Sequel: Lumos: Year Two
Status: Active, whether you like it or not.

Lumos: Year One


"Ugh, never ask anyone why they're nearly headless again." Lanee laughed after meeting Sir Nicholas for the first time that morning at breakfast. She pushed her eggs around her plate with her fork, she had never been a big eater. She had gotten used to not eating much at home and her stomach grew used to small amounts of food.

"I wanna learn a spell to make stuff explode." Seamus said as he read through his schedule.

"I wanna learn a Patronus, that'll take forever though." Dean shared.

"I wanna set stuff on fire." Lanee said without looking up from her plate. "And it isn't hard to explode things. The tricky part is not dying." Dean couldn't help but burst out laughing as Seamus looked a little nervous.

"I'm sharing a room with Harry Potter." He quickly changed the subject. "Dean, too."

"Oh wow, what's he like? Is he like arrogant or anything?" Lanee asked.

"If you ask me, it's as we know more about what he did than he does." Dean informed her.

"How? He's been famous his entire life!" She exclaimed.

"I think he was raised by Muggles." Seamus added. "It would explain how he has no idea
what he's doing in the wizarding world."

"Well, I still owe a lot to him. Who knows where we'd be without him?"
"It's taught be a ghost?" Lanee asked on her way to her first class, History of Magic.

"Yeah." Seamus replied. "Odd, right?" The two along with Dean ran down the halls quickly, all three of them almost being late to their first class of the year. They entered the room with moments to spare. Seamus and Dean took an empty desk on the left side of the room while Lanee took the last opened seat behind the two girls, one she recongized as the girl she ran into at King Cross Station. She didn't even notice when the black haired girl next to the other in front of her turn around.

"Someone must have taken some pea soup and dumped it on your head, are you aware?" She spoke mockignly. Lanee looked up. What a poor excuse for an insult. It took her a minute to figure out that the girl was making fun of her lime green hair.

"Quite aware, thanks bitch." She replied with ice. The girls eyes widened. Who would have thought a first year even knew such language? And would use it so freely?

"Just who do you think you are?" The girl snapped.

"Lanee. Your name?" She asked plainly.

"Pansy Parkinson."

"Like Parkinsons disease?" Lanee asked. The other girl turned around at this point, most of the class was watching. Pansy's face grew cherry red as some people laughed.

"How dare you compare me to a dirty muggle illness, you abominable bloody creature of dirt!" Pansy snarled.

"That's honestly one of the weirdest things I've ever heard anyone say." She replied truthfully.

"Hey, shut it, you obsolete dingbat." The girl next to Pansy snarled. Lanee shook her head at the pathetic excuse for an insult and looked down at her book. "Hey pea-brain, why don't you say something?" The other girl snarled. Lanee rolled her eyes. Within an instant, she shifted her hair from a lime green to a cherry red. She heard a few people gasp in shock, some awed.

"Not pea-brain anymore." The two girls turned around deafeted. The edges of Lanee's lips curled up into a smile. No one would be messing with her this year.

During roll call, Lanee noted the girl next to Pansy was named Helena. She didn't pay much attention in class. The professor was a ghost, and as much as they fascinated Lanee, he was incredabily boring. She spent the class hour growing and shrinking her nails.

"That was great! At the beginning of class!" Seamus exclaimed after class.

Dean joined them as the began walking down a corrider towards the dungeons, where they shared their next class together, Potions. Lanee was actually quite excited for this class, she loved potion making and actually had quite a knack for it at a young age. At home she could brew up simple potions from her Year One Potion Making book. They entered the dungeon, her sitting next to Seamus with Dean on his other side. Silence fell as the teacher stormed into the room.

She knew right away it was Proffesser Snape. She had heard her father speak of him.
He already seemed quite pissed for it only being the first day of school. He went on about what he could do without a wand and how few students would understand potions. Lanee ignored him, she already didn't like him. He began roll call, her noticing Snape said her name differently, with sort of an angry tone. She ignored it and went back to passing notes with Seamus.

Kind of a creepy bloke isn't he? Seamus wrote.

Very. This is going to be a fun class. I love potions but I just know he doesn't like me.

I've heard of him. He hates anyone who isn't a Slytherin

Your handwriting is cool. Lanee thought his small choppy letters were interesting in comparison to her smooth and long letters.

Thanks. So is yours, you're kinda random, but funny.

Well I get distracted a bit too easily.

