The Road to Nowhere

She Shouldn't Be Here

Love at first sight was something I’d never believed in before I met Justin Drew Bieber. As much of a love sick puppy I was, I had to face the facts. Justin had never taken a second look at me, or looked at me that way, and of course we were best friends but we were both busy rock stars living the dream, and jobs like that don’t exactly grant you the gift of spare time. I had to get my mind straight and face the facts though, it wasn’t meant to be. Instead of focusing on my own problems, I put my energies else where. I was in the middle of typing back an email to my record producer and manager, the one I shared with Sky. We were hoping for a brand new record deal, so we had to start making deals.

My phone rang; did I mention one corner of my room was like a business desk? Papers to the side, paperclips and pencils in a mug in the corner, computer in front of me, and a telephone in easy accessible reach to the right hand side, I guess it made me feel professional. I cleared my throat and answered “Rain Winter’s line?” All it took was a small laugh and I froze at knowing who the end of the phone line was. “Damn Rain, trying to sound like one of those please leave a message voices I get so often?” Justin snickered. I smiled through the phone, “Hey I’m a professional rock star, and I’m supposed to act like I have the foggiest idea what I’m doing.” I waited for him to laugh on the other end and became slightly embarrassed when nothing came through.

“Hey I was actually reading in the papers, someone’s bashing on you again,” I bit my lip at that news; I wasn’t a big newspaper reader so good thing I had a somewhat reliable source on my hands until that source decides to leave me again. “What did it say?” I wondered. “It states that they worry if your rock star image is too harsh for children, they say they’ve seen your sister going into parties and bars and they’re worried word will spread out to children, and they put that on the newspaper. It doesn’t look sharp Rain,” I nodded as if he could see. “Sky’s starting to damage my reputation,” I stated cleanly, talking business now. “I know, they say your music is so light and lullaby-sweet but outside the recording studio you’re a completely different person. I hate how the press just publish something tasty before doing research on it. When the real word gets out than no one’ll blame the news, either.” I leaned back in my chair, not too hot about the subject. “Oh, and by the way, I’m going to be doing a recording again today. The guy at the recording studio says we make an awesome team and he says he has huge plans for us, which I can only assume is a compliment.”

I gave him a chuckle to show I was still there even though I wasn’t talking. “So are you up for another song recording together?” My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as I twirled the cord around on finger joyously. “Sure! I don’t have too fat of a schedule, so I can make room for it.” Justin laughed through the phone, “Alright, it’s in 30 minutes.” “The hell Justin!” “Heat up the gasoline, put the pedal to the metal!” He chanted before the phone went dead. I grabbed my business purse and slipped on some flip flops before half jogging to the kitchen and grabbing a slice of cold toast right from the toaster. I crammed my phone and keys into the side pocket of my purse and ran out the door and to my car. I had literally a minute and a half to flutter into the car and get some road behind me. My breathe hitched in my throat when I heard Sky running down the stairs calling my name. Yes, I let her come to my house this time and god if she’d brought another toy with her I would’ve shoved the request in her face and slammed the door.

She must have grown bat ears over night because she chirped in, “I heard you on the phone, Justin’s making a recording? THE, Justin Bieber?” My poofed out my cheeks, aching to get out of here ASAP. “That’s the one,” I mumbled before jetting towards the door. “Oh, can I come!” She squeaked behind me.

“Fine, fine, just hurry up!” I mumbled before running out of there and launching in the car. She had no other than high heels and walked down the sidewalk and across the street where my car was parked and got in slowly. Ugh, why me? I slipped into the front seat, and revved the engine before finally reaching the pavement road. “Oh my god, this is so exciting,” She giggled in her seat. I rolled my eyes, not even half interested in the life story I’m sure she was about to give me. “He’s your best friend, and I’ve never even MET him before! Why is that?” I gave a fake smile, “Gee, it’s quite the mystery.” I laughed chalky.

