Status: Slow Active :)

Your Body Is a Wonderland

An Explanation

Dear Jared Tristan Padalecki,

That up there is about to change for good. It's the night before our wedding, and while usually this is the night for parties and celebrations I'm choosing to sit in my room at my parents house and write you these.

"These" are a bunch of letters I've wanted to write to you for a long time but never had real reason too. Sure I could've waited to do this and saved it for our first anniversary, but I just can't hold in what I have to say any longer.

The other letters I wrote at random times today, when I had inspiration to write them, but I never could think of a good way to start off the bundle. This seems appropriate and I need to get these feelings out to you, before you read all my other feelings.

I've noticed, in all my years of living that we have to of everything. We have two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, etc. And I've always wondered, well if God gave us two of everything, then why did he only give us one heart? And over the years I've thought, and I've pondered, but no reason ever came to me, until I met you. Then suddenly it hit me, as if the answer had been in my face the whole time.

God only gave us one heart, because he gave the second one to someone else to hold for us. He gave it to someone else to keep it safe and take care of it, and never break it. That's also why it's so hard to give the heart you do have, away to someone all willy nilly. It's because you should only give your heart away to the person who holds the second half of it. Which is retrospect was a good idea, because if God gave us both of our hearts at the same time, it would be not only harder to give them away, but easier to break them and have nothing left.

So if you're not getting this, and your big puppy dog hazel eyes are reading this in confusion. What I'm saying is. Jared you hold my second heart and you've taken care of it well. Sure we've had our ups and downs. There were even times were you were juggling that heart on your fingertips, so close to dropping it. You never did though, you always closed your hand around it and brought it back to safely rest against your own heart, as I do with yours.

Okay so when it comes to metaphors about how much I love you it can get pretty sappy, sue me, but it's how I feel and nothing can ever change that. I think I've loved you since we met, but it's changed and evolved you know? We've spent so much time together since that day, I mean we were instant best friends, you like the brother that should've been. Then time took over and things changed. I started looking at you differently, sort of with an adoration, or infatuation I could never quite place. I took me a while to realize that it was love. Then it took me even longer to get over myself, which in turn made me take longer to tell you how I felt.

You said you understood, and it was a long road. You didn't love me as much as I loved you at first. I had to charm, and pull, and coax it out of you day by day. In the end though, it was there and now here we are.

Now on to the other letters in this bundle you're going to read. I want to explain to why they're not as shallow as they seem. What I did was, I took every part of your body and gave you a letter to tell what I love about it.

Now beauty isn't only skin deep of course, but I want to leave the more deep stuff for when our first anniversary does roll around.

Anyway, I digress. I've given you not just skin deep reasons why I love said body parts, but also reasons deep from inside my heart, why I love them. My hope is that after you get through reading this, you'll have a new perspective on that gigantic frame you call a body and how amazing it really is.

I've got a system, because well, you know how I love lists and order and trivial crap like that. I'm going to start at the bottom, and work my way up. I'm doing it this way because I want you to understand the depths of my love for every part of you and not just the ones everyone goes for first. I figure if I start it from the bottom up, there's no way you can deny the full on school girl, trip over my own shoelace up a staircase, love that I have for you.

I can only hope that by the time you reach the last letter you will more than understand, so yeah. I think it's time to end this and get on to the good stuff.

I love you so much Jared and I never want you to doubt that okay? Just don't ever think for even a milisecond that I less than love you with everything I have. Because I love with more than that, I love you with all that I have, all that I am, and all that I ever will be.

Love always and forever
Jensen Ross Ackles
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The reason for this fic is simple. My boys were calling out to me, and this is what I got from them.

So read and enjoy and I hope you end up liking it, or loving it!

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