"Miss Tonks and Mr. Finnigan? Do you find something humorous you'd like to share?" Snape asked as soon as Seamus smiled and chuckled. Lanee shoved the note into her sock.

"No." Seamus replied. Lanee awkwardly tugged at her ear lobe and bit her lip. Her new ear piercings made it difficult to do so. Snape than instructed the class to get into groups to make their first potion, something to cure boils. Luckily, Lanee had already practiced and successfully brewed it. the boys let her do the work, they had no idea what they were doing. She could tell Snape was impressed, but didn't say anything when he passed her. She was a Gryffindor, he had no interest in her. Not to mention he knew who her parents were.

The rest of the day sailed by. Her, Semaus, and Dean usually sat close when they had classes togther, none of them paying much attention. Back in the common room, she read a little before the two boys began talking to her.

"Can you beleive it, Harry Potter?" Seamus whispered, glacning over at the scar-bearing legend. The three kids still couldn't take in having a famous wizard ten feet from them.

"Quite fascinating, isn't it? To survive the curse?" Lanee added.

"I am surprised he isn't a git. He's really got no idea who he is. I heard he was raised by muggles who kept everything from him." Dean informed them, practically repeating the conversation from breakfast.

"Are all muggles like that?" She asked cursoily. "You know, agianst magic like that?"

"No, no. My mum is a muggle and I live with her." Dean answered. "A lot of muggles are as interested in us as we are them."

"Me dad is a muggle, too. He thinks it pretty cool." Seamus said. "What about you, Lanee?"
"Oh, both my parent are wizards. I'm not pureblood, though. My mom is half, and I'm not too sure about my dad."

"Well who is he? Maybe we've heard of him." Dean asked.

"I don't know who he is, I mean." She lied. The boys hushed away from the subject, they could tell him her tone that she didn't want to pursue the subject. Her hair grew white with the awkward silence. With extremem emotion, her hair would change on it's on. With anger, red and sometimes even a few flames, sad was blue and limp, jealously was a firey green, and awkward and discomfort was white. Of course, only her mother knew of this secret. She didn't want people to know what she was feeling all the time. She noticed Harry Potter looking at her when her hair changed. He awkwardly glanced away back to the ginger and the bushy haired girl she knew was named Hermione.

The following Saturday, the three decided to explore the school grounds. After an hour or so, they found themselves under a large oak tree right along the water front. In the distance, they could see the Forbidden Forrest.

"What do you think is in there?" The boys turned lazily over to see what she was referring to.

"Death." Dean replied, laying back down.

"I've heard some fourth years talking about it. Nothing good, I can tell you that." Seamus said.

"Let's go."

"Are you mad?" Dean said quickly. "Didn't you hear a word we just said?"

"And it's forbidden. Plus I don't want to get expelled my first week." Seamus added.

"But aren't you curious?" She asked as a breeze swept over. The grass tickled her legs. She wore the same outfit she wore on the platform, a black skirt with ripped sections revelaing a colored underlayer, a black and colered stripped shirt, and big boots going up to her knees, except the blue replacing green. Her hair matched.

"Well yeah but I've also got some common sense." Explained Seamus. Lanee rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I'm going. Care to come?" The boys shook their heads as she took off without fear.

"She's mental." Dean shook his head when she had made it some distance away.

"I like her." Seamus smiled.

No one stopped her when she set foot past the first tree. The atomosphere change drastically. It was darker, colder, and dead silent. She stood for a moment then entered. Dead leaves crunched under feet, the only nosie. No birds, no voice, no nothing. A white flash. She whipped her head to see a unicorn speeding off, silver goop dripping from it. She decided to follow it, maybe it would lead her to a herd of unicorns. Maybe she could even get a few hairs, good for selling and good potion ingredients. She followed a path hoove prints and sprinkles of silver.

She followed the trail for about thirty minutes, until she found a signifcant pool of the silver substance. She leaned down to examine it.

"Unicorn blood." A voice whispered. She turned in fright to see horse legs. She gazed up to see the face of a man. "You did this?" He asked, pointing at the pool.

"No, I just-" Lanee tried to explain.

"You horrible demon!" The centuar interuppted. His front legs flew up. Lanee put her arms in front of her face, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her arm as the centuar's hoof slammed onto her. She fell down in terror. Suddenly, the centuar fleed, schreiking in fear. Lanee turned, but saw nothing but a dark forrest.
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If you're curious, Seamus's handwriting is the font 'Chiller' and Lanee's is 'Viner Hand ITC'.