Status: given up on unless people want me to finish

Why Won't You Just Let Me Die!

The Voice

I get into social class after being tormented in the halls by well pretty much everyone. From my style which apparently reminds people of an ugly “my chemical romance” member, my long black hair that is short and spiky in the back long in front, my massive headphones used to block out their insults, and lets not forget my massive 6’11 height and skinny stick like figure. I get to my seat and have the usual treatment by Scott. The rundown of why I should be dead and how he hates me so much straight to my face. The teacher walks in and never bothers to tell Scott to take his seat and even joins in on a few laughs. I close my eyes blocking out the world only having my music with me. The drums start heavy.
“Why not do it?” a mysterious voice that seems to be coming from all around me. The room changes color and appears darker and my music stops.
“Do what? Who‘s there?” I reply blindly into the air. I don’t mind the eyes looking at me like im a psycho because at this point im starting to believe them.
“Good you hear me. I know for sure you are the one that is meant to find me.”
“Meant to find you? And you haven‘t answered my question.”
“The daydream you seen. It wasn‘t a daydream it was written must happen.” it replies to my call
“No it doesn‘t it was just a daydream and written where?”
“Written in me. You want it don‘t you… a second chance?”
“Yes I want a second chance. But that can‘t happen. I either go to heaven or go to hell there is no second chances.” the eyes are still locked on me. The teacher tries to get my attention but all I can hear is the voice.
“There is a way to have a second chance. All you have to do is find me and die but that shouldn‘t be to difficult for you. After all you have tried to kill yourself before.” the voice is a rough deep almost growl.
“No leave me alone.”
“As you wish master call upon me when you feel the time is right.” the room turns back to normal and the teacher voice returns.
“Mr. Fly enough I would like to continue my class. Stay after class I would like you to go to the councillor.”
Well as if me appearing like a manic wasn’t enough now there is another way to be tortured in my life.
The class goes normally having things thrown at me when the teacher isn’t looking and notes passed to me with the words “Killing your self for dummies” written on top. When it starts to get overwhelming the bell echoes. In the halls im punched by Scott and pushed by his friends.
“If you don‘t kill yourself soon we will. ” Scott informs me. His gang of three laugh along. There’s Brock, Steven, and even an old childhood friend of mine named Nick. I have always been able to tell Nick doesn’t like the things he does to me he remembers our past to much to be able to hurt me. Always pulls a punch and misses a push. His eyes are the biggest clue they are full of sadness and remorse of my past.
The drudge on through the day at my locker I see Nick waiting. He notices me and walks up to me his friends aren’t around.
“Listen im sorry for what I did things have changed since we were kids.” Nick tries his best to apologize.
“Whatever things haven‘t changed. you just changed.” I attempt to push him away with words so I can be alone and listen to my music.
“I changed because I had to. We all change something’s we control, something’s are not our fault, and something’s have already been written.” He sounds different and his voice is changing.
“What do you mean something‘s are written?” his face has changed looks evil.
“Meant to be. Its our destiny out of our control.” His voice has changed to the one I heard in class.
“I don‘t know what you mean I control myself. Nothing is meant to be.” the room changes again
“Yes things are the sooner you learn the sooner you can escape.”
“I don’t care I have lived through this long enough I can handle this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes now leave me alone.”
“As you wish master call upon me when you feel the time is right.”
“Dude what are you talking about? What has been written? And what does that even mean?” Nicks voice has returned to its normal self.
“I don‘t know. Just leave me alone.” I put on my headphones turn the metal to the max and get on the bus to go home.
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any improvement suggestions? please tell me well Chao for now