Status: Slow Active :)

Your Body Is a Wonderland

Your Legs

Your legs are amazing. Toned and soft at the same time. They are half of your height and I love that. They make me all shivery on the inside, especially when there's a prospect of having them tangled around my waist in the most sinful manner possible.

During our most intimate times I find myself zoning out, watching the hard muscles in your calves twitch under soft skin. Then my eyes travel up to your thighs and it makes me shudder to think of how powerful they are. How they squeeze against my rib cage, when your nose scrunches up, and you cum between our bodies.

Sometimes you have to bring me back out of my 'Jared's legs are amazing' zone. I can hear a faint voice calling me and then I shake my head and I'm looking into those eyes and you're grunting at me to move and then maybe half an hour later we're done.

I'm left to worship the twitching flesh and muscle, placing kisses on it. Nipping it lightly with my teeth is my personal favorite, because you're almost sleep and every time my teeth pull at the skin you're voice is whiny asking me to stop it. But I can't Jay I honestly can't.

You're legs are basically God given gifts. From which ones I don't know, God, Zeus or Adonis. But Ohhh are they fucking wonderful and I'll never get enough of them.

But you know my favorite part about your legs? Is how smooth and soft they are. Not that they make you tower over everyone we know, or that they are strong and well tanned. They're super soft and smooth.

I always wondered if you shaved your legs? Not that it really matters, but I want to know your secret to making me want to nuzzle against the skin there. The skin on the inside of your thigh is especially soft and I'm not entirely sure some of the bruises there weren't my fault.

I could go on about how soft they are, like I could give you pages full of the softest things in the world and they're not as soft as your legs are. Even with all that hard muscle underneath.

So okay remember how I said my most favorite thing about your legs wasn't the fact that they were super long? Well I didn't lie, it's not my most favorite thing, it's just oneof my favorite things.

You are six foot five inches tall of tan skinned, muscle, and gorgeous. Those legs take up half of it and they are just.

Okay so I'm trying not to die here while I'm writing this down for you. As crazy as it seems your legs kinda stir somethin' up in me. Not that the rest of you doesn't, because oh baby does it. But this particular letter is about your Legs and I just want you to know.

That I totally and utterly adore them from ankle to thigh and then some.

always and forever
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda like this one... anyhoo... I was thinking about this quote while writing this

"When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad... I simply remember my favorite things... and then I don't feel... so bad

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