Status: Active

The Toy Soldier with a Lead Heart

The Wound

He had seen many battles, fought many wars, felt so much pain. Some wondered why the soldier didn’t slouch with exhaustion, grief, or sorrow. He stood tall and erect with his weapon forever by side—ready to take on whatever it was necessary to keep his home safe. He was a statue; his expression always stern, his posture never relaxed, his gaze always searching.

The soldier was always searching for danger; however, he couldn’t have seen her from a mile off. The girl with the flashing smile, doll eyes, and golden hair had taken him completely by surprise. The girl charmed the soldier into her web of deceit, worming her way past his guard with every kiss, touch, and whispered endearment.

Oh, how he fell for her.

Happiness overwhelmed him. He had only eyes for her. The warm fuzzy emotions that he entitled “love” blinded his judgment. It kept him from seeing the secret glances, the knowing smiles, and the casual, coded conversations.

The soldier thought she was the one . The one that he would marry, have children with, grow old with. Little did the soldier know that she was the one who was going to ruin him.

Once she reached past the borders and into his domain, his usefulness had expired. It was time for the girl to move on to a new victim to sink her poisonous claws into. Thus, the soldier was tossed aside like a toy that a child had grown tired of.

The soldier had known physical pain, but the pain of betrayal was none that he had felt before. The wound was deeper than imagined. It bled tears from his eyes and made his body weak from neglect. It festered into bitterness and self-hatred until he had to return to the only life he knew: war.

There he would stand; erect, alert, and waiting. Although loneliness gripped him, he knew that he had to protect his home from invaders of all nature—which included assailants such as the girl. For he was a soldier; soldiers are prepared to withstand any attack, even if it meant for the soldier to harden his heart to lead.
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I know it's short, but more is coming.