Status: Slow Active :)

Your Body Is a Wonderland

Your Feet

Your feet are, to put it mildly, huge! Then again they are body proportionate, as the rest of you is just as large, but we'll get there in the other letters.

You have these cute little toes at the end of your long feet and that makes me giggle, yes actually giggle. Underneath they're like these perfect little round circles, like God was molding them out of clay like a child.

They're cracked a little here and there but that's just because of all the running and jumping in those boots we have to wear. But I could care less because I think they're beautiful.

You wanna know one of my most favorite things about them? The times after work, after Cliff has brought us home and we kick our shoes off at the door. Then we go into the living room and you start a fire and we sit, well more like plop, down onto the either end of the couch. We toss our legs up on the couch and we massage each other's feet.

I like to place kisses along the arch of your foot when we do this. It makes this warm fuzzy feeling spread throughout my body to hear you giggle, and tell me that it tickles when I do that. Not because of the movement of my lips but because of my, long girly, eyelashes as you call them.

That's another thing that I love about your feet. There's this spot right in the middle of your arch that is the most sensitive. I know you hate it, but I always massage there for a little longer, just so I can hear those short bursts of laughter fall from your lips.

The other good thing about our foot massages is that it gives us a chance to talk. Sure we talk other times, but this is where we get all of our real talking done. We get our fun, story time, talking done over dinner. We get our work talking done on set. We get our intimate talking out in the bedroom, and we get our morning grumbles and grouchies out at breakfast.

So our foot massages are our serious talks. We get a lot of things out during this time. I get things planned and you bounce ideas off of me on what we should do for the rest of the week. We came up with date night over these massages. We also made the decision to have a cast bonding night while we were on the couch. We've made plans about our future during this time, and we've made plans about our schedules for interviews as well.

It's I think the most perfect time we have. We've gotten so much done during massages, and that makes them even more important to me. Not to mention that even sometimes we've done phone interviews during them, and it makes my life super happy to watch you hold in your giggles while you are on the phone. Even if it does get me one of your trademark grouchy looks.

So to say I love your feet is an understatement. I admire and adore them fully, because they provide a time for us to unwind and just be together.

And for that I will always be forever grateful to the Padalecki feet.

Love always and forever

PS: I'll be signing these with a different name every time ones that mean the most to us, and even ones you call me that I hate, because I love you that much!
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first real chapter out :)

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