The Road to Nowhere

An Old Friend

I heard the soft and distant ring as I drifted from my dreams to the real world. My eyes shot open as I saw the cloudy day in New York city start of my new day. I rolled over onto my front, on the other side of my bed and slammed the alarm clock shut as it stopped buzzing. 6:OO in the morning, "Why up so early when you're a rock star?" I heard Sky snicker at me from the doorway. Wearing nothing but her bra and underwear. I rolled my eyes when I saw another attractive guy, half naked, wrapping his arms around her, "Because I have plans and a life. Now please take your dog out of my room." I stood up. My crop top showed my belly button peircing and my extremely short shorts. I didn't normally dress like this. Last night was blazing hot in my room and now it's freezing cold. The temperature drops in New York killed me sometimes, but I'd rather die with my butt frozen than baking in the heat.

"Damn Sky, you never told me your sister was that sexy." The guy holding onto Sky said as he checked me out up and down. I charged forward and Sky backed up pushing the guy back too. I grabbed a hold of my door, "If you and your stupid mutts ever come into my room like that without knocking, oh, God better be by your side." And I slammed the door with frustration blowing through me. The first day I decide to crash in my sister's apartment was the day that she had her little sluttish seduction going on.


I walked out of my room with my new outfit. I smiled at myself because I felt so beautiful with it on! I looked down at my Blackberry as it buzzed. Josh, the guy I was supposed to meet up with at the studio, "Hello?" I answered politely, "Hey gorgeous! Hope your on your way cause we have to record your album today!" I was about to answer when I heard moaning. I turned around to see Sky and her little bitch on the couch stripping off whatever clothes they had left. I was going to scream in disgust but I was on the phone with Josh, "Um, I'm actually driving sweetheart! So I'll see you in a bit! Bye." I hung up the phone and looked at sky with disgust, "That's gross. I'm never staying over at your house again!" I exclaimed before grabbing my keys to my most treasured car.

I put my cell phone in it's holder and hooked it up to the speakers before I turned on my previous album. I tried to relax my tense muscles. It's been months since I've gotten to another concert but then again, my fans were waiting for my brand new single to come out. I had it all placed in my head. That was the single they were going to use in that one movie Avatar. They already made a deal with me and I signed my contract, but this was just amazing. I felt like the queen of the world since Sky turned out to have everything she wanted. It's weird, like...I'm always in my comfort zone while Sky can strip on stage in front of millions. We differ from each other a lot and there are some things I just don't like about my sister, but I respect what she does because she made me famous to. She discovered my talent when I couldn't. The fact that she acts like she owns me pisses me off sometimes. But...I just gotta deal with it till I hit worldwide.


I walked into the studio as I was greeted by almost every employee there, "Mrs. Winters is here! Some one call Fairish!" I waited in the lobby as thousands of newbie singers came up to me to talk, "Oh my gosh it's Rain! Can I please have your autograph?" One girl asked, "Sure." I said smiling as I took her pen and paper and scrawled my signature, "Can I just say one thing? Your the reason I'm here! You inspired me to become a singer." I looked at her with a big smile, "Really? Thank you! I've never heard anyone say that to me, so I appreciate it from the heart sweetie. Thank you so much! You just made my day." I gave her a hug as she cried with joy, "Carla?" Some one called out with a clipboard. The girl turned around, "That's me. Thank you again Rain!" Before I could even say bye I was swarmed with more people wanting autographs.

I grabbed papers from every hand I could find before scrawling my name as nicely as I could. The crowd was dispersing as I took a breath of relief when a hand held out a piece of paper, "Autograph please." I took it smiling, without even looking at him, "And your name?" I asked him, "Justin. Let me just say your so beautiful and I'm your number one fan! I came all the way from Miami Florida to see you again and I'm sorry for not calling you earlier and letting you know that I was going to surprise you." As I was writing his name, my hand stopped and my heart pumped against my chest. I slowly turned my head and looked up into his eyes before I shrieked with joy as the Justin Drew Bieber stood inches from me smiling down at me, "Justin!" I cried throwing my hands around him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my head, " smell nice as always." I pulled away, "Gosh how did...I didn't....why are you...didn't did-" He cut me off, "So are you going to finish any of those questions?" His angelic laugh rang in my ears, almost wanting me to faint.

Justin and I...we go far back. I was friends with him before he was discovered on YouTube and then unfortunately he had to go away. But he invited me to every concert because I was his best friend. When he was just Justin Drew Bieber I loved him. Literally loved him. I had the biggest crush on him since I was a kid. Now as THE Justin Drew Bieber...well he's still the same old teddy bear I remember. Always happy, never looking for a serious relationship. I thought me and Justin could be some day you know? But the age of 18...after 18 years of knowing him? I kind of really give up. His family and my family are friends. So we knew each other since we were born. But not once has Justin ever seemed into me like that. It's all frustrating.

I blushed. I could feel my cheeks turning mad red, "Sorry...I-I'm just glad to see you Justin." I said smiling, "What are you doing here?" I added, "Here to record a song with you of course." I looked at him stunned. The biggest smile on my face, "What?! Stop lying." I playfully punched him in the chest, "I'm not I swear! Josh told me that you made a beautiful duet and you were looking for someone to sing it with. Well I'm your man." He puffed out his chest. I laughed slightly. Unable to say anything else, "You...flew from Miami to New York for me?" I wondered, "Yea." He smiled and stopped acting as he stroked my hair out of my face, "Just for you."


We set up in the recording studio. Justin next to me on his own mic as I put my headphones on for my own, "Now are you two ready?" Josh asked as he controlled the music. I nodded as Justin gave him the thumbs up. The music started in our head phones and I closed my eyes as I pictured myself singing on stage with Justin. I had the first verse as he had the second. And Justin knew that as well. He was also my echo in the song of course.

"Step out the door and it feels like rain
That's the sound that's the sound on your window pane
Take to the streets but you can't ignore
That's the sound that's the sound you're waiting for

If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me

Yeah God love your soul and your aching bones
Take a breath, take a step, meet me down below
Everyone's the same
our fingers to our toes
We just can't get it right
But we're on the road

If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's when you find me.

Yeah Lost till you're found
Swim till you drown

Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate
Strong till you break
Know that we all fall down"

There was a soft pause as the beautiful deja vu music set in tone. I turned to look at Justin who had his eyes closed. It was his turn to take the stage. I could picture it in my head. He takes my hand softly and kisses it before he opens his mouth to sing his beautiful melody of a voice. Then I pitch in as our voices mix in harmonically.

If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
If ever your world starts crashing down
That's when you'll find find me

Lost till you're found
Swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate
Strong till you break
Know that we all fall down

All fall down, we all fall down, all fall down
We all fall down, all fall down, all fall down

Lost till you're found
Swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate
Strong till you break
Know that we all fall down

The music stopped and I took off my headphones slowly as I turned to look at Justin. His voice...still rang in my ears. He could get anything he wanted with that voice. That ring, that specific tone of that melody. It was beautiful. I looked at him as he looked past me and at Josh, "That was beautiful you guys! Beautiful-" I couldn't hear Josh at all. Just Justin's voice ringing in my ears. The dreams of him and I singing on stage together. At the end of that song all I wanted was a kiss on stage, for millions to see. I closed my eyes again softly to picture his face leaning in to mine. That would be the day...the day Justin Bieber kisses me is the day I finally would've won over his heart
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Sorry I know I told the subs that I would update next week...WELL I LIED
lol. [: enjoy.

the italicized parts in the song are when either Justin or Rain's voice mixes in with the other singers.

all credit goes to One Republic - All Fall Down. Beautiful song.