Status: Active

Journey of The Featherless



I knocked at the detention door and a middle aged woman stepped out. She was short and looked irritated. She snatched the slip from my hands, “you’re late” she hissed. She pointed to the open desk next to a pretty girl. I set my head on the desk and thought about the homework I could accomplish while I spent time during detention.

Even though detention was for an hour I couldn’t set my mind to homework mode. I quickly glanced at the girl next to me she was drawing a picture, but only her drawing weren’t crappy. There was about a total of six students and the teacher herself seemed annoyed with the detention situation.

I felt a warm hand brushing my back. “Hey, do I know” A warm soft cranked up.

I only pointed at myself and whispered me quietly, but she smiled. “I noticed you were staring at me” she confronted.

I bit the bottom of my lip “I was looking at your drawing, I think it’s beautiful” I said feverishly.

I don’t talk much to people; I don’t know what made me sustain a whole sentence.

“I’m Gabby by the way” she offered a warm handshake. My hands were sweaty and I was embarrassed to hold her hand. After a couple seconds passed her hand shake offer was gone.

“So what you get in detention for” she asked curiously dilating her eyes.

“Sleeping” I mumbled under my breath starting at my crappy drawing.

“Oh I understand, you look like you don’t sleep in the night”

I glared at her because I wasn’t staring at her when we began to talk usually when I’m talking too Melina; she doesn’t put effort to hear my voice or look at my face. Gabby had short
brown hair and a tattoo that covered her collarbone.

“I fell off the stairs” I repeated without looking at her.

“What” she snapped. I sighted and shrugged my shoulders so she would know it was a joke.

“Do you know Derek” she asked ripping paper from her binder. I shook my head and a grin came across her face.

“Good, he’s in asshole” she stated.

“Oh” I replied casually

“you kind of look like him, honestly” she said squinting her eyes and tilting her head.
I packed my math book and pencil inside my backpack; I wanted her to ignore me so bad if Derek could ignore me and the rest of the school. I don’t think Gabby should have a problem ignoring at me all.

The detention bell rang, and most of the students dashed out of the room. I walked out of the room, only my new friend Gabby trailed behind me. “Wait, Ash that’s your name right”
I stood there in the hallways waiting for her to catch up to me. I thought it was cool how she knew my name, I’m pretty sure she read my name on my lime green notebook.
When she caught up to my pace she asked for my number. I gave her my number and she left me. It was around 4pm and I had to come up with a reasonable explanation for my tardiness. I’m going to tell my mom I joined a club, so she would not be suspicious.

My stomach began to quiver thinking about how much I would have to walk. I began to pick up my pace when I noticed at car following my lead. It was the kind of slow pedophile speed that gave you chills. The horn honked “hey, do you need a ride” asked a husky voice pulling besides me. The man had a nice car, I wasn’t an expert on cars but I’m pretty sure that car was a Cadillac.

I grasped on backpack handlers harder while my legs felt like jello unable to work correctly. When the car left my presence I ran home like I have been possessed.


My arms were sweaty and my throat was dry but I had to avoid my father and not make a scene. I hope today my dad could be in a good mood.

I bent down and cracked open the carpet so I could get the key. I open the door and my dad stood there on the table.

I almost jumped over “Ash why are you so late” he groaned in angered. I swallowed hard but nothing came out of my mouth. “answer me now” he growled ripping his newspaper.

I stood there with my eyes extending length, I closed the door behind me and a tear left my eyes.

He slowly walked by me “you got detention” he hissed grabbing onto my arms painfully.

“Well speak up Ash tell your brilliant story for detention” he asked under my ear imprinting marks with his unclipped nails. I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying anything stupid or unnecessary because I learned my lesson before.

He let go of his grip “go to your room” he demanded. My mother wasn’t here neither was Derek.

I climbed up the stars hiding the tears splattering from my eyes. When I reached my room I noticed wasn’t the same boy last year, and maybe my dad’s trying to show me a lesson. I remembered the first time he beat, I told him that I quit football and after that day he just hatted any existence from me.

My room was organized, my bump bed was clear and my drawer was clear. That was something I could be proud of. I checked the clock on my room and it read 5:12, great my mom was going to come in 30 more minutes. I doubt my dad was going to beat me today.
I opened my binder and stared at my drawing the unhealthy stare, maybe that’s why all my friends left. I don’t know if high school has fumes in the air which possess people. I quickly wrote that inside my binder.

I heard foot stooping inside my room; I swallowed deep and hard. My dad came into my room. “you little bitch” he screamed while he grabbed onto my shirt tearing my red shirt.

“Guess what happen at work today” he asked seizing my back. I was losing breath threw my mouth.

“ok, let me give you a hint, I lost my law case” he said in a devious tone. He let go of his grip and began kicking severely. I could see the frustration going through his eyes; maybe I do deserve all this abuse.

My dad punched me in the face and it felt like I broke the bottom part of my face excluding my teeth. He walked out of warm satisfied, I began to cry but I forced myself to keep myself together. I picked myself up from my damaged chest and crawled to my closet. I quickly grabbed a shirt and examined my marks across my chest.

I saw Derek’s car pull over, and he seemed happy for some reason. I could hear the voices of my dad praising Derek like a king downstairs. I didn’t want to see the damage my father has done to me. I don’t want to go to another therapist appointment my mom keeps making me attend.

I jumped on the bottom of my bed and laid there and thought about school. The girl during detention, I was kind of found of her.

Derek barged in my room “Hello little brother did you miss me” he asked cheerfully. I laid on my bed tired, confused and hurt.

“Ok Ashytn ignore, but tell me how did you land a babe like Melina” he asked curiously scratching his back.

I shrugged my shoulders “were just friends” I said in a stain voice.

“Does she talk about me” he asked sitting beside my bed.

“maybe” I awn sered annoyed.
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