Status: On hiatus until I get feedback and/or ideas.

Under My Armor, I Lost It All

"Goodnight my love"

Around 15 minutes after Jimmy had chugged the drugged soda, he started to doze off.
Brian and Matt had returned with the alcohol 10 minutes after Jimmy passed out.
I quickly ran upstairs to the my room and grabbed my scissors.
Running downstairs as fast as my short legs could take me, somehow not falling over like I thought I would.
Brian and Matt had just set the alcohol down and sat down with the others to watch what I was doing.
I quietly tip-toed over to Jimmy and started cutting his hair, not bothering with making it look nice, it was a prank afterall.
I finished cutting Jimmy's blonde locks, placing the evidence on a towel and picking it up, right before he started to stir.

I think to myself, That pill knocks me out all night, how come he is waking up not even an hour later?!

Quickly running back upstairs to hide the evidence, I come downstairs as normal as possible.
The guys are snickering at a very confused Jimmy.
A small smile creeps onto my full lips.
Sitting down next to Jimmy, he looks around and asks, "Okay, what the fuck just happened?"
The guys exchange looks and simutaniously look at me.
I fake shock, "What did I do?" and look slowly up at Jimmy with my puppy dog eyes.
Aiden sighs and tells Jimmy to go to the bathroom and look for himself.
Slowly standing up, Jimmy flashes us all suspicious looks and heads to the bathroom.
Hear nothing after 5 minutes I get up to check on him, hey maybe he fell in the bath tub or something?
Getting close to the bathroom door I see Jimmy petting his head with a smile on his face.
"Nice job!" he says excitedly.
My mouth drops.
How could he possibly think this was a good thing?!
Turning around without responding I head back into the living room with the same face.
The guys turn their heads and look at me, standing there with my mouth hanging open, like I'm catching flies.
"He actually likes it." I whisper, just loud enough for them to hear me.
They all start cracking up and I hear Aiden speak from the back of the room, "Your plan back fired!"
Grumbling I sit back in my seat just as Jimmy walks in, still wearing that smile.
"I need some black hair dye, and my hair will look fuckin sweet!" he says to no one in particular.
I stay where I am with my arms folded across my chest. I can't believe he actually likes it!
Then again, it does look rather cute on him...
Stupid thoughts. Go away.
Jimmy walks over to where I and sits down, swiftly wrapping his arm around my shoulders and bringing his face close enough to my cheek to plant a sweet kiss.
My eyes grow big and I start blushing like crazy. The red quickly rising to my cheeks.
Before I could cover it up, Matt and Zacky notice and start singing,

"Almondy and Jimmy sitting in a tree.
First comes love
Then comes marriage.
Then comes Jimmy with a baby carriage!"

My cheeks were on fire by the time they finished and I wanted to escape.
Just when I managed to stand up, Jimmy wraps his long arms around my waist and pulls me to his lap.
"I kinda like that idea, even though we just met..." He whispers in my ear.
Blushing again, I hide my face in his shirt.
How is it that I literally just meet this guy, and I feel like I can trust him and be myself around him?

I've never been able to do that with anyone. Not even Zacky, it took me at least two months to trust him.

"Okay guys, enough embarrassing Almondy, lets get drunk!" Brian shouts.
I nod my head in agreement.
The bottles are passed around, and the party begins.

~Time Lapse. 3 hours~

Holy shit, they sure did get a lot of alcohol. Everyone but myself and surprisingly Jimmy, were the only somewhat sober ones.
Johnny passed out after downing five 40 oz beers. Matt, Brian, and Jimmy decided to draw on his face in make up and I grabbed a random wig, while Zacky and Aiden
managed to get a sheet to look like a dress, and place it around him. Taking a quick picture, I place my phone back into
my pocket and go back to sitting with Jimmy on the loveseat. He grins like the chesire cat and wraps me in a protective embrace.
Butterflies form in my stomach and I blush, luckily everyone else is beyond drunk and doesn't notice the red tint on my cheeks.
Zacky and Aiden passed out after drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels all to themselves, but no one feels like messing with them because Brian and Matt are drunk and talking about
nothing in particular with one another.
Suddenly Barbie Girl blares from the speakers and Matt and Jimmy start singing, Matt singing as "Ken" and Jimmy trying to sing as "Barbie"
Halfway through the song, I start singing along with Jimmy while Brian falls asleep.
How he fell asleep while the three of us were screaming the lyrics, I will never know

30 minutes later, Matt joined the other four in slumber which left Jimmy and I awake by ourselves.

"So..." I say awkwardly.
Jimmy flashes me a heart melting smile and says, "We should get to know each other."
I nod my head in agreement and smile.

"I'll start first. What is your full name?" Jimmy asks, moving his body to face me.
"Almondy Marie Emeralds." I answer, "What's yours?"
"James Owen Sullivan, Any siblings?"
"3, Paige, Skylar, and Aiden. Paige, Skylar, and I are triplets. Do you play any musical instruments?"
"Yep! Drums, Piano, little bit of guitar and bass. I can also sing pretty nicely, so I've been told. Favorite color?"
"Purple, black, turquoise, and magenta. Favorite animal?"
"Duck! or dogs, maybe a tiger... What's yours?

He chuckles and moves his hand to mine and grabs it.
Looking down and smiling, I move closer and kiss his cheek.
That's when I noticed a pink blush rise to his cheeks.
I move closer to him and lean my body against his.
I feel his arm wrap around me and I sigh, closing my suddenly tired eyes.
The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Jimmy's voice whisper, "Goodnight my love."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd kind of like some feedback, so comments would be nice.
Thank you,