.
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Still waiting for the editors, sorry about that you guys. I hope you actually like this story. It'd be nice to know :)