I swerved into the high way, “How come we never drive in the same car, and why did you get the wheel?” “Sky, I’m the only one who knows how to get there and I’m on the high way, so I’m trying to concentrate.” She gave me a face as if I was complaining to some Goddess which was her, apparently. She sighed dramatically, plucked a piece of Stride gum into her chompers and began her morning texting rituals.


I was completely relieved to pull into the recording studio driveway and still have ten minutes to spare. I put the car in park, grabbed my keys and purse and got out of the vehicle. Sky still lingered in the car finishing her text message. “Yo Sky, can’t lock the car unless you’re out.” Her eyes never left her phone as she got out and slammed the door. I locked the door and slammed it quickly and started speeding towards the building, forgetting Sky was even with me. I sighed in and pointed out my reservation here with Justin and ran down the hallway to the room we were in before. I sighed finally getting relief when I opened the door and slipped in.

Justin and the crew looked at me from their little movie producer chairs. “Playing musical chairs, ladies?” I asked, setting my purse aside and spitting out my gum. “You made it Rain!” Justin smiled, embracing a bear hug on me. I hugged tightly back and smiled at the guys making it all happen.

“Rain; glad you were able to make it, I was afraid you weren’t coming. Just because you’re a famous rock star doesn’t mean you half to be fashionably late to all your events.” I gave a cheesy smile, “That or Justin gave me the stats and location in thirty minutes to get there.” Justin blushed faintly when all eyes went to him. “Alright so let’s stop the chat, what song are we doing?” I asked smiling. “Ooh, you’re more mature than usual.” Justin threw in. I ignored it, looking into the notebook that the producer offered me. “It better not be a Justin Bieber song.” Justin looked at me like he was totally hurt, “Hey don’t be a hater.” I laughed, “I was kidding…. What hurt’s the most by Rascal Flatts, so we’re going to re-sing this?” I asked thoughtfully. The producer nodded, “You got that exactly right. I think it would sound good with both of you together, and we have a big idea that it’ll be a huge hit if we make a recording of a ton of different songs sung by either both of you or just Justin.” I nodded. I suddenly became in tuned to the door opening behind us.

It was of course, Sky. “Justin!” She cheered, running clumsily in her high heels she hadn’t broken in yet. The producer acted like some body guard and stepped in front of her tackle for Justin. “And who are you?” He glared at me.

“It’s okay fella’s, I invited her.” The producer looked at me, and let aside. “Justin!” Sky repeated in the exact same fashion and ran to hug him. Justin semi-hugged back. “I must say… I’m a huge fan!” Justin nodded slowly, “Thanks.” I stood up getting everyone’s attention back, “So are we ready to do what I came here for?” The producer smiled at her, “Wait, aren’t you Rain’s sister, Skyler Winters?” She nodded, “I prefer Sky.” The producer pondered her for a while, “Hmm, maybe we should try it with you.” Sky’s face looked like he just offered her a million dollars and eternal life. “I’ll take it!” She chirped happily.

“Wait wait wait, that’s my part.” I pointed out. “Oh come on, you can’t share the spotlight?” Justin chimed in. I sat back down, “Alright, go ahead.” Sky jumped across to the recording area like she was playing invisible hop scotch. Justin followed behind, walking around and sitting like a normal person. Sky played repeats and small parts and Justin sang most of the big keys. The song started playing, and lyrics started flowing naturally and smoothly as if he’d heard the song more than once before. Yes, Justin was truly a natural artist. As a singer, Sky wasn’t as good but wasn’t too shabby either, I must admit.

They reached the middle and overall, the climax of the song, and then the end. “They weren’t bad together,” the producer pointed out. Justin smiled, “I liked it.” I looked over at Justin as my smile vanished. Sky smiling and giggling as she ran out and wrapped her arms around him. They honestly made a very sexy couple and that made my face turn red in jealousy and anger...that wasn't this wasn't fair at all. She shouldn't be here
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Thanks for tuning in you fans! <3